Any NSXCA track events this year?

31 October 2001
Redwood City, CA, USA
I'm looking on the NSXCA Northwest website, and besides NSXPO, are there any NSXCA track schools scheduled for this year? I see that the S2KCA has invited us to participate in an NCRC event, but this is not an NSXCA event. I'm wondering specifically about NSXCA-hosted track schools.

So far, and to my knowledge, for the last 3 years only the Sacramento Chapter of the NSXCA has been hosting track events in Northern California.

This year, we opted to run our events with NCRC and Tracknutz rather than put them ourselves because of our time commitments to NSXPO at Infineon October 8 - 12.

In January, NCRC offered a special packet to NSXCA members for Infineon Raceway by waiving the membership dues requirement. After some marketing and promotion, only 3 NSXs showed up - and the weather was great!

Per my involvement and initiatives with S2KCA, NCRC has also started hosting track events for clubs. So if you want to put a track event without the hassles of organzing it, just contact Troy Allison at NCRC, or Justin Hall who used to own a 98-T black/black.

Hrant said:
to my knowledge, for the last 3 years only the Sacramento Chapter of the NSXCA has been hosting track events in Northern California.

Depending on your definitions of "track event" and "Northern California", the annual autocross event held by the NSXCA in Camarillo in March may, or may not, also qualify.
Hrant said:
So far, and to my knowledge, for the last 3 years only the Sacramento Chapter of the NSXCA has been hosting track events in Northern California.

This year, we opted to run our events with NCRC and Tracknutz rather than put them ourselves because of our time commitments to NSXPO at Infineon October 8 - 12.

In January, NCRC offered a special packet to NSXCA members for Infineon Raceway by waiving the membership dues requirement. After some marketing and promotion, only 3 NSXs showed up - and the weather was great!

Per my involvement and initiatives with S2KCA, NCRC has also started hosting track events for clubs. So if you want to put a track event without the hassles of organzing it, just contact Troy Allison at NCRC, or Justin Hall who used to own a 98-T black/black.


Thanks for info, Hrant. Unfortunately, NCRC seems to be quite expensive. Looking at SpeedVentures' Laguna event, it was only $175 for a day, or $250 for two days. The S2KCA Laguna event coming up on June 1st is charging $310 for all non-S2000 cars, and then on top of that, we'd have to pay an additional $40 for NCRC membership. (Our NSXCA membership doesn't count as an S2KCA membership, even though we got an invitation to join them at the event.) That comes out to a whopping $350 which is exactly double the price. I know, it's a Sunday event so that makes it more expensive, and it's in the summer, so that makes it more expensive too, but double the price?!?

That's why I was hoping the NSXCA would put on an event at Laguna this year. I don't want to pay membership dues to another organization if I'm only going to attend one of their track days. It's not cost efficient. If NCRC were to waive the membership fee like they did in January, I'd be much more inclined to consider their June 1st event, but even at $310, it's still significantly more expensive than $175.

You can compare the two here:

nsxtasy said:
Depending on your definitions of "track event" and "Northern California", the annual autocross event held by the NSXCA in Camarillo in March may, or may not, also qualify.

Good point. To clarify, I was referring to track schools in the Bay Area, like at ThunderHill, Infineon, and Laguna.

I'm not too concerned about Infineon though, since NSXPO will cover that.

You are correct with the $175, but did you read the fine prints regarding how many hours you were on the track ......? They had two programs ............ one to entice people and one the real deal ......... ;)

The $40 membership is a one time membership as long as you attend one event per year.

But yes, at $350 it is expensive especially since we have been spoiled the last few years with some nice deals and sponsors. Even THill charges $195 for their one day school event using their track.

If you can persuade Andrie and Telly, perhaps Tracknutz come put an event.

My crystal ball tells me that there will soon be yet another track event organizer coming up with more competitive rates .......... I say it is getting too crowded ........
Hrant said:
You are correct with the $175, but did you read the fine prints regarding how many hours you were on the track ......? They had two programs ............ one to entice people and one the real deal ......... ;)

Ahh, interesting. Looks like their normal price is $300, which now makes the S2KCA/NCRC price of $310 (before membership) more comparable.

The $40 membership is a one time membership as long as you attend one event per year.

Ahh, that's good to know.

But yes, at $350 it is expensive especially since we have been spoiled the last few years with some nice deals and sponsors. Even THill charges $195 for their one day school event using their track.

A friend of mine just went to THill's track school and he was very dissatisfied with it. Way too many cars, no proper line, just poorly executed.

I agree we were spoiled with the Sacramento chapter's THill days last year. I know I enjoyed both the April one and the September one immensely. And they were only $175 each with the early bird price! And lunch was included too. :)

If you can persuade Andrie and Telly, perhaps Tracknutz come put an event.

My crystal ball tells me that there will soon be yet another track event organizer coming up with more competitive rates .......... I say it is getting too crowded ........

I hope you're right. I'll see if Andrie has anything planned. I just went to the TrackNutz website and didn't find anything listed.

As I was saying .............. my crystal ball really cleared up! I just got this from Doug Gale, the organizer of the new TrackiMaster Racing.

I like the philosophy as it is very much in line with what we encourage and put on.

Now no more excuses with all these options and programs out there ........ unless of course you still want those exclusive NSX gatherings with all the goodies raflled .......... ;)
Hrant said:
As I was saying .............. my crystal ball really cleared up! I just got this from Doug Gale, the organizer of the new TrackiMaster Racing.

I like the philosophy as it is very much in line with what we encourage and put on.

I just went to their website. Sounds like a good club! I like their philosophy as well.

Too bad they don't have anything scheduled for Laguna Seca this year. That's the track I want to try.

Now no more excuses with all these options and programs out there ........ unless of course you still want those exclusive NSX gatherings with all the goodies raflled .......... ;)

Yes, I miss those raffles! ;)

nsxtasy said:
Depending on your definitions of "track event" and "Northern California", the annual autocross event held by the NSXCA in Camarillo in March may, or may not, also qualify.

If everything works out as I am planning, there will be an Autocross coming up in August(2 mos. prior to NSXPO). Camarillo has closed the track, so it will have to be located in the Los Angeles area.