Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Be Careful

27 April 2015
I posted an ad last week for a set of 2005 OEM wheels. I received an email from a James Ray, while I did not confirm he is an NSX Prime member , it was the only place I posted the ad. He contacted me by email , sent me pictures and we agreed on a price , shipped from North Carolina to me in Arizona. I wired the money ,as he requested and directed. He confirmed he had the funds. The next day he emailed me and said he needed an extra $250.00 to cover packaging the wheels and to wire it immediately. When I told him , I did not need to have them packaged and refused to wire any more money, he went silent. He has not returned my calls or me emails for the last 2 days. I suspect I have been had. Be careful when dealing with this guy , he goes by Big Jim and says he lives in Colerain NC. Never showed any interested in the car and did not engage in any discussion about the NSX's. That should have been a tip-off.
NSX Prime was the last place I expected to encounter this.....................
This is not an nsx prime issue - this is a failure to do due diligence issue. Anyone can read Prime since it is not necessary to be a member her just to browse. If you choose to get contacted by a posted email, you then take yourself out of Prime compared to being contacted by PM which requires the other person to be a member. Wiring money to a stranger gives you no protection compared with paypal.

Sorry to hear that it appears you were ripped off but this is also a thread about being careful to do your due diligence before getting involved in any sales.

I can't find anything about a "James Ray" living in Colerain, NC.
I posted an ad last week for a set of 2005 OEM wheels. I received an email from a James Ray, while I did not confirm he is an NSX Prime member , it was the only place I posted the ad. He contacted me by email , sent me pictures and we agreed on a price , shipped from North Carolina to me in Arizona. I wired the money ,as he requested and directed. He confirmed he had the funds. The next day he emailed me and said he needed an extra $250.00 to cover packaging the wheels and to wire it immediately. When I told him , I did not need to have them packaged and refused to wire any more money, he went silent. He has not returned my calls or me emails for the last 2 days. I suspect I have been had. Be careful when dealing with this guy , he goes by Big Jim and says he lives in Colerain NC. Never showed any interested in the car and did not engage in any discussion about the NSX's. That should have been a tip-off.
NSX Prime was the last place I expected to encounter this.....................


Sorry on what happened to you. Anyone can join NSXPrime and anyone could of had you. Never, ever, should you wire money to anyone. Paypal is the only way to do business that protects both you as the buyer and the other party as the seller. If this would have happen with a transaction from Paypal, all you had to do was disputed from Paypal and most likely you'll get the money credited instantly since you didn't even receive anything. I'm so sorry this happened to you but don't be upset at NSXPrime since it's not NSXPrime that rip you off, it was Big Jim whoever that is. Maybe you can give the transaction info to RSO Bob and he might be able to help you out in finding the culprit. Good luck.

We have a ton of Primers in NC. Maybe somebody goes over and looks the guy up? Can you post more info other than his name?
Can this big jim guy not read this very thread ? Maybe we should be careful what we put down here.

Sorry luigi that this happened to you - I think there are only a handful of people online anywhere that I would wire funds to without some form of protection, but I still see people soliciting "gift" or wire transfers all the time.

the only good advice is, as the title says - be careful...
this happened to me also... I wired 1000 dollars over to John RatheMacher of NC to hold the car for me and I would fly up buy the car if I didn't like it hand me my money back and we part ways. after I wried the money he told me I was the scammer and kept my money, I then drove from Florida to NC the next day with my glock just incase to knock on his door but decided that if some crazy guy drove all the way from Fl and knocked on my door I would shoot thru the door and ask question later I opted to go to his local police, they knocked on his door for me, he wasn't home. to sue him for 1000 I would have to retain a lawyer for 1500, and hope that the judge sides with me 50/50 chance because everything was verbal. I had to eat 1000 dollars, a plane ticket, gas/food money on the drive up and down, wear and tear on one of my NSX's no sleep, So I am always tell everyone NEVER WIRE MONEY EVER... NOT EVEN TO FAMILY MEMBERS lol

sorry this guy stole from you but one thing is for sure you will never wire money again..
The guy probably isn't anywhere near NC. As stated, never ever ever wire money or use western union. If anybody ever asks for a payment in those forms it's an immediate indication you're being scammed.
The fellow claims his name is James Ray and his wife is Melissa. They gave an address of 103 Barefoot Court , Colerain NC. If anyone can look this guy up I would appreciate it. I think he was just a thief and not ever a car guy. I don't expect to see my money or the fake wheels he said he ahd.

EDENTON, NC 27932-1649 | CHOWAN County

Phone Number(s):


p.s. he owns a 2005 Ford Focus..........
the police went to the address and there is no James Ray or Meliisa Ray. I got the same advice , hire a lawyer for $1500-$2000 and try to sue this guy in court and the reality is the guy is not really named James Ray and is not even in NC.................I feel stupid that I lost $1300 , but that's life.the key is most people are honest , spend time to get to know them and if they won't talk to you on the phone , then don't do business with them. I am a Vietnam era vet........I am sure that all the good things in my life will easily put this cheat and his way of life behind me. I own 30+ cars , good for me he wasn't selling a car........I might be out a lot more. Thanks for all the support here for a new member, I still need a set of OEM wheels for my 2005 NSX.
James Ray or whatever his name is will have plenty of bigger issues in life , cheaters and losers always do.

It's a troll. Scam. Also if you notice when they email you. They copy & paste it. And they always ask for wire transfer. PayPal is the safest way.
The fellow claims his name is James Ray and his wife is Melissa. They gave an address of 103 Barefoot Court , Colerain NC. If anyone can look this guy up I would appreciate it. I think he was just a thief and not ever a car guy. I don't expect to see my money or the fake wheels he said he ahd.

103 barefoot court seems to be in Edenton, NC, not Colerain NC
property records do match that name.