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Another rejection

nugg_dawg said:
Women are problems I can prove it.

1)To find a woman you need time and money therefore:
Woman = Time X Money

2)"Time is money" so:
Time = Money

Woman = Money X Money
Woman = (Money)squared

4)Money is the root of all peoblems therefore:
Money = squareroot of Problems

Woman = (squareroot/problems)squared
cancel the squaredroot and squared

Woman = Problems


Don't ask a women to dance just yank her out on the dance floor and DANCE!

Don't ask a women if she would like to go out on Friday night, just look her square in the eyes and say "so what time am I picking you up on Friday night." Make sure to let her know you will have her home by Saturday, noonish.
I'm a muslim. I don't mind dating a girl of different religion. In fact a friend of mine just got married with a buddist (offcourse she got to convert before marriage). This girl who rejected me is the second one I was trying. Thank you for giving me some comfort in mind and also good advice. It helps me to be a better person. In fact I'm still in touch with this girl although just as a friend but now she seems to feel guilty prolly for giving me dissapointment. Now worry, my other comfort is always waiting for me in the garage.

Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?
Jin1976 said:

Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?

Live and let die by GNR . Loneliness of a long distance runner by Iron Maiden seem to comes to mind don't know why:confused: Haven't heard it for quite awhile though. Showed how old school I am:smile:
Jin1976 said:

Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?

If you are having problems with a relationship or breaking up with a partner, KEEP THE RADIO OFF! I repeat, DO NOT LISTEN TO MUSIC! That shit is bad for you and every song that plays you will be able to relate to your situation in one form or another.
Jin1976 said:
I'm a muslim. I don't mind dating a girl of different religion. In fact a friend of mine just got married with a buddist (offcourse she got to convert before marriage). This girl who rejected me is the second one I was trying. Thank you for giving me some comfort in mind and also good advice. It helps me to be a better person. In fact I'm still in touch with this girl although just as a friend but now she seems to feel guilty prolly for giving me dissapointment. Now worry, my other comfort is always waiting for me in the garage.

Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?

I wouldn't spend too much of your time being friends with her if you still have feelings for her. It will burn you, especially if you go out of your way to do nice things for her. Keep it friendly but also keep your distance. As for this being the second girl, its a start, as some people have said, without being too crude, its a numbers game.

Good luck and keep your head up. Your a brave soul for posting your woes up here and from what I can tell you got some really good advice.

As for songs...how about Prodigy...Smack My $itch Up:biggrin: Ok just kidding, how about U2 - Its a beautiful day!

Pearl Jam - Rear View Mirror!
lol, seduction school.

as others have mentioned, rejection is part of life, it's painful to go through but it will be a positive experience. remember the jordan commercial about missing so many last second shot and lost the game, but it never stop him from trying.

one thing i learned is that most women are attracted to "bad boys", guys with attitude. it's a little bit unconventional and may change your way of thinking sometime. In some situations, being nice is likely not the best answer. imagine this, when you drive the nsx, you'll get plenty of props from people all the time, but if someone doesn't compliment you like others, it will make you think for a second. that's the same thing with beautiful women, they are used to guys chasing them and be nice to them, it makes them feel secure and they know their way with it. But if you have your act together in life, have confidence in youself and show it, women will find you interesting. The key is push them out of their comfort zoon, play it at your court.

you know how that saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover, make yourself more than a cover boy and someone will like to dicover what's inside, and who knows, you might be the "best seller" one day.:wink:

keep your head up, no big deal.
Scin said:
Time to watch seduction school:


Once you get used to approaching girls it will go easier. Seriously 0/2 isn't bad. I've had runs that were much worse, you just have to brush them off and keep at it.

That was an interesting video. 6:49 in part 5/5... HELLO!!
Jin1976 said:
[Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?[/COLOR] :smile:
"Bad Day" by REM:biggrin:
There is so much beauty in life without women. :cool:

I was engaged with the "mistress of darkness" :frown: and in her terrestrial appearance she was very attractive and sensitive. But she freaked out regulary for irrational reasons. Short after our daughter was born we split up. Since then I got my daughter each weekend and once a week by me.

I think to have learned a lot about woman due to this lessons. Not especially because of this woman. But I have learned that for a man with a child it´s harder to find a woman cause he is belonging to the "second quality" category. Furthermore you are not so much interested in dating chicks anymore but looking for the "right" woman instead.

In the meantime I have been rejected from "the right" woman because I wasn´t the right for them. I have been rejected also from chicks as they heard that I am already a daddy. For payback I have rejected all those superficial chicks which just wanting my specious body LOL :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

You should not make your self-confidence woman-depending. There are a lot of woman out there you would reject also. (Keep away from my ex´s sisters..., >30,single, looking very attraktive = making lots of trouble.)

A rejection is hard but don't get discouraged!

I am very much in favour of TURBO2GO´s suggestions.
Scin said:
Time to watch seduction school:


Once you get used to approaching girls it will go easier. Seriously 0/2 isn't bad. I've had runs that were much worse, you just have to brush them off and keep at it.
Interesting videos.

Those guys in the video are just socially inept.

Learning how to be social is key. Being very sociable leads to success not only with women, but also with work / career.
Jin1976 said:
I'm a muslim. I don't mind dating a girl of different religion. In fact a friend of mine just got married with a buddist (offcourse she got to convert before marriage). This girl who rejected me is the second one I was trying. Thank you for giving me some comfort in mind and also good advice. It helps me to be a better person. In fact I'm still in touch with this girl although just as a friend but now she seems to feel guilty prolly for giving me dissapointment. Now worry, my other comfort is always waiting for me in the garage.

Btw can anybody recommend me some good song titles to listen?

Dude, Seriously!!!!

Just join the club and your problem will be solved. I really can't believe the things you say. How old are you?
You need to ask some friends to see, if you still have your balls!!!! :biggrin:

Cheer up!!!!

Join the darkside
PrepaidA$$ said:
Dude, Seriously!!!!

Just join the club and your problem will be solved. I really can't believe the things you say. How old are you?
You need to ask some friends to see, if you still have your balls!!!! :biggrin:
Well. Huf.
I think he has balls; he posted his experience, didn’t he? Something many of us wouldn’t have the balls to do.
Keep us updated Jin.
haha... don't worry about Prepaid... his services usually cater for short-term relationships that involve money instead of the heart. :biggrin:

Hang in there Jin... ur NSX family still cares about you. If we didn't, why does this thread have 92 replies. :) Going "offroad" is a rough ride, but you'll be back on the autobahn before you know it.
NeoNSX said:
Going "offroad" is a rough ride, but you'll be back on the autobahn before you know it.

...and sometimes you might meet someone on the road less traveled. Hopefully not a bear on the offroad part of the trip.