Bay Area Xmas Dinner 12-12-15

27 October 2006
Hello Bay Area peeps. We will be organizing a Xmas dinner/get-together to enjoy each others company and reminisce over the year's events, drives, etc as well as possibly planning next year's events. The dinner will be at Horatio's in San Leandro on December 12th at 6:00PM.

If you can make it sign up ASAP since we will need to make a reservation soon.

I look forward to seeing you all then.

Attending Xmas Dinner
1. Dhalsim
Put me down for now. I'm 90% sure I could make it. If not I will let you know two weeks in advance.
My wife is having back surgery on 12/9... so I'll have to pass.
Planning on setting up a West Marin drive as soon as El Neno is over.
Season's greetings to all!
The menu looks very good at this place. Hopefully many more will come. I'm hungry now.
Sorry, can't make was saved 6 months ago :frown:
I'm on call this weekend of the dinner. Therefore, I cannot commit. Maybe next time.
Will get zero calls if I don't go and get a ton of calls if I do. Just how it always goes down.
If it's ok, I'd like to bring a friend with me. We'll be heading there from a party in the afternoon. He's a car guy too. Works at Tesla in Fremont and owns the red FD in my photo album. Cheers!
Sorry I cannot make this event Roger. Work duty calls. I hope you all have a great time and a very merry Christmas.
Roger, thanks for setting this up for the group. It was a good time with good convo. I felt bad that tChan wasn't close to us so we could get to know him. I look forward to getting to know you better tChan, and Spencer is always welcome, too. I can't wait for the karting even in January.

Roger, hit me up and we'll work out some details.

Lastly, thanks to the NSXCA for helping with the bill. What a great perk for members!

Roger, thanks for setting this up for the group. It was a good time with good convo. I felt bad that tChan wasn't close to us so we could get to know him. I look forward to getting to know you better tChan, and Spencer is always welcome, too. I can't wait for the karting even in January.

Roger, hit me up and we'll work out some details.

Lastly, thanks to the NSXCA for helping with the bill. What a great perk for members!

I'm bummed I missed this. I worked 3 days straight prior to weeks end. Stormed caused severe grocery store refrigeration power outages and calls were frickin insane! When and where is the monthly meet coming up?
It was great meeting you guys. Thanks Roger for setting it up. Wish I didn't have to cut out early. I wanted to pick your brains about the car a little bit. I'll try to make it to the karting event next month.
I'm bummed I missed this. I worked 3 days straight prior to weeks end. Stormed caused severe grocery store refrigeration power outages and calls were frickin insane! When and where is the monthly meet coming up?

The monthly meets are supposed to be every first Saturday of the month. But January will be on Jan 9 for a karting meet since Jan 2 is so close to the new year celebrations. Next one after that will likely be Feb 6, location TBD.

It was great meeting you guys. Thanks Roger for setting it up. Wish I didn't have to cut out early. I wanted to pick your brains about the car a little bit. I'll try to make it to the karting event next month.

Hey, its always good to meet new owners. Don't miss our next event which is karting in Milbrae.