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A$$hole truck and SUV drivers

Aiken Drum said:
My ticket was from a King County officer, by the way. I haven't really met up with Redmond or Issaquah police, except for one time when I forgot to put my tabs on my old car. They were nice about it. However, I know Bellevue has super-strict traffic cops. Never mess around in Bellevue, especially in the Bel Square area. Don't push lights, don't make iffy turns, don't take shortcuts through parking lots, nothing. :)

There is an area near where I live that is the same way. Cayuga Heights police will ticket for anything even 5 mph over the limit. The real trouble comes when you go to court for the ticket. Lawyer or no lawyer the Judge or the DA WILL NOT reduce the ticket at all. Almost 90% or their jurisdiction is 30mph posted limits. From their side of the fence I have to say Cayuga Heights has not had a fatal car accident since the 60's.
I'm pleased to say that this does not seem to be such a problem over here. The main ones you have to worry about are the 18 to 21 year old "boy racers" in slightly souped up hot hatches. The other category is the twats in higher powered cars who don't recognise the car and think it is an MR2 or similar.

Whoever it is, they just get left for dust.
steveny said:
There is an area near where I live that is the same way. Cayuga Heights police will ticket for anything even 5 mph over the limit. The real trouble comes when you go to court for the ticket. Lawyer or no lawyer the Judge or the DA WILL NOT reduce the ticket at all. Almost 90% or their jurisdiction is 30mph posted limits. From their side of the fence I have to say Cayuga Heights has not had a fatal car accident since the 60's.

Off topic post....
That reminds me of the only ticket I've had in the last 10 years. I was a grad student at Cornell from 1998-2000 (M. Eng., Chemical engineering) and one night I was driving to the lab. There was no traffic at all, and I came up to a stop sign near a semi-blind turn. I slowed down to about 2-3 mph for the intersection, looked around for traffic, then finished the turn. Well, one of Ithaca's finest was right around the corner and pulled me over. Like steveny said, the courts would not budge on the ticket, and it ended up costing me about $200. :eek:

I must say, the 30 mph posted speed limits got a little tiresome at times!
Autophile said:
Off topic post....
That reminds me of the only ticket I've had in the last 10 years. I was a grad student at Cornell from 1998-2000 (M. Eng., Chemical engineering) and one night I was driving to the lab. There was no traffic at all, and I came up to a stop sign near a semi-blind turn. I slowed down to about 2-3 mph for the intersection, looked around for traffic, then finished the turn. Well, one of Ithaca's finest was right around the corner and pulled me over. Like steveny said, the courts would not budge on the ticket, and it ended up costing me about $200. :eek:

I must say, the 30 mph posted speed limits got a little tiresome at times!

I have a friend that had his business broken into over in college town. He was called by the Ithaca police to come down and fill out a report at 3am. After spending an hour there he left to go home. On his way home the police officer that was at the store with him pulled him over and wrote him a speeding ticket for 7 MPH over the speed limit. :mad:
SilverOne said:
I usually call the highway patrol and report the "drunk driver" with their license plate # and all... ;) Tell the cop how the "drunk driver" was tailgating, swirling, speeding, driving erratically..etc. Which is probably true is someone is trying to get you to race them. And let them explain it to the cops!

That is a good idea...I think I may use that one.
kgb_agent said:
Took the X out for a spin last night to get it up to temperature. Inevitably, on this 35mph curvy back road, pitch dark and 20 degrees, a Cherokee (altough it's normally a pick-up) materializes out of nowhere and is on my a$$. As I accelerated (up to 80mph on the only straight) the jerkoff did his best to stay in my trunk. The headlights were most obnoxious. I get this EVERY time I take my car out at night (rare).

Naturally, I could have toasted him, but I slowed considerably in turns not wanting to push my RE010's adhesion in this weather. Not to mention deer popping out and the increasing volume from the passenger side as my testosterone levels spiked.

You guys get this crap from trucks a lot?

NOTE: I have nothing against Cherokees. I have one of them, too.

