Bad NSX accident (not me)

18 September 2002
South Bend, IN, USA
I hate these stories. We all do spirited driving from time to time, but there is a time and place for such things - certainly not during rush hour traffic!

Hope the drivers are ok...
I witnessed something similar a couple of weeks ago here in the bay area.

Coming home at 1:30AM one night, a couple of cars flew past me at pretty healthy speeds. I was in my M3, tired, just wanted to get home, so I kept my 65 mph pace in the slow lane.

Few miles later, I saw a cloud of smoke. It turned out that a Camaro had hit the center divider. A silver TA was near the ditch. Another black car had its driver's side door missing, rear hatch missing, and the entire rear end gone!.

It was so damaged that I could not tell what car it was. My guess was that it was either a Camaro or a TA.

Worst part was that a group of people were standing around a body that laid motionless on the ground, behind the damaged black car.

I felt sick to my stomach. Called 911, and was told help was already on the way.

Such events put things in perspective in a big hurry.
I hate these stories. We all do spirited driving from time to time, but there is a time and place for such things - certainly not during rush hour traffic!
Hope the drivers are ok...

I doubt it. At least the NSX driver. The way it was described, he said the the Acura was smashed in and it was HALF the length it was. At least the S2k only had the driver's side door wrecked...still though.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 13 November 2002).]
simply dont race off track.. in this case youcould save up some potentials of your engine.. . and stay cool minded when some riced up civics accords Jettas whatever trying to provoke you to race.. safety is the most important.. let them pass.. so what...

the art of chasing down my friend's white 3000gt at com. ave

NSXCA # 1690 "Sabrina"

Was the incident on the 280 or the 101 fwy?

I know the 280 has much less traffic, especially at night. But it would be very stupid to race like that on the 101.
Originally posted by Joel:

I doubt it. At least the NSX driver. The way it was described, he said the the Acura was smashed in and it was HALF the length it was. At least the S2k only had the driver's side door wrecked...still though.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 13 November 2002).]

Maybe the S2k braked too hard and block the way of the NSX then NSX hit S2k's driver side door and spin out.. crunched the front and back crumple zone.. in that case.. 1/2 of original length is possible.

the art of chasing down my friend's white 3000gt at com. ave

NSXCA # 1690 "Sabrina"

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 13 November 2002).]
Precisely my point. Whether it was crumpled from the back or the front, "half the length it was" usually means that the driver sustained some pretty serious, if not fatal, injury.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 13 November 2002).]
Originally posted by Joel:
Precisely my point. Whether it was crumpled from the back or the front, "half the length it was" usually means that the driver sustained some pretty serious, if not fatal, injury.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 13 November 2002).]

In any sense. we should hope that the driver of the NSX and the S2K will be alright