Phone call from purportedly an IRS agent!? Please advice ...

25 October 2001
Northern California
Got a call today from purportedly and IRS agent saying if I do not call them back at 301 358 0776 then I could be subject to punitive damages from IRS! The area code is West Maryland.

Huh ... I told the guy this is the first phone call ever that I received from IRS not knowing for what or why? And was he really the IRS? He with accent said what is it that I don't understand being told he is from IRS?! When I started questioning him he hang up. A second try he answered with "Hallo" only and hang up.

I would appreciate if others are receiving such phone calls. Doesn't IRS need to establish written/paper communication? Can I assume that this was not the real IRS and let it be?

Thank you.
yes IRS is way too understaffed to be calling folks...scamoliciousness....
Thanks; quite helpful info as:

"Note that the IRS will never: 1) call to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill; 2) demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe; 3) require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card; 4) ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone; or 5) threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying."


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[TD]You receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS but you suspect they are not an IRS employee ...[/TD]
  1. Record the employee's name, badge number, call back number and caller ID if available.
  2. Call 1-800-366-4484 to determine if the caller is an IRS employee with a legitimate need to contact you.
    • If the person calling you is an IRS employee, call them back.
    • If not, report the incident to TIGTA and to us at [email protected] (Subject: 'IRS Phone Scam')
Absolutely a scam, the IRS will not call you. My mother received the indentical call a couple of months before she passed away. I had all I could do to keep her calm regarding this. Plenty of info on the web about this scam, ultimatley, I was able to convince her she wouldn't end up in jail.
I received a call like this on my answering machine. I knew it was fake when it said, "This is the IRS, and we are going to sue you. Please call us back to avoid being sued etc".

The terminology and feel of the call had fake written all over it. Plus, they wouldn't call, they would write. They're fishing for suckers to hand out credit card information over the phone...
I got sued by the IRS and lost. I now pay roughly 30% of my income every year to them. The funny thing is I don't recall ever going trial or having a judgement against me.
lol vegas are you drink-en and posting.....:biggrin:
I got sued by the IRS and lost. I now pay roughly 30% of my income every year to them. The funny thing is I don't recall ever going trial or having a judgement against me.

Ha. I've never been sued by them, they just take my money whenever they wish.
I have a buddy in the process of getting his citizenship and rec'd a call from the "IRS" a few days ago. Asked him if he ever sent money to Brazil and, if so, that it was illegal and authorities were being routed to his location to arrest him. He thought it may be a scam but it rattled him nonetheless. He called his attorney, his accountant, and the local police.

We got a message on voicemail saying they were going to sue me too. Still waiting for the summons.

Whomever is doing this, I'd like to kick them in the nuts. Repeatedly. And another time after that. Plus another.
OF COURSE this is a scam. The IRS uses USPS, not phones.

I get calls like this about once a month (there was a lull this summer after a bunch of high-profile convictions); they just keep on popping up because it's so cheap to cold-call an entire area code and use CLEC-based numbers to call from.
A few times, when the call-back number was traceable, I sent it to the authorities, but of course I never heard back from either party.
Your phone is no different from your e-mail. You WILL be phished, regardless of the law. The payback from even one hit more than pays the bills.
My wife got a call at home from an "IRS" agent. He left his number. I called him back and got him to give me his name. I asked if he was calling from the Tampa office. He said yes. I told him I was an IRS agent in the Tampa IRS office as well. He hung up. I do not work for the IRS. I don't get those calls anymore. Jerry
I receive a call every once in a while from the "IRS", it's always someone with a strong accent. I know several elderly people that actually fell for the scam. It's a shame
My friend and I were having breakfast yesterday - he had same experience.
He contacted the IRS - and as others have mentioned - they don't call - they send letters.
I think the next step is they just take what they want (if you have it), or the black suit is at your door.

I feel bad for old folks - my father-in-law was always getting pounded with BS calls.
Yep, all taxes are theft, and every dime goes to lazy welfare queens.

...and all roads, bridges and airports, as well as courts, police and fire departments, not to mention schools, are built from fairy dust.
I got sued by the IRS and lost. I now pay roughly 30% of my income every year to them. The funny thing is I don't recall ever going trial or having a judgement against me.

That's my point.. they're called taxes. :smile:

Yep, all taxes are theft, and every dime goes to lazy welfare queens.

...and all roads, bridges and airports, as well as courts, police and fire departments, not to mention schools, are built from fairy dust.

"I'm forced to pay taxes" translates to "interpreted disdain and implied superiority over assumed recipients and use of said taxes." Hmmmm... don't seem to see where I talk about how my tax dollars are used, where they go, or even if it's good or bad. Wow... perhaps you should lay off some of that fairy dust...

But bonus points to you for weaving in your socialist agenda to a post that had absolutely zero social commentary. Kudos to you! That's a great skill you have. But seriously, lay off the fairy dust. :smile:
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I don't know. Still not convinced.... :wink:

But bonus points to you for weaving in your socialist agenda to a post that had absolutely zero social commentary. Kudos to you! That's a great skill you have.
That's funny, because you did the exact same thing, from the opposite end of the political spectrum. And you did it first, before his reply. Pot, meet kettle. :biggrin:
Umm, I'm hoping you can tell the difference between social agenda and sarcastic humor... Here's the giveaway, I don't "really" think I got sued by the IRS and lost.... :wink:
Umm, I'm hoping you can tell the difference between social agenda and sarcastic humor..

Well clearly you can't. Had you actually bothered to read my post, you'd notice it contains the memes from both of the wacko extremes of the current US spectrum.
So chill, buddy. I'm not coming to take away your guns.:wink:
probiotics.........cut out gluten................