Brake calipers

28 September 2004
Temple Terrace FL
My 2000 has the original brake caliper components. Since they are 20 years old, a rebuild is in the cards. Acura still shows that the rear rebuild kits are available. The fronts have been discontinued. Has anyone used aftermarket kits from Centric? Are there other kits available? Is anyone on the forum or vendor(s) rebuilding services of the calipers? I saw a You Tube video on rebuilding Honda calipers and they look much like the NSX. The rebuild process does not look too difficult. Any thoughts. Thanks. Jerry
My 2000 has the original brake caliper components. Since they are 20 years old, a rebuild is in the cards. Acura still shows that the rear rebuild kits are available. The fronts have been discontinued. Has anyone used aftermarket kits from Centric? Are there other kits available? Is anyone on the forum or vendor(s) rebuilding services of the calipers? I saw a You Tube video on rebuilding Honda calipers and they look much like the NSX. The rebuild process does not look too difficult. Any thoughts. Thanks. Jerry

I've used the Centric kits on my NSX with no issues. I track my car, so I expose the seals to more heat than is typical. The rebuild process is not that bad- you do need the rear caliper tool from Honda. A bench vise helps immensely too. I use Dow Corning #4 silicone grease to lubricate the seals. It's easy on the rubber and holds up under very high temps.

Thanks Honcho. I just ordered three of each kit. I would hate to tear a boot on a Sunday afternoon without a spare. At $4.50 a set, it is cheap insurance. I ordered the snap ring pliers from a vendor on Amazon for under $20. The spring compressor from Acura went up in price to about $100, so I will try to seat the parking brake mechanism with a small screw jack. Jerry
What do you mean seat the parking brake mechanism? Are you talking about the lever that sticks out of the caliper?

I would strongly recommend that you do not try to remove the snap ring inside the rear brake pistons, just blast them out with brake cleaner and it will be perfectly clean. It is an absolute bear to get the little parts back in once the spring is released and there's nothing in there that can't be cleaned with it all assembled.
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Hopping on this thread, I have a brake rebuild planned soon too. I was planning on ordering the OEM seal kits but $150 for seals and $250 for new pistons is hard to swallow, so I'm interested in any experience with Centric stuff too.

I already bought "new" 36mm/40mm front caliper pistons from Centric for $35 total instead of $180 and am curious if someone has used them before. I don't know if the dimensions are exactly the same as an OEM piston but I also don't want to be stuck waiting for new parts during my rebuild if I find a damaged/corroded piston. I can post measurements of them here if someone has OEM pistons on hand to compare.
Good info, that would be ideal. My calipers look like they've been sitting outside for a while and I've probably been reading too many Kaz blog posts about trashed pistons.

I'm hoping with the stringent rebuilds required in Japan that my car's brakes have been maintained but I can't really leave the car on stilts for two weeks waiting for new stuff, and least not without putting the wheels back on and pushing it around without brakes.
Regarding replacing the pistons, it is my experience that if a car has spent any length of time driving in the snow belt where the roads are salted, then the pistons may have problems with pitting etc. Like any job, the secret to success is using the correct tools. Resetting the parking spring should be doable with a spring compressor. Since I need 8 copper compression washers for the banjo bolts, does anyone know the size of the washers? I should be tackling the job in 4 to 6 weeks. I will keep you posted. Jerry
Bumping this up again, my rebuilt front-left (and maybe FR) caliper is leaking brake fluid under pressure from what I believe to be the pistons. I used Centric seals and pistons, so it might be either the square-cut seal is bad or the pistons weren't right for the job.

Before I fix the leak, are there any 1991-96 caliper rebuild kits left out there? The Centric kit I got cheap from Rockauto has piston boots that are way too small to fit any NSX pistons. I am cleaning up my original OEM pistons to re-use and throw out the Centric ones as well.

The OEM rebuild kit (01463-SL0-J00/J01) was superseded to the 97+ rebuild kits (-J02) which I'm anticipating will not fit the different piston sizes in the earlier calipers. So there's no OEM rebuild kit option anymore? Plus, every aftermarket seal kit I can find has the incorrectly sized piston boots. Is there a vendor that has the correct Centric kits or were they changed more recently to be incorrect?

By the way, the banjo bolt washers are ~10mm ID and ~15mm OD.
From Amayama: This part is out of production. Although, the replacements below most likely will fit instead. Ends with J02 but seems to be 97-. So no help.
Well, happy to report that it was the Centric kit that didn't work, because I put the front pistons in backwards (flat side out). I was debating even posting about it since it's so embarrassing, I wasn't paying enough attention to the manual and figured since the rears faced that way the fronts did too. I didn't notice any difference in braking so it technically worked okay but the process of shoving the pistons in the wrong way cuts up the square seals and causes a leak.

Before I figured that out I ruined another square seal and stranded my car so I have to wait until Monday for my other OEM seal kit to come in and another kit later in the week to fix the other front caliper.
Well, happy to report that it was the Centric kit that didn't work, because I put the front pistons in backwards (flat side out). I was debating even posting about it since it's so embarrassing, I wasn't paying enough attention to the manual and figured since the rears faced that way the fronts did too. I didn't notice any difference in braking so it technically worked okay but the process of shoving the pistons in the wrong way cuts up the square seals and causes a leak.

Before I figured that out I ruined another square seal and stranded my car so I have to wait until Monday for my other OEM seal kit to come in and another kit later in the week to fix the other front caliper.

Yikes, thanks for sharing! Take some pics of what it should look like for others to reference.
My 2000 has the original brake caliper components. Since they are 20 years old, a rebuild is in the cards. Acura still shows that the rear rebuild kits are available. The fronts have been discontinued. Has anyone used aftermarket kits from Centric? Are there other kits available? Is anyone on the forum or vendor(s) rebuilding services of the calipers? I saw a You Tube video on rebuilding Honda calipers and they look much like the NSX. The rebuild process does not look too difficult. Any thoughts. Thanks. Jerry

Hopping on this thread as well.

Rear rebuild kits not showing on Acura anymore.

Pretty sure I have a sticking left rear caliper.

What all is necessary for a basic rebuild? Any DIY's out there or just hop over to read some Kaz posts?
Hopping on this thread as well.

Rear rebuild kits not showing on Acura anymore.

Pretty sure I have a sticking left rear caliper.

What all is necessary for a basic rebuild? Any DIY's out there or just hop over to read some Kaz posts?

Basic rebuild is just the seal kits and rubber bellows for the caliper pins. The OEM seal kits contain everything (including greases). The Centric kits are just the square seal and dust seals and must be combined with some of the individual OEM pieces.

Full rebuild is the above + new caliper pins, new pad spring plates and new pistons. In my experience, you only need to replace the pistons if there is scoring or rust on the machined surface that you can feel with your fingernail. This is common in cars that sit for a long time- especially with old brake fluid- the water in the brake fluid just festers and rots the piston surfaces.

I'm about to put my rears back together can can try to do a DIY.
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This video for rear caliper rebuilding:
-Have to have long angled snap ring pliers (
-Useful to have external tooth pliers as well to take the bottom cup out (

Relevant Kaz posts:

Other relevant info:

Front OEM rebuild kit for 91-96: 01463-SL0-020
Rear OEM rebuild kit for 91-96: 01473-SL0-020 but this shows as discontinued so not sure. Amayama/Japan suppliers still have them.
97+ rebuild kits end with -J00 or -J01
Centric rebuild kits are much cheaper BUT don't include any greases and the piston boots are the wrong sizes, so you need OEM piston boots regardless which means just ponying up for the expensive OEM kits.

I have a set of 97+ rebuild kits coming in that I need to sell if that's what you need.

edit: you guys are too fast lol. I think that hondatech link was bookmarked from a previous post of yours.
NSX Prime is the best. Got tied up for the rest of the weekend doing various car things.

Good to know rebuild kits are still available from Amayama. Was going to order a speed sensor from them, but waiting to see what else I might need, lol.

Thank you, Paul/ @Honcho .
Thanks, @MotorMouth93 .
Much appreciated, Tyler/ @Big McLargeHuge . It was good to see you again and get to hang out this time. Hope you made your flight alright and safe travels.

I wonder what's the difference between the two following rear rebuild kits:
Amayama shows the -020 as "Original replacements"?

edit: figured out the difference -010 = '94-'96
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You too [MENTION=24109]JLCoolman[/MENTION]! Great time hanging out this Sunday. I'll be on nights this week so prep for posts at odd times..

The kits are the same, the -020 part number superseded the -010 so either one will work but likely only -020 is really made anymore (-J00/-J01 is for 97+). Unfortunately I can't find a source for the rear seal kit in the US, if you need to replace the piston boots you'll have to get OEM instead of the Centric kit, but if you're okay with just replacing all the other seals those will work and are readily available.