Birdman buys a Bugatti:

Who? :confused:
He can spend $2M on a car but doesn't know how to pull his pants up?

Maybe he could produce "Pants on the Ground" at his label and turn it into his mantra...
You guys are so funny. Talking about Class and the pants on the ground. ahaha Lol
Like He really cares what a asain guy behind his computer on a nsx forcum thinks of him lol...
Stop Juding People or the book by its cover. If he was smart enough to make 30 million dollars, and YOU ARENT than what does that say about YOU?
You guys are so funny. Talking about Class and the pants on the ground. ahaha Lol
Like He really cares what a asain guy behind his computer on a nsx forcum thinks of him lol...
Stop Juding People or the book by its cover. If he was smart enough to make 30 million dollars, and YOU ARENT than what does that say about YOU?

Really? It's a cover? Tell me then, what has Birdman done that has actually BENEFITED society?

$ ≠ intelligence
You guys are so funny. Talking about Class and the pants on the ground. ahaha Lol
Like He really cares what a asain guy behind his computer on a nsx forcum thinks of him lol...
Stop Juding People or the book by its cover. If he was smart enough to make 30 million dollars, and YOU ARENT than what does that say about YOU?

I'd say your doing the very same thing (yo judge) and I doubt his IQ made him 30 mil.? It's like saying Jamarcus Russel is smarter than you because he made 30-million bucks! Whats money got to do with it?

First of all, I had a hard time understanding what the hell he was saying in that video. Sounds worse than a two year old with food in their mouth.

I have no problem with the Birdman buying a Bugatti, it's just tasteless to make a video flaunting your douche bag spending.
apparently some rapper who doesn't care that i'm asian and chatting in the nsx forums. (oh, and i hear he can't keep his pants pulled up.)


Well on the plus side if you win the lotto for 31 mil that will make you better than him. But if you win one for 60 mil then that make you 2 times better.
The guy is a no class POS perpetuating violence and racism. Just because he has money that does not mean he has class. I would be shocked if he is alive ten years from now. Live fast, die fast.
Shit I wont defend this guy but What have you done in the world to be so special? What do YOU do to better society so much? And why Judge him when you have no idea how many people he gave an option to Rap instead of Rob people in his community and made his friends millionaires doing LEGEAL work and not the ussual illegal work they do from the projects he comes from. So to me he has done something in society he GOT out the garbage situation he was in. YOU guys have always been in a good situation and ALL you did WAS MAINTAIN your good situation, Most of you haven't achieved your Dreams. He sure looks like he has and the bugatti is the symbol of it...:rolleyes:
and Again Like anyone with $ Money really cares about how the poor people think lol is a joke....They dont....
First of all there are many people in the US that make money off things that can be argued to cause legal harm ...... cigarettes, alcohol..... etc. This guy has made a ton of money and it's not because he is just a rapper. He formed his own label years ago (Cash Money Records 1991) produced and made tracks for Juvenile (when he was hot) plus is Lil Wayne adopted father and made him the success he is today (produces all his albums).

Birdman is not considered a great rapper period (even with a Grammy nomination)...... he's a business man that produces a product (for various rappers and himself) that people like and want.

Would you like him better if he produced rock, metal, or country and had blonde hair and blue eyes. He's selling his product by the way he dresses, how he talks, what he and his rappers rap about, and the beats he makes.

Hey we know most people on this board don't like rap, so comments like who is that or never heard of him is inappropriate at best and/or shows intolerance at worst. I was never immersed in rock, metal or country (Prince, Michael, and Run DMC for me then Biggie and 2Pac) so I don't get any of those references or know of any of those artist except if they were huge mega stars.

So if I see a comment on one of these lesser known people I don't comment on who are they (with contempt) or what they say or sing about and I definitely don't comment on their personal legal actions. I figure someone on the board thinks it was important enough to discuss (with like minded individuals) and any negative 2 cents from me would be inappropriate.

The purpose of the post was about the car not the man. Either talk about the car or move on to a post that peaks your interest and post a reply if it provides something constructive --- not disparaging a person or culture that you don't like or approve of.
First of all there are many people in the US that make money off things that can be argued to cause legal harm ...... cigarettes, alcohol..... etc. This guy has made a ton of money and it's not because he is just a rapper. He formed his own label years ago (Cash Money Records 1991) produced and made tracks for Juvenile (when he was hot) plus is Lil Wayne adopted father and made him the success he is today (produces all his albums).

Birdman is not considered a great rapper period (even with a Grammy nomination)...... he's a business man that produces a product (for various rappers and himself) that people like and want.

Would you like him better if he produced rock, metal, or country and had blonde hair and blue eyes. He's selling his product by the way he dresses, how he talks, what he and his rappers rap about, and the beats he makes.

Hey we know most people on this board don't like rap, so comments like who is that or never heard of him is inappropriate at best and/or shows intolerance at worst. I was never immersed in rock, metal or country (Prince, Michael, and Run DMC for me then Biggie and 2Pac) so I don't get any of those references or know of any of those artist except if they were huge mega stars.

So if I see a comment on one of these lesser known people I don't comment on who are they (with contempt) or what they say or sing about and I definitely don't comment on their personal legal actions. I figure someone on the board thinks it was important enough to discuss (with like minded individuals) and any negative 2 cents from me would be inappropriate.

The purpose of the post was about the car not the man. Either talk about the car or move on to a post that peaks your interest and post a reply if it provides something constructive --- not disparaging a person or culture that you don't like or approve of.
I think you need to chill. And I listen to rap (Cash Money especially).

No big deal to criticize rap for its lyrical content (I think it's a totally valid criticism of those who write rap). And threads will always deviate from their primary purpose.