
10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
saw it, enjoyed it. stunning visuals. interesting story on several levels. was missing "the usual" pixar trailer after the credits.
Going today, looks like another great pixar movie.

***Edit*** Saw the movie and loved it. Very recommended!!
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Ya know I miss Pixars pre-movie short cartoon vids. Anyone remember those?

wall*e had a pretty neat pre-movie cartoon... and iirc, so have each of the others, though i may be corrected. there were no post-credit bloopers / clips w/wall*e :(

steve, john, et al, if you're listening, we'd like 'em back, please :)

recently i read "the pixar touch", enjoyed it and found the company history / background interesting.
The wife took the kids to see it today, said they were pretty bored and that there wasn't enough to keep them interested during the first 15 minutes and too many messages intended for adults.

I'll pick it up on BluRay when it's released... I usually like Pixar stuff and my son's favorite movie is Cars, so I was hoping for another big hit with the kids. Oh well, not that important for them to like movies anyway, they don't get to watch a lot of TV.
The wife took the kids to see it today, said they were pretty bored and that there wasn't enough to keep them interested during the first 15 minutes and too many messages intended for adults.

This is WAY too common in cartoons now-a-days. I can't sit my kid down to watch a flick w/o getting bombarded by some political ajenda. So much for entertainment for entertainment's sake...

That may be why I enjoy "bad" movies more than other people (such as "Redline" or cheesey martial arts movies)... no ulterior motives or implied politics.


BTW... i haven't seen (or even HEARD of this movie)... but I have a valid excuse for the next month or so).
I just saw it an hour ago. Extremely disappointing :frown:
It was hands down the worst Disney/Pixar Movie to date. (And yes I've seen them all and loved them)
It was cute but there wasn't any dialog for almost an hour:confused: I honestly think I could've written the script.

The thing that ruined it most for me was the "green message" that seems so prevalent these days. Even "The Happening" was based around hurting the earth/global warming. I honestly think some rich guy paid them off to make this green propaganda movie. It was so uncharacteristic of a Disney/Pixar film and sticks out amongst their other previous movies like a sore thumb. Its not clever enough for adult viewers and not entertaining enough for the children. See Kung Fu Panda instead.

However, the pixar short movie in the beginning was absolutely fantastic.
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Took the family yesterday and enjoyed it. My daughter (6 year old) cracked up in quite a few parts. I'm the least "green" person I know and even I liked the social commentary aspect - which goes deeper than just environmentalism.

One of the better Pixar films.
Ya know I miss Pixars pre-movie short cartoon vids. Anyone remember those?




also available in blu-ray
My wife and I watched it this weekend and loved it.

A lot of the themes may have flown over the head of some kids, that's for sure. I loved the fact that the first 30-45 minutes didn't have any dialogue and that the emotions were conveyed through expressions and actions, great!

The references to 2001: A Space Odyssey where fun bonuses!!

At the end of the day it was a really great cutesy love story with a number of laughs.
I went to see it last week and by the end there wasn't a child in that theatre awake, I swear. The adults on the other hand were almost all raving about it.

I read somewhere that the rendering used 90Tb of storage :eek: and would have taken something like years to render if only one line were rendered at a time.
I'm a huge Pixar fan (not to mention that I used to be an animator), but have to say I was disappointed with Wall-e. Loved the first half, lost interest during the second. Not sure if I'd consider it Pixar's worse film (didn't like A Bug's Life either), but it was probably the most disappointing given how much I loved the Wall-e character. My wife felt the same way.

As always, the quality of animation and rendering is top notch. That said, I wasn't crazy about Wall-e's human characters...and what was the deal with the live action segments? Did not work.

Ya know I miss Pixars pre-movie short cartoon vids. Anyone remember those?

Uh...did you miss Presto?
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While watching the movie, I mourned the fact that I won't be around in 700 years. Just imagining the wonders that will be discovered in the future (what will be the new ipod, the new interent, the new food, the new transportation, the new scientific discoveries, etc?) made me wish I could live on.

Then I sat back and thought, energy crisis, overpopulation, crime and realized that "the best is yet to come" isn't really true.

The "best" is right now! Being with the people I love now is as good as it gets. :smile: wall*e helped me remember that. :smile:
took the kids the other day..It was the first movie my 3 year old girl didn't fall asleep half way through...BTW, she is only 2 when we go to the movies:wink: lol.... It was ok, not bad not great...I can't believe the fat people aren't protesting this movie though:eek: the message I got more then anything was that if you are lazy you are fat...Pretty weird for a kids movie to show that in an over the top kinda way..