Video: Integrated white/amber DRL installation (hidden in turn signals)

11 January 2021
Ontario, Canada
Thanks to @centerpunch for this awesome DRL solution, finding the (wipers) ignition-on fuse in the front fuse box to allow easier wiring of DRL.

This video shows installation of LED DRL integrated into the front turn signals. The use of amber/white switchback bulbs allow white DRL with amber turn signals, once the amber filter is removed from the lens assembly:

This particular switchback install includes 4 important features:
  1. The white DRL stay off independently for 2 seconds after each amber blink, for maximal contrast to see the signal during the day. This is much better than the add-on ribbon LED DRL's that make it very difficult to see the front signals (that drive me crazy on NSX drives) I want people to see my signal in their rear-view when I pull out to pass.
  2. An integrated resistor increases the current during signal operation, avoiding hyper-flash or having to change the OEM turn signal relay.
  3. Avoids the monster Canadian market DRL's that block the AC inlets. (Also NLA.)
  4. As @DRIFTER and the late GoldNSX noted, removing the orange filter also improves the look of the vehicle while parked, as the amber filter is no longer partially visible:

@centerpunch original thread:

Side note, Motorcycle style front and rear DRL is also fairly easy to effect:
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