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Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

I thought the same thing Vegas...32 degrees...

But yes, he is correct, water does change at 33 degrees.

So are you actually saying you can maintain ice at 32.9 degrees? Wow.

I'll bet you $1,000 that if you took water, froze it into ice, then put it into a room held exactly at 32.5 F, that over time, it will have melted into water.

Look at it this way. The natural state of water on this planet is liquid water. You must cool it to a temperature 32 F to make it change state and freeze. You must maintain a temperature of 32 F to keep it frozen. The second you can't maintain that freezing temperature (32 F), it will begin to revert back to its natural state and melt.
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So are you actually saying you can maintain ice at 32.9 degrees? Wow.

I'll bet you $1,000 that if you took water, froze it into ice, then put it into a room held exactly at 32.5 F, that over time, it will have melted into water.

Look at it this way. The natural state of water on this planet is water. You must cool it to a temperature 32 F to make it change state and freeze. You must maintain a temperature of 32 F to keep it frozen. The second you can't maintain that freezing temperature (32 F), it will begin to revert back to its natural state and melt.

Wow... really?? Did Vega$ really need to explain it AGAIN? C'mon people.
So, water freezes at 32 degrees (based on a scale that some 18th century Dutchman devised), which is kind of close to 33, and therefore... ALIENS!!!!

It's hard to argue with that logic...
So, water freezes at 32 degrees (based on a scale that some 18th century Dutchman devised), which is kind of close to 33, and therefore... ALIENS!!!!

It's hard to argue with that logic...

bwhahah that was pretty funny.....

where did this argument come from about when and where water freezes? I think I missed something..... and btw, who cares?!
bwhahah that was pretty funny.....

where did this argument come from about when and where water freezes? I think I missed something..... and btw, who cares?!

Apparently the number 33 is supposed to have some sort of special qualities to it. In the explanation of the significance of the number 33:

Water, the basic bluiding block of life, transforms at 33 degrees.

Huh? :confused: If you are talking about the freezing point, that occurs at 32 degrees.

Are you sure your not stretching the laws of science and physics to meet your numerology?

Freezes at 32 degrees.

Thaws at 33 degrees.

Sorry, that's incorrect. It thaws more like at 32.00000000001 degrees. If you understand the properties of water, the change of state is instantaneous. Meaning the absolute instant water is not held at 32 degrees, it will begin to melt, it doesn't stay frozen up to 33 degrees. Are you suggesting that if I froze ice first, I could keep it frozen at 32.8 degrees? If so, let's get into the refrigerator business together because we could make millions!

Perfect exaple of how Major Stoner looks at things alot differently than most of us.

I thought the same thing Vegas...32 degrees...

But yes, he is correct, water does change at 33 degrees.

So are you actually saying you can maintain ice at 32.9 degrees? Wow.

I'll bet you $1,000 that if you took water, froze it into ice, then put it into a room held exactly at 32.5 F, that over time, it will have melted into water.

Look at it this way. The natural state of water on this planet is liquid water. You must cool it to a temperature 32 F to make it change state and freeze. You must maintain a temperature of 32 F to keep it frozen. The second you can't maintain that freezing temperature (32 F), it will begin to revert back to its natural state and melt.

Wow... really?? Did Vega$ really need to explain it AGAIN? C'mon people.

To which I LOL'd. A lot.
Apparently the number 33 is supposed to have some sort of special qualities to it.

Let's make a couple assumptions:

1. The number "33" is significant.
2. Something happens to water at 33 degrees.

To that I would still say: So what? The Fahrenheit scale is just about completely arbitrary, and based off of 18th century measurements of the freezing point of a concoction of salts and waters. The increment between degrees is arbitrary. The number 32 or 33 is just a happenstance of the way Fahrenheit set it up back in the early 1700s. It is completely irrelevant to the more widely used Celsius and Kelvin scales.

