What do you do for a living? (just networking)

23 January 2010
Jasper, Ga
I work for a large re-roofing company located in Kennesaw. We have offices in Columbia and Greenville, South Carolina and Huntsville, Alabama if you have homes/business in those areas too.

Whether you need a roof replaced or just inspected please give me a call.

Thank you,
Tim Whitney
<~~ Manager at the Home Depot.
Manufacturing Engineer for Philips Home healthcare Solutions (formerly Respironics, formerly Healthdyne) in Kennesaw

Beekeeper on the side
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Senior TPS Report Specialist. Great at justifying value to fortune 500 clients on why they should pay $500/hr for consulting services. I quit last week after 10 years. Need more work/life balance with my new baby girl.
Retired 4 years ago and spending the time with the family.
Thanks, I've got one more cake class to take and I'll have my associates, then I can start getting a package together for ROTC to finish up the last 2 years of classes.

Emergency physician. Used to be an O-1 in Navy as well & worked way up to O-4 before I had enough & escaped to civilian life. Now (of course) I miss it. Good luck on your transition (the world needs more 'Mustangs' - Navy Mustangs)
Senior TPS Report Specialist. Great at justifying value to fortune 500 clients on why they should pay $500/hr for consulting services. I quit last week after 10 years. Need more work/life balance with my new baby girl.


Congrats on your new daughter and on making the adjustment. I had just started to let work become my focus when I met my wife. Dialed things back into perspective right quick.

I am the lead technical artist at small video game development studio that formed over a year ago.
Owner of a software development firm that produces data mining, analysis and automation applications for online marketing.
Full time mechanical engineering technologies student. Also work full time as a CNC programmer/operator, manual machinist, welder and sheet metal fabricator in a research machine shop.
Assets Protection Manager for Target Corporation.
Vehicular Replacement Specialist

aka Valet Parking (For hotels, restaurants, clubs and residence)

Also just started an indoor car storage (long term safe secured storage)