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Memorial Day

11 February 2000
Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
How will you spend Memorial Day?

I start the day having my Scout Band perform for about 3,000 Boy Scouts and dignitaries including congresswoman Jackie Speier while they place flags on 116,000 graves at the Golden Gate National Cemetery.

If you get a chance, honor a veteran or an acting member of the armed services.
How will you spend Memorial Day?

I start the day having my Scout Band perform for about 3,000 Boy Scouts and dignitaries including congresswoman Jackie Speier while they place flags on 116,000 graves at the Golden Gate National Cemetery.

If you get a chance, honor a veteran or an acting member of the armed services.
what a wonderful day to begin the day, ken ... good for you (and the kids).

on memorial day, i often think about the people i served with over the years. i always make a point of emailing my dad, a WWII vet, and mentioning the holiday to him.

thx for the reminder that it's not just about recreation.
Probably hang out around the pool. Any actual memorials we might be interested in are thousands of miles away.
just hanging out at the pool. Sunday is the day that i'm looking forward to .. Monaco GP!
work. :frown:
Golf ... Hopefully.
This will be an odd Memorial Day for me. I will spend this memorial day weekend building out my back patio. We are installing a new pad assembled from paver stones, and a new pergola. REALLY hoping to be done by Monday.

I used to always travel back home to PA to attend the local parade in my hometown- my Grandfather James walked in every one until his death, at which time my Uncle Jim walked in his place. Unfortunately, with the passing of my Grandmother last year we no longer have a homestead to return to, so no picnic this year.
I will miss it, but I will not miss out on thanking my Father (US Army), My Uncle J.I. (US Army) My Uncle Don (US Airforce), Uncle Jim (USMC Rotary Pilot Vietnam) my Brother In Law Clayton (US Army Iraq) and Brother In Law Jessie (US Army Afghanistan) along with my Stepfather (US Airforce Vietnam) along with both of my Grandfathers James (US Army WWII Philippines) and Salvatore (US Army Medical Corps WWII France) for their service.

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I celebrated it a week early with my brother in law.......

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I celebrated it a week early with my brother in law.......

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congrats and thanks to your brother-in-law and his family, bob.
I used to always travel back home to PA to attend the local parade in my hometown- my Grandfather James walked in every one until his death, at which time my Uncle Jim walked in his place. Unfortunately, with the passing of my Grandmother last year we no longer have a homestead to return to, so no picnic this year.
I will miss it, but I will not miss out on thanking my Father (US Army), My Uncle J.I. (US Army) My Uncle Don (US Airforce), Uncle Jim (USMC Rotary Pilot Vietnam) my Brother In Law Clayton (US Army Iraq) and Brother In Law Jessie (US Army Afghanistan) along with my Stepfather (US Airforce Vietnam) along with both of my Grandfathers James (US Army WWII Philippines) and Salvatore (US Army Medical Corps WWII France) for their service.

wow - that's quite a commitment your family has made. interesting how military service is in the dna of some families.
I'm a borough official in my town and we will be marching with the mayor and others in the annual parade. Then lay a wreath at Memorial Rock which honors our soldiers. Followed by lunch at the borough hall, softball game against the LEOs and a dip in the pool to cool down. Maybe cigar and a cognac out on the deck in the evening. :biggrin:
(will really miss the dog this year) :frown:
Will go to the cemetary with some siblings where my Father is buried (along with my Mom) as he served in the Navy durinng WWII in the Pacific. Then have a BBQ.
I'm a borough official in my town and we will be marching with the mayor and others in the annual parade. Then lay a wreath at Memorial Rock which honors our soldiers. Followed by lunch at the borough hall, softball game against the LEOs and a dip in the pool to cool down. Maybe cigar and a cognac out on the deck in the evening. :biggrin:

(will really miss the dog this year) :frown:
that sounds like quite an old-time memorial day event, very cool.

as for missing your animal companion ... i understand completely :frown:
I put the flag up shortly after sunrise.
I get teary eyed at the playing of Taps at the Indianapolis 500.
I say extra prayers for those who have lost their lives in the service.

By the grace of God, my grandfather (Italian Army) in WWI, uncles in WWII and Korea, cousins in Vietnam and beyond, neices and nephews since the GWI have all come home safely.

I have lost friends and the sons and daughters of friends in the last 10 years, and do my best to remember them.

Passline, I think you can remember Clay at this time as he is worthy this day.

They did a story with my grandpa on the news last night in Denver. Here is the link in case the video doesn't work. http://www.9news.com/news/local/art...ce-WWII?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

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WESTMINSTER - It's been nearly 67 years since Westminster resident Donald Allen stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. He was part of the Allied effort to liberate Western Europe from the forces of Adolf Hitler.

This week, he'll go back to those same beaches for the first time since D-Day. It's not that he has ever forgotten, but there is something, he says, to being on that sand again to reflect on what happened then, and life since then.

In 1942, war was raging in Europe and in the Pacific. Allen had just graduated from high school.

"All the guys my age, 18 or 17, were all eager to go smash Hitler I guess, and the Japanese," he said.

Allen enlisted in the Army and before he knew it, he was half a world away in England, preparing for one of the largest military operations in modern history: D-Day, June 6, 1944.

"This time they said you aren't fooling around. You're going," he said. "All the ships ... I never saw so many ships in my life, and they were all loaded with GIs."

Allen was to command an armored vehicle into German-held territory, but his landing craft never made it to beach.

"They dumped us so far out that I lost my half-track and it sunk. I had to swim ashore," Allen said. "The beachmaster came over and kicked me to make sure I was still alive and I said 'Yeah, I am.'"

Allen said many of his friends weren't as fortunate.

"Sometimes you wonder how you even made it, with all the bullets and everything flying," he said.

He said he had to maneuver through a beach covered in servicemen who had been cut down by enemy fire just to get to a vehicle that would eventually take him to a safe location.

"It was different, it really was," Allen said. "And you're scared. You try not to be, but you're scared."

But that fear is something Allen hopes to leave behind as he boards an airplane with other World War II vets this week and heads to Europe. The highlight of the trip will be a stop in Normandy, at Omaha Beach.

"We were there and I just want to see how much different it is, or if it is different," Allen said.

Allen said there's a good chance the locals will recognize him as a hero

"They honor you and they kiss you and they hug you," he said.

But, he said that's not why he's coming back.

"I'm not trying to be a hero," he said. "I was no hero."

Instead, Allen said it's the opportunity to spend some time with fellow soldiers and friends that he last saw 67 years ago.

"I think, my God ... all those guys there. I'll spend some time contemplating I guess. I was just a scared kid, so were half the guys that were there," Allen said.

Allen was a Tech Sergeant in the Army. He also fought in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. It was Hitler's last offensive against the Allied forces - 81,000 Americans were killed. Allen said he went back to that battlefield with a group of veterans several years ago.
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I spent the day with my wife at the American Cemetery at Normandy.

Paying our respects.
Up @ 0800am work on the prelude til 5pm removing and drilling and cleaning the EGR ports. Broke two drill bit inside the port, cuss and swear left and right. Change fuel filter. Fixsway bar end link bushing. Drove to lowes and auto pars for more carb cleaner, 4 total. Crazy day so tired. Hopefully the lude can see pass 20mpg issue.
It's nice to see that the real reason for the Memorial Day weekend is not lost on many of us.
it's not, ken.

our family lost people in WWII and a number of us have served since that time and i'm sure we all remember our grandparents / parents / aunts / uncles faces as they spoke of losing their son and brothers ... they were all so terribly sad and the look in their eyes was always so pained and distant.
They did a story with my grandpa on the news last night in Denver ...

"They dumped us so far out that I lost my half-track and it sunk. I had to swim ashore," Allen said. "The beachmaster came over and kicked me to make sure I was still alive and I said 'Yeah, I am.'

Allen said many of his friends weren't as fortunate.

"Sometimes you wonder how you even made it, with all the bullets and everything flying," he said.

next time you talk with grandpa, please relay our respect and regards.