I could make a new temperature scale and assign the freezing point of water to be 3.1415926536, which would probably thrill the conspiracyists but still have pretty much no meaning whatsoever.
Let's make a couple assumptions:

1. The number "33" is significant.
2. Something happens to water at 33 degrees.

To that I would still say: So what? The Fahrenheit scale is just about completely arbitrary, and based off of 18th century measurements of the freezing point of a concoction of salts and waters. The increment between degrees is arbitrary. The number 32 or 33 is just a happenstance of the way Fahrenheit set it up back in the early 1700s. It is completely irrelevant to the more widely used Celsius and Kelvin scales.

I could make a new temperature scale and assign the freezing point of water to be 3.1415926536, which would probably thrill the conspiracyists but still have pretty much no meaning whatsoever.

Well (as your stalker) you obviously know that I was thinking the exact same thing already and completely agree. I thought about bringing up the insignificance of the numerology of things like dollars, temperatures, inches etc. since they are all completely arbitrary labels to describe a conceptual thing. But I decided to keep it down to the most simple and basic argument on something as simple the freezing/melting point as water. But as you can see, I couldn’t even get past most basic of fundamental without argument. If I can’t even turn over that pebble, then I had no hope in flipping over that mountain.
It's just amazing that the freezing point of water in degrees Celsius is *exactly* zero. I mean, that can't be a coincidence...

well its hard to say - is the thermal numbering scheme a human construct? Or is it universal... meaning do aliens use the same scale?

Notice that the freezing point for water is 0C and the boiling point is 100C... F is just us Americans trying to be different and refusing to use the European system.. I prefer metric / Celsius vs the imperial scale.

31.0F = -0.05555555555555635 Celsius ....interesting..
So then , technically speaking, water thaws at 32 degrees.

Actually, technically speaking water freezes at 32 degrees. The split second the temperature rises above 32 degrees, like 32.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 degrees, it begins to melt.

Although this is all somewhat theoretical because this is all dependent on perfect uniform temperatures, pefectly pure water, atmopheric pressures etc. and when you start breaking it down into a sub-atomic level then there are a whole new set of phyical conditions.
well its hard to say - is the thermal numbering scheme a human construct? Or is it universal... meaning do aliens use the same scale?

There's a genuinely interesting question. This was tackled by the folks putting the plaques on the Pioneer and Voyager probes, and the SETI folk who sent out messages from Arecibo. What is universal, and what is strictly human?

In terms of temperature, there seems (to me) to be only one obvious "zero", and that would be absolute zero, the point where all molecular activity ceases. Any degrees beyond that are arbitrarily human constructs. Water, for example, freezes at 273.15 K -- aside from the scale, this also assumes a certain atmospheric pressure, which would almost certainly be different on any alien world.

It's safe to say that any number in any scale beyond absolute zero would be completely meaningless to an alien civilization.
Notice that the freezing point for water is 0C and the boiling point is 100C... F is just us Americans trying to be different and refusing to use the European system.. I prefer metric / Celsius vs the imperial scale.

What? Are you serious? The Fahenheight scale was developed and used in Europe. It was one of many European systems. In fact it was created well before American was even created. Where are people getting these ideas about temperatures? :confused:


Proponents of intelligent design look for evidence of what they term "signs of intelligence": physical properties of an object that point to a designer.

So Ski - let's jump right to it.....what life altering experience have you had recently that's sparked all of your curiousity and search for the "higher being"? A near death experience? You seem to have had a recent revelation....:confused:

Intelligent design is one of humanity's greatest LOL ironies. Some of you will know what I mean by this.
So Ski - let's jump right to it.....what life altering experience have you had recently that's sparked all of your curiousity and search for the "higher being"? A near death experience? You seem to have had a recent revelation....:confused:

I appreciate your candor -- the world needs more of it these days.

I have been unequivocally touched by the hand of God. He and His Holy Spirits have always been guiding my thoughts and actions (yours too, actually) but only recently has this been brought to my conscious attention. It may seem odd that He would tap a wall streeter for His purpose, but the fact is, I have a Good heart (re-read ALL of my old posts and you will see this) and that's what counts. Sound ridiculous? I would've thought so too until very recently. Am i "lucky"? No, not really. Only if viewed through the lens of mankind's ego am I lucky. But I am utterly indifferent to this. Think this is some b/s joke? Only a true atheist would dare tempt God with such blasphemous deceit (and I've made my opinion of atheists crystal clear). Therefore, I am either a friendly nutcase at which you may laugh, or I am someone special. You can form, and reform, your opinion as time progresses.

