Why Rough Idle after Battery Disconnect?

30 September 2000
valrico, fl
Rough idle after pulling the battery to do some work. I've had this previously. Anyone else have this? Seems like the last time the idle was rough for several days. Why?
because the ECU is going back to its factory settings. (RPM, TPS, opening times) It will have to learn from the O2 sensors if it's running rich or poor. Then it will learn its new and better settings regarding opening time of the injectors (=the amount of injected fuel).
I take for granted that the NSX-fuelcomputer is self-learing, correct me if I'm wrong...
Bart Geerts said:
because the ECU is going back to its factory settings. (RPM, TPS, opening times) It will have to learn from the O2 sensors if it's running rich or poor. Then it will learn its new and better settings regarding opening time of the injectors (=the amount of injected fuel).
I take for granted that the NSX-fuelcomputer is self-learing, correct me if I'm wrong...
Im pretty sure this is correct.