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Another incident with spit.....

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
WTF is going on these days. I'm looking for a parking spot tonight and these three kids spit on my NSX when I drive by them, and it was obvious. Suffice to say I was really pissed and did my first clutch drop and spun the car quickly around. Of course they denied spitting and my gf wasn't to pleased with my display of anger. I'll tell you this much, the NSX draws alot of attention when you drop the clutch at 5,000rpm and the tires light up.

Anyway, I just had to vent a little. I should have summoned over the police but what good would have that done but to provoke them some more and do further damage to my car while it was parked.
Yeah my last girl friend didnt seem to like it when I blasted out of a gas station side ways dumping the clutch at about 4500rpm... I was pissed off b/c these guys were talkin smack to my gril sayin "Yeah you're only with him b/c of his car" and "it's probably not even his"... It was even worse b/c when I locked the car, I used the key to turn the lock from outside the car, which arms the car, and tried to unlock it the same way setting off the alarm... course those guys loved that and it just fueled their fire...

The way I see it is, I'd rather take the anger out on my car, have fun in the mean while and maybe (at the worst) get a ticket than go to jail for beating the snot out of a coulpe of 88 mustang LX drivin punks....


[This message has been edited by Electro (edited 31 August 2001).]
HAHA! Actually no... she was impressed that I could handle the car so well (I think it was the car handling *itself*) She said she's never been in a car with someone driving like that, that could control a machine in that way...

needless to say, I got lucky that night...

We broke up just a week ago or so only b/c our jobs are taking up too much of our time and we just didnt have time to see each other anymore...

SO NOW I'm a single NSX'er!!!

hey, *spit happens* ;>)

ok, i'm just being a wiseguy... sorry about the honkers on your ride, but if that's the worst thing that happens to you @this point in your life, i'd say things could be worse (like, you could be driving a camaro).

while i'm at it, i'll relay something that happened yesterday re "talkin' smack"... i was in the east bay (SF bay area) to catch a ringo (+ greg lake, sheila E, ian hunter and the lead guy from supertramp) in concert (great gig if you like 60/70/80's oldies by these folks, btw)... anyway, i was grabbing dinner with my friends before the gig (they were in the restaurant already), had just parked my wife's car and was about to cross the street when these 3 late-teen guys cruised by in a beater and yelled to a couple of cute girls using the phone "you've really got a nice ass!"... there was a bench full of similar aged kids sitting right there and knowing they'd "get it", **i** yelled back at the guys "hey thanks - i work out!" ;>)

the kids on the bench busted up laughing and were high-fiving me as i passed. (score a good laugh for the 48yr old, overweight guy in the black shorts and hawaiian shirt ;>)

wash the car and move on....

be well.
Originally posted by queenlives:

score a good laugh for the 48yr old, overweight guy in the black shorts and hawaiian shirt ;>)

Thats funny,

I noticed a common problem here on us NSX'ers 8D
i had this happen about 10 years ago. long story why but this guy (punk teenager) spit on my GF's car when i was driving. i chased him down and caught him at a red left turn only lane. i got out of the car and walked up to him and told him to wipe it off. when he refused amid a stream of profanity, i reached in the car and ripped his t-shirt off his body, went back to my car, wiped it off, tossed him back his t-shirt, and drove off. all it cost me was about 3 buttons from my shirt.

probably get shot today if i did that again.

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...
NSXCA #108
My other car is a 767...
I bet it would make your day if you happened upon them already asleep in your dental chair. As they wake up you say " hi do you remember me" and then hand them a mirror to show them their toothless smile.
spit on the car is a lot better than coffee. Some punk poured a big cup of coffee on my car in the parking garage once. I have to wash my car around 2 a.m and I was pissed.
oh man...where do you guys live?? thankfully i havent had anything like that happen yet. a lot of people dont even seem to really notice around here--except young kids who've driven nsxs on their games.

I DID have one guy in a little pickup go absolutely beserk along side me--flipping me off and completely irate. His girlfriend just glanced over and gave me a really sad little smile and subtle shrug. It kinda got to me, i felt really really sad for her. I just raised my eyebrows, leaned over and waved with a really big smile--gave him a thumbs up. That really pissed him off but at least he stopped bouncing up and down and waving like an amphetamine loaded spastic cartoon chicken with an emotional disorder.

im glad cartoon chickens cant spit.
hey queenlives, very very funny. its always nice when we can show the younger gen how to handle yahoos with humour. i guess that nsx workout is really working, huh. getting in and out of the nsx is a real glute workout.
oh man...where do you guys live??

My spit incident occured in a public parking structure in Santa Monica.

I *HATE* hearing these stories.

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black), '01 Lexus IS300 (black/black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

Originally posted by Dr.Lane:
WTF is going on these days. I'm looking for a parking spot tonight and these three kids spit on my NSX when I drive by them, and it was obvious. Suffice to say I was really pissed and did my first clutch drop and spun the car quickly around. Of course they denied spitting and my gf wasn't to pleased with my display of anger. I'll tell you this much, the NSX draws alot of attention when you drop the clutch at 5,000rpm and the tires light up.

Anyway, I just had to vent a little. I should have summoned over the police but what good would have that done but to provoke them some more and do further damage to my car while it was parked.

I had the spit thing happen on Saturday nights 3 seperate times (generally when we do our slow cruises near clubs etc).

It's unfortunate people express their "issues" like this.

Sucks but it was better than a key to the paint.

Well. NSXs getting splits is understandable since theres always pathetic people envy about the car out there..

but.. what I don't understand is I got splited too , months ago when I parked outside prudential building here in Boston, but I was in my 02 silver Sebring convertible with top down... what the hell does all these people thinking? Its not a XK8 convertible ok..

the art of chasing down my friend's white 3000gt at com. ave

NSXCA # 1690 "Sabrina"
My NSX was spit on too. it occured at the gym. some dude must have been jealous that i owned one at such a young age (25) while benching 110 lb over my weight (i weigh 160, do the math).

i had no idea that it happened until i got home and put the car cover on, otherwise there wouldve been a misunderstanding!
keep your car(s) dirty people!! hahaha jk.. I'm always cleaning my cars and once about 4 yrs back I saw some spit on my MR2 passenger side window..of course then I did a 360 visual to spot any scratches and there were none.. stupid people I swear.. jealousy is the verdict..but I'm sure if the car was filthy the spitting would be to clean off the car LOL
Electro wrote:
>>I'd rather take the anger out on my car, have fun in the mean while and maybe get a ticket then go to jail for

Hey Electro you ever been in jail? If you have I doubt you'd be writing smack like this. If you're ready to spend time behind bars over a disagreement like this I think you're priorities are all mixed up.
Soichiro, I think he meant he'd rather take his agression out on his car RATHER than go to jail for starting trouble.
I used to think this sort of thing only happened to foreign cars, especially exotics.
A colleague of mine had two punks do a dance on the top of his Viper. Major damage, over $10 K!
Rule of thumb:

EVERYWHERE you go with the NSX, take the car cover with you!

If you don't have one, it is one of the best investments next to an aftermarket alarm/tracking system.

That way if your car gets spit on, it will be on the cover. Go home and throw it in the washing machine.

Besides, they probably wouldn't pay any mind to it if it's all covered up in the first place.
Traumte: Thanks for the correction. Guess I misunderstood. NOTE this is not new behaviour - in 1971 or so a friend had the interior of his new Lamborghini Miura covered with dog shit. I guess some folks never change ....