'91 For Sale in PA - Info?

18 November 2002
Dallas, TX, USA
Anyone familiar with this '91?:

'91 For Sale in PA

Did a Carfax and it's a three owner car - first was in NY, second and third in PA. Current owner appears to have had it about one year, and has put less than 5000 miles on it. Only 3000 miles put on in the four years prior to that. No issues on the Carfax and the pics look fine, but all that only counts for so much. Before I call the owner, I'm hoping someone here will a) know some of the car's history, and/or b) can point me to an NSX specialist in the Edgewood, PA area for a pre-buy inspection. Thanks.
I have never seen the car around my way in PA or Delaware. I don't know were that car is located in PA, but if it is near Langhorne, PA I would have Bernie at Davis Acura give it a once over before you purchase it. They did service on my NSX about a month ago and I couldn't be happier.

Good Luck,
i just checked the area code (570) which isn't near philadelphia area. so i don't think its near eastern pa. good luck on the buy. 3 owners seems like a lot don't u think?
azndng said:
i just checked the area code (570) which isn't near philadelphia area. so i don't think its near eastern pa.
570 is the area code for Wilkes-Barre (right, docjohn?), so you can assume it's in northeastern Pennsylvania. In fact, you can assume it's in Conyngham, right near the intersection of I-80 and I-81.
Huh whaaat were am I?This is the first I'm seeing that this car is is in the 570 code which I'm in,private me and we'll see if I can help.