Attempted theft of NSX in San Jose

17 June 2007
San Jose, CA
Someone got into my locked cherry '93, two floors down in my complex's "secure" garage, without damaging the door locks or breaking a window. They jimmied the ignition with a screwdriver and removed a panel underneath and forward of the steering column. For some reason, they didn't succeed in stealing it. The officer took the screwdriver that they left and will check it for prints. This was in the Elan apartment complex in north San Jose, on Montague near River Oaks, near the border with Milpitas.

Any ideas how they could have gotten in without damaging the car? Also any advice on anti-theft devices?
Someone got into my locked cherry '93, two floors down in my complex's "secure" garage, without damaging the door locks or breaking a window. They jimmied the ignition with a screwdriver and removed a panel underneath and forward of the steering column. For some reason, they didn't succeed in stealing it. The officer took the screwdriver that they left and will check it for prints. This was in the Elan apartment complex in north San Jose, on Montague near River Oaks, near the border with Milpitas.

Any ideas how they could have gotten in without damaging the car? Also any advice on anti-theft devices?

You're absolutely sure you locked it?

Another possibility is that with age and use, the door lock cylinders wear out to the point that inserting a similar key will unlock it. Sometimes a blank might even do the job if it's worn down enough.
this is a nice Segway to your other thread about not having a the hellcat community folks are seeing first hand what happens to cars left out in public view...A kill switch hidden cutting power to fuel pump and ignition can be helpful
Someone got into my locked cherry '93, two floors down in my complex's "secure" garage, without damaging the door locks or breaking a window. They jimmied the ignition with a screwdriver and removed a panel underneath and forward of the steering column. For some reason, they didn't succeed in stealing it. The officer took the screwdriver that they left and will check it for prints. This was in the Elan apartment complex in north San Jose, on Montague near River Oaks, near the border with Milpitas.

Any ideas how they could have gotten in without damaging the car? Also any advice on anti-theft devices?

Could they have used a "slim jim"? Old school way of unlocking cars. A 1993 just may be old enough for such a tool to work.
If you have no alarm old Hondas are not hard to break into at all. Slim jim, window pump and a rod, etc. Our old locking/security devices basically fit into the saying "locks are to keep good people out".
Have you had recent services anywhere? Someone have your key for an extended period of time?

glad they were unsuccessful
I'm glad they were unsuccessful as well!
If they had copied the key, wouldn't they just have driven away? No need for the old bent screwdriver. Don't think they got immobilizer keys until '97.
Do you have remote locks? Could your code have been copied?
With frameless windows, there is not much security on our cars unfortunately.
Makes me want to pull a few fuses daily, but I don't think even that would stop a pro. :mad:
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As mentioned, not too much trouble using a bit of a wedge in a frameless window and a coat hanger to trip the door lock and you're in!:frown: