AEM EMS NSX speedometer problem fixed

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
Scott from AEM has fixed the erratic speedo problems we were seeing on the NSX. The fix is very easy, contact AEM for the fix.

AEM's, especially Scott's, commitment to support of this product has been truly phenomenal.

-- Chris

I'll send him an email.....mine really jumps around a LOT at lower MPH.....interestingly, above 100, it didn't seem to jump much at all. At lower RPM, it was consistently jumping with higher RPMs

Thanks Chris,


BTW, we're getting ready to pull the car apart to get the Yokata fenders installed. Should be ready in a few weeks.

ScienceofSpeed said:
Apparently, it's due to the same problem. The cruise control unit can only handle a +/- 5% deviation.

-- Chris
Actually, In the name of fair reporting, it was Scott from AEM working at Basch Acura Service with me and my fleet of BBSC /AEM cars that discoverd the problem. Scott and I discovered TOGETHER that a jumper was on the circuit board where the designers had clearly meant it to be removed. Its a 5 minute repair if AEM wanted everyone taking their own computers apart, but they don't. They have allowed me to do this for my customers, rather than wait for RA's and lots of down time.

Mark "Clark Kent" Basch

beckertb said:
So, then, is this something we can do ourselves or does AEM want us to return the units to them? I haven't gotten around to calling them, yet.....
If you want to remove the warranty seal (more like a piece of scotch tape, and weak tape at that) you can do it in five minutes- especially if i can do it in ten. note: though it may sound like it, I am NOT, repeat- NOT advocating taking apart your AEM computer or breaking the warranty seal or fudging on breaking the warranty seal.

MB (or not)