You need to practice the "reverse kill" j/k

If you know the road a bit, just let your HPDE driving skills kick in and lose him in the open area.
I've never had any hassle of other cars trying to keep up with me in the twisties on my local mountain roads.
I usually catch even the sport bikes on the downhills.
This is so lame. You are at fault here. If someone is on your ass, it's because they can and will go faster then you, not because the want to tailgate your car. So be a pal and get the hell out of their way. Too bad if your ego can't handle it, move over, pull out, whatever.

Ever driven in Europe? I've seen 911 Turbo's yield to Opels. No ego, no insecurity. What the hell is up with
American drivers? The left lane has become the slow lane on most freeways as people like you sit there at 75MPH think"this is fast enough". It isn't, and get the hell out of the left lane if someone pulls up behind you going faster than you want to go. The potential of your car has nothing to do with the rules of the road.

If you are driving slow enough that Cherokee is all over you, get out of his way. Slower traffic keep right, You are slower traffic!
i happen to be an a$$hole truck driver, as well as an NSX driver. it's crazy and dangerous enough on the roads as it is, without some clever hot-rodder trying to aggravate other drivers, regardless of anyone's vehicle of choice. if you want to burn up the asphalt, go to the track, where there is some semblance of controlled conditions.

i have an aggressive driving style, which means i go a "few" mph over the limit. if someone wants to go faster than me, i yield to their discretion. if someone wants to go slower, then i expect them to move to the right, even on a shouldered two-lane road.

passive aggressive is not the same as aggressive.
nsx_shopper said:
This is so lame. You are at fault here. If someone is on your ass, it's because they can and will go faster then you, not because the want to tailgate your car. So be a pal and get the hell out of their way. Too bad if your ego can't handle it, move over, pull out, whatever.

Ever driven in Europe? I've seen 911 Turbo's yield to Opels. No ego, no insecurity. What the hell is up with
American drivers? The left lane has become the slow lane on most freeways as people like you sit there at 75MPH think"this is fast enough". It isn't, and get the hell out of the left lane if someone pulls up behind you going faster than you want to go. The potential of your car has nothing to do with the rules of the road.

If you are driving slow enough that Cherokee is all over you, get out of his way. Slower traffic keep right, You are slower traffic!

The problem with them is no matter which lane you are in, you got them behind your back acting stupid. I have had M.... truck driver raced past me, then put on the Hazard lights. Then I also have the others who have tried to followed me. I decided to pulled over, steppped over, and the truck drivers took off. Most seem to be, (and I am not trying to offended anybody,) the young white trash, and a few brothers, who were bothered by a present of a car like the NSX, when they are in their trucks or SUVs (too much MTV bs.) Remember, I don't like the Ricers, either, but lately, after a few NSXes showed up and ran the drag strips, they have been good just getting out of their ways and looked friendly. We do know what ethnic background represent most of the ricers, right? No need for me to explain.
nsx_shopper said:
This is so lame. You are at fault here. If someone is on your ass, it's because they can and will go faster then you, not because the want to tailgate your car. So be a pal and get the hell out of their way. Too bad if your ego can't handle it, move over, pull out, whatever.

Ever driven in Europe? I've seen 911 Turbo's yield to Opels. No ego, no insecurity. What the hell is up with
American drivers? The left lane has become the slow lane on most freeways as people like you sit there at 75MPH think"this is fast enough". It isn't, and get the hell out of the left lane if someone pulls up behind you going faster than you want to go. The potential of your car has nothing to do with the rules of the road.

If you are driving slow enough that Cherokee is all over you, get out of his way. Slower traffic keep right, You are slower traffic!

The problem with this is as soon as I get over and let the person by I am at their mercy of being held up when they have to stop to make a left turn. If the road ahead of me is free of obstructions I am not going to clutter it up by letting some by.
nsx_shopper said:
This is so lame. You are at fault here. If someone is on your ass, it's because they can and will go faster then you, not because the want to tailgate your car. So be a pal and get the hell out of their way. Too bad if your ego can't handle it, move over, pull out, whatever.

