Where is the standard release point on the NSX clutch?

4 June 2001
St. Louis Park, MN, USA
I test drove a 91 NSX last week and noticed that the release point on the clutch was very high, in other words I had to let off the clutch almost all the way until the drive engaged. My Nissan 300Z has a much lower release point, which I prefer. Are all NSX's set this way? Is this adjustable? Does it affect the wear on the clutch?

I love this web site!!
I think most NSX's engage fairly high.
Someone had a discussion about it being adjustable or not..I just dont remember who or when.
Forum's Nazi!! Where are you??
My new 2000 grabs about half way up, possibly slightly lower. I was concerned about this before buying an NSX because I had driven several pre-owned and found them to be a little too high for my liking. One, '99, with only 2500 miles grabed extremely high and shuddered like crazy. This car was a lease return and I think it was either driven real hard or real stupid.

I love the clutch in my car and hope to keep it that way for a long time. The clutch on my '93 300zx TT with 43,000 miles is smooth and grabs about the same as the NSX (I have adjusted the peddal rod once in the ZX about 2 years ago). Comes from driving like you know what it costs to replace a clutch.

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