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Oppose SB6900 - Annual Vehicle Engine Displacement Tab Fees

6 September 2001
Linked from Audi and Ferrari Chat.


For those that haven't been paying attention to the news- everything happening in Olympia this last short session has been about screwing motorists over. From speed cameras, to car tabs, to HOT lanes, to tolls for new bridges that don't exist, hell I even read some legislator wants to seize and sell cars for picking up a prostitute. LOL.

Activism works, and their is an online form you can fill out to e-mail your legislator and tell them to quit stealing right out of your pocket everytime you turn around.

The form sells itself, especially given that we are already the 4th highest taxed state in the nation. You would have to be living under a rock to not realize that the situation is dire and getting worse by the day.

Due to 30+ years of the special interest hippie liberal micro-management BS our region has to show for it.. the poorest infrastructure, the highest inflation, artificial congestion pricing, eroding civil liberties such as with privacy/land use/zoning regulations, ever expanding taxation, etc... which will all continue until the utter incompetency, corruption, and gross mis-management is forcefully weeded out of the state, county, and local levels with a fundamental philosophical change of management.

All I am saying is that at $225+ per year per NSX on top of whatever you are already paying... might be worth the quick mail...

(echoing post on ferrarichat)

Ladies & Gentlemen, I, propose that we invetigate what it takes to set up organize a political action committee to represent us when this type of legislation comes up, where we don't find out after the fact but can work intelligently and effictively for/against them.

I've never taken on such an endeavor, but I've recently become much more passionate about politics in general and the fact that we increasingly see non-sensical legislature, taxes and money spent that are counter-productive to the advacement of our society... is disturbing (ok, I may not have provided a rational, facts-based argument, but I am trying to be "inspirational" so like other politicians, I don't need to back up my arguments.... only to motivate the "mob")

All kidding aside, who's with me?
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In that case I nominate Paul to champion this effort for us.