Be Good and God bless. :smile:
Alrighty...speaking from personal experience....a good friend of mine died years back in a horrific accident which had a dramatic effect on my beliefs and the rest of my life.....Did you just wake up one day and have a realization or was there a trigger? Just curious...you don't have to answer if you don't want to. :smile: Danny

I appreciate your candor -- the world needs more of it these days.

I have been unequivocally touched by the hand of God. He and His Holy Spirits have always been guiding my thoughts and actions (yours too, actually) but only recently has this been brought to my conscious attention. It may seem odd that He would tap a wall streeter for His purpose, but the fact is, I have a Good heart (re-read ALL of my old posts and you will see this) and that's what counts. Sound ridiculous? I would've thought so too until very recently. Am i "lucky"? No, not really. Only if viewed through the lens of mankind's ego am I lucky. But I am utterly indifferent to this. Think this is some b/s joke? Only a true atheist would dare tempt God with such blasphemous deceit (and I've made my opinion of atheists crystal clear). Therefore, I am either a friendly nutcase at which you may laugh, or I am someone special. You can form, and reform, your opinion as time progresses.

Be Good and God bless. :smile:
Alrighty...speaking from personal experience....a good friend of mine died years back in a horrific accident which had a dramatic effect on my beliefs and the rest of my life.....Did you just wake up one day and have a realization or was there a trigger? Just curious...you don't have to answer if you don't want to. :smile: Danny

As difficult as it is to understand in the moment, you should always remember that "bad" things (death usually) do happen to good people. It's all part of His Plan. It's not a reflection of that person's character in this world. Just like me, and my passion for NSXs, and my posting on NSX Prime -- all part of His Plan. This may seem like just a silly auto forum, but there is a reason I am here.

(and you too!) :smile:
Ok, but I think Danny's question still remains unanswered. Or at least to us simple carbon based life forms, who may not be able to comprehend your answer.

Did some event happen recently that has sparked this change in behaviour (in relative reference to all of your 2,000+ previous posts)? If so, in earthly and tangible layman terminology, can you explain what it is? Did some religious person take you on a retreat and just lay some heavy bible into you?
Ok, but I think Danny's question still remains unanswered. Or at least to us simple carbon based life forms, who may not be able to comprehend your answer.

Did some event happen recently that has sparked this change in behaviour (in relative reference to all of your 2,000+ previous posts)? If so, in earthly and tangible layman terminology, can you explain what it is? Did some religious person take you on a retreat and just lay some heavy bible into you?

At some point I will be better able to explain things, but not now. I've written all that matters anyway -- yes, something(s) occurred recently that has marked the "conscious" change in my posting behaviour.

(This response will make great ammo for all that *want* to believe that I am a nutcase, and I am ok with that.)

"Perfect exaple of how Major Stoner looks at things alot differently than most of us.

I thought the same thing Vegas...32 degrees...

But yes, he is correct, water does change at 33 degrees."

So are you actually saying you can maintain ice at 32.9 degrees? Wow.

I'll bet you $1,000 that if you took water, froze it into ice, then put it into a room held exactly at 32.5 F, that over time, it will have melted into water.

Look at it this way. The natural state of water on this planet is liquid water. You must cool it to a temperature 32 F to make it change state and freeze. You must maintain a temperature of 32 F to keep it frozen. The second you can't maintain that freezing temperature (32 F), it will begin to revert back to its natural state and melt.

Wow... really?? Did Vega$ really need to explain it AGAIN? C'mon people.

My point was not at what point water freezes or thaws.

*It was the point that Major Stoner looks at things other ways than what is the norm.*

Most people when they hear(as I did) "Water changes at 33 degrees" think, No, it freezes at 32 degrees.

I am really not intrested in what temprature water freezes.


I was just trying to enjoy the thread, and now I get jumped on that I dont know the exact temprature water freezes at.
