Corona Virus

The Flu

I remember in 2009 seeing a carton showing people entering the US at out Southern Boarder with DHS Secretary telling a pig
where do you think you are going? I was working at Customs and Boarder Protection implementing the Virtual Fence. In 2002-3 I worked at NIAID. There Labs, at best, no better than an HS science lab.
NIH has 27 different medical institutes that work primary independent of each other since that is how they are funded. Please understand that all flu's are bad and deadly. For the most part no vaccine has been found to stop it once things go bad for the individual. I'm not going to point fingers at anyone since I'm not a doctor, but I am 72. I've learned how to train, diet properly, and rest. My trainer trained and is certified by 6X Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. Dorian now lives in Spain. My suggestion to anyone who wants to stay away from having health issues is to keep your body fat low, train with weights heavy ass weights, diet properly, walk or run, and get proper rest. Stay safe.
Dorian was a beast....
My trainer told me when he meet Dorian he was taken back how truly nice he was, plus how he made reach student learn how HIT reps to complete failure actually felt. Of course my 1st session which my trainer was leg day and I found out in my 1st session how brutal HIT can be. I just love it.
Many countries have been using it with success.
Meanwhile hospitals are reporting that between 50%-80% of people on ventilators die. The people put on them just fill up ICU rooms being in a medically induced coma for a week or two, just to die.
Clearly that isn't the solution. Everyone who is using this med solution is very positive about it. Only resistance seems to be insurance liability shills.
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This is pretty encouraging....

"Patients from very very ill to basically symptom free within 8-12 hours"

It isn’t without risk or side effects. But it does show potential as a treatment, as do a variety of other treatments. Oddly, one medicine that is used for prostate problems may also be helpful.

Given time, I have faith that a reasonable treatment for the big will be Developed. It may include the Q, amongst other stuff.

I’m ready to run around and cough on people like in The old Days! (Not really).
So I had a shipment from China for much needed N95 masks for my wife's hospital. The motherf*ckers have it held up at customs due to some tarriff/trade war nonesense as what my supplier told me. I have to look up exactly what's the issue but this is very upsetting.

Any luck getting these out of customs Regan?
Any luck getting these out of customs Regan?
it's a big convoluted mess. I have my brother-in-law involved since his business sources parts from China. It's now going through his "workaround" and if it worked, they should arrive this week. I wouldn't be surprised if someone stuffed 100 of these in their undergarments to get it through :biggrin::rolleyes::mad:

I read that customs has a problem with China made masks labeled KN95 vs the standard N95. I'll know soon (I hope) if these are the KN95 version.
This is pretty encouraging....

"Patients from very very ill to basically symptom free within 8-12 hours"

A good friend of mine who campaigned with me and is now a judge was just hospitalized with Covid and his treatment is oxygen (not a ventilator) and hydroxychloroquine with zithromax. That seems to be the treatment of choice in NY even though it is not really well known how widespread its use is here.
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A good friend of mine who campaigned with me and is now a judge was just hospitalized with Covid and his treatment is oxygen (not a ventilator) and hydroxychloroquine with zithromax. That seems to be the treatment of choice in NY even though it is not really well known how widespread its use is here.

Wow....hope he recovers soon!!

Keep us posted on how he is doing
what the Z-pack maybe doing as a additional benefit is treating a secondary opportunistic bacterial pneumonia that can accompany viral pneumonitis....
From the beginning I've tried to adhere to the stay at home orders and social distancing protocol because that's kind of my life anyway, but I do have to keep myself entertained.

I finished three books this week. That's a lot of coloring.
From the beginning I've tried to adhere to the stay at home orders and social distancing protocol because that's kind of my life anyway, but I do have to keep myself entertained.

I finished three books this week. That's a lot of coloring.

lol nicely done! I personally gave up after 3 pages on my sons coloring book
they do have "adult" coloring books.....just sayin...
"Land of the free" has its challenges in a viral pandemic:rolleyes:
from my local observation 15-20% of the free are idiots....
Another college friend flew back to China (he has business there). Btw.. these are folks who grew up here in the US but found opportunity in China. He was under mandatory lockdown for 2 weeks upon landing from LAX.

It's too bad Trump just cut funding for additional tests. We also don't deploy preventative, early warning measures here in the US nearly as aggressive enough. When i first thought about this back in February I thought we would be in it for the long haul. Now we'll really be in it for the long long long haul filled with ups and downs. What a shitty situation. I want to get back to work already.

Quoted for content.