Ever driven in Europe? I've seen 911 Turbo's yield to Opels. No ego, no insecurity. What the hell is up with
American drivers? The left lane has become the slow lane on most freeways as people like you sit there at 75MPH think"this is fast enough". It isn't, and get the hell out of the left lane if someone pulls up behind you going faster than you want to go. The potential of your car has nothing to do with the rules of the road.

If you are driving slow enough that Cherokee is all over you, get out of his way. Slower traffic keep right, You are slower traffic!

I agree with what you're saying... to a point. There are right and wrong ways of doing it... general road etiquette. The WRONG way of tailing someone is to sit so far up their arse that you can see what they had for breakfast.

The kind that really piss me off are the ones that drive some big sloppy family hack that fly by you on the straights (illegal speeds), then slow you down through fun twisty bits, and don't let you past after a courteous flash of the lights. These type REALLY, REALLY get on my nerves.

nsx_shopper said:
This is so lame. You are at fault here. If someone is on your ass, it's because they can and will go faster then you, not because the want to tailgate your car. So be a pal and get the hell out of their way. Too bad if your ego can't handle it, move over, pull out, whatever.

Ever driven in Europe? I've seen 911 Turbo's yield to Opels. No ego, no insecurity. What the hell is up with
American drivers? The left lane has become the slow lane on most freeways as people like you sit there at 75MPH think"this is fast enough". It isn't, and get the hell out of the left lane if someone pulls up behind you going faster than you want to go. The potential of your car has nothing to do with the rules of the road.

If you are driving slow enough that Cherokee is all over you, get out of his way. Slower traffic keep right, You are slower traffic!

Hey shopper -
Go back and read my fuking post. I was doing up to 80mph in a 35mph zone. This is the USA, not the autobahn. I also stated that it was 2 lanes (1 lane each direction - not a "freeway") and no shoulder, so there was nowhere to pull over. What part of that did you not understand?

The sad fact is--yes, I'm going to say it--is that the majority of blue-collar redneck pickup types (I used to be one, but not now) are insecure as hell when they see a hot exotic car out in the boonies. They feel they don't measure up financially and begin to drive aggressively. As their resentment builds EVEN WHEN DRIVING BEHIND A DRIVER WHO IS EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT they find that they must try to do the only thing they can to annoy the piss out of the [likely] white collar guy who earns 5X as much without getting his hands dirty. I grew up in the "woods" or BFE....so don't challenge me on this one.

Do you own an NSX??? Your name implies that you do not, and being as you are from CA you probably have no experience with snapping an NSX around twisties and inducing oversteer when overcooking a turn in 20, 10, or even 0 degree weather. I have. It is somewhat scary, and much more diffcult to pull out of as say, a Mustang.

If you and I were on the same road or track, I would guarantee YOU would be the slower traffic.

Pay attention, read and THINK before you post next time and...

keep shopping :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
kgb_agent said:
Hey shopper -

Do you own an NSX??? Your name implies that you do not, and being as you are from CA you probably have no experience with snapping an NSX around twisties and inducing oversteer when overcooking a turn in 20, 10, or even 0 degree weather. I have. It is somewhat scary, and much more diffcult to pull out of as say, a Mustang.
keep shopping :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I agree with most of what you said, except for the California part. We do huge canyon runs quite often out here, and there are plenty of tight turns on the road. Don't believe me, do a search in the SW forum.

Take care
NSX/MR2 said:
I agree with most of what you said, except for the California part. We do huge canyon runs quite often out here, and there are plenty of tight turns on the road. Don't believe me, do a search in the SW forum.

Take care

My point was the road temps. When do you see 0 degree weather?
For me its easy. I have good connection. I just have to record down the plate number (here it is a must to have front plate liscence) and if I can't get the crook that day, I'll get him next day. I could even ask somebody to cancel his driving liscence.:cool: