Beautiful NSX review and track test in Hungarian (with subtitles)

29 October 2013
This is a review I just found and thought you guys would really like. The presenter is eloquent and the cinematography excellent. Enjoy!

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You rest the trunk at the bottom and push it down till the latch clicks, you do the same thing for the rear glass.
You rest the trunk at the bottom and push it down till the latch clicks, you do the same thing for the rear glass.

Make sure you press on the edge of the trunk as opposed to the spoiler. Let the hood drop from a few inches to close.
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I have seen this one a number of times. It is really quite excellent and the reviewer has an interesting sense of humor. Then there are the subtitles which are pretty well done but at times extremely amusing -- especially when the reviewer is talking about the feeling he gets in the seat of his pants when approaching cornering limits -- worth watching for this alone. It is quite clear that he loves the NSX.