Time for change: LMR

Change Les's user name

  • Total voters
17 June 2009
Chino ;)
No, not from your ctsc to a turbo, but for popular demand. Here it is, the pole. Should les change his name to the God Father. Lets see just how many people including myself think you should.
My spelling is irrelevant. It doesnt change the fact his name should be The Godfather.
Nah not godfather. I don't want to kiss his hand when I see him ;)

Good because I don't want you to kiss my hand either.:tongue:

Does he drink scotch on the rocks?

No, only wine imported from Italy.

no, but he drinks Dos Equis. He is perhaps the most interesting man in the world.


I didn't vote because Jason doesn't know how to spell "Godfather" lol

Or poll.:rolleyes:

LoL you guys are cute and silly together.

Young and silly.:wink:

Turbo killed his brain cells.


In all seriousness I will not change it to that for reasons I will not share on a public forum. But keep the replies coming as there is some funny stuff here.
Got it les, how about SoCalCEO, since the ceo is the exectutive in charge, right below the president which works cause your not the nsx club rep, but really close to it.
How about we change what LMR stands for, instead?

Not Les M. R. but maybe Leads Master Routes or Lead Master Royale? :smile:
Leads many routes? Lord of the drives? :confused: Drive Daddy? Route Master?
Ok, Les wont change it..........to anything else. For fun you guys can bash me and think a name up for me lol.