Why can I not update or reply to my classified ad?

If you are reducing the price, you can bump the ad with a new reply that lowers the price, regardless of whether 30 days have passed.

Please resubmit your reply with lower price or PM one of the marketplace moderators and we can edit your ad for you.
kgb_agent said:
OK, fair enough...but can you reduce the price w/o a bump? :smile:

Sure you can. Go to the first post and edit it.

brahtw8 said:
If you are reducing the price, you can bump the ad with a new reply that lowers the price, regardless of whether 30 days have passed.

Please resubmit your reply with lower price or PM one of the marketplace moderators and we can edit your ad for you.

Significant reduction in the price, not just a reduction.
Are you referreing to your ad, which is about 9 days old, found here?.
[Significant reduction in the price, not just a reduction.

Yes. I thought that was understood, but I could have been more clear.

I don't know if there is a bright line rule, but it should be a 'legitimate' price reduction, not a price reduction that appears to exist simply to bump the ad . . .