Anyone Sell Their NSX and Later Regretted It!

25 March 2014
So just like the title of thread states. I have this crazy idea to sell my NSX for a 2010-11 Nissan GTR. So did anyone do something similar and regret it! Terrible analogy; but it feels like I am thinking about leaving my wife for my hotter young mistress, and am afraid the grass might not be greener on the other side. Everything that I am hearing is that the NSX is trending up and the GTR is trending down!
Don't you mean younger fatter but more athletic mistress?

I haven't sold mine, but I sold my s2000 to buy my Nsx and missed it so much I had to buy another one.
I was flirting with the idea of selling my nsx too, buy decided that nothing would replace it completely for me. So I kept it and I'm happy I did.

However if the new "baby-nsx" that Acura has in store turns out as hot as rumors indicate, I will again have some serious thinking to do.
I bought a 2003 new drove it out of the showroom and sold it in 2005 to get a black 911 loaded.. big mistake.
check out thread:

similar situation. And below are my comments that I posted in the above thread:

Echoing all the other comments here:I switched from a Toyota Camry and 2002 Imola NSX to a 2012 GTR because I thought I could consolidate both cars into one functional, practical (haul my kids around as well), sporty
vehicle.Dont get me wrong, the GTR was great and stupid fast in stock form. But after a while, it got boring. I dont know how else to put it, but it was just not as fun as the NSX. So I wound up selling the GTR (had it less than a year) and now I am back with a NSX and a daily (Civic SI rocks, btw!). Please keep the NSX and dont regret it like me... to this day it was the worst decision selling that Imola.
I sold my 91 5spd in red, bought a silver 1993 5spd 5 years later then sold that and bought a white 1991 5 speed 3 years later and still own it. There is so many things special about the NSX that you only exists in a select few other models.

I have owned a 1989 Bathurst GTR and 993 of which both didn't compare to the NSX hence why I don't own them anymore.

Give it a few more years and with the amount of Japanese import GTR's arriving on NZ shores I am bound to get one. From 2008-2015 I have seen them drop from 150k to 55k.

IMO the R34 VspecII GTR will hold it price above the 2008 GTR soon.

I think that you'll always miss a car that you really liked and sold. I've had several, 97 TT Supra, 928S4 Porsche and (king of the hill...the only car that I ever bought new) a 1990 CRX Si. If you want more speed then I say go for the GTR but if you like the finesse of the NSX you should keep it. I, personally, don't think I'll ever sell mine unless I have some major life changing event.
Sold my 95 and went through several sports cars after it. I compared every one I drove to the NSX and the equation always ended up like this: ANY CAR < NSX = Regret. When I am done with my current one I won't even try any compare a car again, but I will still regret it.
I am on the fence with selling mine and picking up a Mercedes SLS with the Gullwings. But I keep in the back of my head that I will never own a car like mine again even if i did want to come back
Don't you mean younger fatter but more athletic mistress?

I haven't sold mine, but I sold my s2000 to buy my Nsx and missed it so much I had to buy another one.

This is my current dilemma. I still have both, but have been thinking of selling the S2000. Don't need to, but it's been going around in my head.
I am on the fence with selling mine and picking up a Mercedes SLS with the Gullwings. But I keep in the back of my head that I will never own a car like mine again even if i did want to come back

Wait a year or two IMO. There will be ample upgrade options and NSX pricing really hasn't picked up. Your car will likely increase 50-75% within a fairly short time span.
So just like the title of thread states. I have this crazy idea to sell my NSX for a 2010-11 Nissan GTR. So did anyone do something similar and regret it! Terrible analogy; but it feels like I am thinking about leaving my wife for my hotter young mistress, and am afraid the grass might not be greener on the other side. Everything that I am hearing is that the NSX is trending up and the GTR is trending down!

I have a friend who sold his nsx for a 2014 gtr (well not exactly, there was a murci, and a 911 gt2 in between) but i asked him the same with the gtr and his nsx, his opinion was that he missed his nsx a lot, but if he sold his gtr to get another nsx he feels like he would feel the same about his gtr, so solution = own both lol, but if you can only own one, own whatever u think is better for ur current lifestyle (2 seats vs 4 seats)

my personal opinion is if ur going to sell the nsx, the only other car i would even consider at this moment is a 997 gt3 for the fact that that car will be appreciating like ours in the "near" future for being the last manual
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To me, comparing an NSX and a GTR is apples to oranges. They're both VERY different cars that give driving experiences on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. The NSX offers an analog, visceral driving experience while the GTR is entirely digital and unbelievably fast, existing as a technological feat of what cars are currently capable of. Neither is a bad (or less fun) experience, it just really depends on personal preference. I've driven a GTR and while it was absurdly fast, it didn't really evoke an emotional response like the NSX does. I could easily see how people quickly get bored with the GTR.

Another thing to consider - the GTR was developed primarily to push the envelope of what modern cars can achieve, so there will always be a car on the horizon that will surpass it's capabilities. In contrast, there will never be another car like the NSX. That sonorous N/A engine note, the transparent steering feel, the slick manual shifter, the incredible driving position and visibility - all key attributes of the NSX that current automakers have moved on from and will soon be lost in the pursuit of performance.
This is my current dilemma. I still have both, but have been thinking of selling the S2000. Don't need to, but it's been going around in my head.

Lol. I wouldn't they are different kind of apples. One is sharp and tarty the other is more sweet and softer. Best to be able to enjoy both whenever.
^^^^+1^^^I own both as well and love driving them both because of their differences.

Over the years that I've owned an NSX I can't keep count on the number of times that I've been approached by someone who said that they used to own an NSX and are kicking themselves for ever selling it.

I'm the fourth owner of my current NSX and two of its previous owners have claimed the right of first refusal if I ever decide to sell it.

And finally, I have a friend who is the original owner of a 91 NSX with 319K miles on the clock. Since I've known him I've seen him buy and sell Mercedes, Ferraris and Maseratis. He currently has a McLaren MP4 and a Ferrari 458. And yet the only car he will not sell is that high mileage NSX. That says something about the car and he along with my late wife are directly responsible for me getting into ownership of my NSX. And, the reason I drive my NSX so much. So my advice, don't sell your NSX and find a way to drive a GTR at one of those exotic car experience events to get your fix of GTR. However, the bottom line is that it's your money and your car. So do what feels right for you no matter what we experts say.
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I have sold my nsx many times before in my mind.....I always regret I'm still owner #1 ......
There is a reason I'm on my third one....regretted it every time ....

Hopefully never selling my current one.
I think life is about experiences. In the car world how do you know if you will like something without trying it? You can take others peoples word for it but is that really as fun or rewarding as doing it yourself? I have owned a few different cars and whenever I find one that I really like I try to keep it. I have had some that did not grab me and those I sold to try something new.

As for the GTR, it is a modern supercar while the NSX is a classic sports car. The only thing they have in common is country of origin. I am a manual guy myself but the transmission in the GTR is the future. If you go with a GTR get one with some power as the chassis is so good that stock power feels underwhelming. The NSX is truly one of the best cars ever made but the car world has come a long way over the past 25 years. The NSX put exotics on notice from an ergonomics and reliability standpoint while the GTR put exotics on notice from a performance standpoint. Both are very significant cars.
Thanks for all of the input guys, I had a long 5 day weekend and decided to test drive some cars while I was off. Test drove a 2011 GTR, 2012 Porsche 911, a new Cayman, a 2013 BMW M3 Comp, and a 2013 Mercedes C63 AMG, and the only car to me that comes close to driving the NSX was the M3. Each car had it's own fine points, and of course negatives. I really couldn't put them all through the paces; but with my limited exposure to each car the M3 stood out. Looks wise you can't replace an NSX; but from a performance stand-point the BMW was pretty close! So no GTR for me, I just had to drive and see for myself.
First of all, you should be asking this in the GTR forum. You'll obviously get biased opinions here.

Secondly, the GTR is the Serena Williams of sportscars. No offense in your taste for women. We are all different.

The only cars I'd sell my NSX for:

- 458
- Huracán
- 991 GT3

And if I can afford either of the above, I probably don't have to sell the NSX. I driven the GTR on track and though very very good, it's not as fun as a well modified NSX. Rarely is anyone racing an NSX or a GTR so it's all about the fun factor. However, fun is subjective and if you have more fun in the GTR, then by all means...
Not a GTR but another comparison:
A friend bought the latest Cayman GT4 but still has his SC NSX that he tracks often. He said he like the X better and I asked him to give me 3 reasons why:

.. Here is my top 3 reasons why I prefer driving NSX over GT4.

1. Power and weight advantage-60HP and 200lbs is very noticeable. X feels much more nimble, agile and responsive when pushed hard.
2. Raw driving experience-Excitement level is a bit higher when driven in X.
3. Open cockpit view-It makes you feel like you are piloting instead of driving. Also I prefer driving position of X