Clutch replacement experience

27 February 2013
I just had my clutch replaced at Jody Wilkinson Acura (Salt Lake City, UT) after 85,000 miles. I could feel it slipping during my drive to/from work. I called and set up an appointment to get it replaced. When I got to the service department, they talked to me about what I needed, I explained the slippage, and they took my car. They provided a loaner, 2020 RDX w/ 520 miles, and told me they would call when it was done or they found other issues. I was called and told that my front tires needed to be replaced and that I would also need an alignment after the clutch replacement. It took the tech some extra time due to parts delivered later than scheduled and he even came in on a day off (the Friday before Labor Day weekend) to complete the job. I picked the car up Saturday. They did a good job on the car and I was treated well. What I did learn is that I should have ordered my own parts as I would have saved over $1,000.00 on parts had I bought them through the web. I will do more researching on needed parts the next time I need to take the car in.

Not all dealers will install your parts even if you buy them from Honda and ship directly to the stealership. There are reasons why, beyond making more profit.

Looking at the work order you basically paid double for this sort of job.
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It would have been more expensive in Europe I guess. The dual-mass flywheel is the part that lets the costs explode. I VW diesels they're common, common to fail too. :( No clue why Honda installed them on the NSX. They're not needed (in the NSX). NA2 clutches ARE expensive.
As a followup on this...after a few trips to work and back in the car I notices some fluid and grease on the garage floor. I jacked the car up and found that the clamp to the CV Boot was damaged and no longer holds tight. Grease is escaping under it. Also to note, I had this place change the CV Boot in 2013. They were supposed to replace the inner and outer boots. Only the inner boot was replaced even though I supplied both boots. (I was thinking of doing the job myself, but in interest of time I took it to them.) The fluid seems to be transmission fluid based on my experience with manual transmission fluid in my old MR2. I did not find the source of the fluid leak, but it is not motor oil. I called the shop and am taking the car in tomorrow. They say they will take care of me. More to be posted.
[MENTION=26144]NZNick[/MENTION], yes they are the correct size tires. I have no clue as to what "Steel Wheels One Tire" means.
^ I was under the impression that the front tire for a '97 would be a 215/45R16 - perhaps there are different specs for each country.

You are correct...215/45R16 is the OEM tire size for the '94-'01 7 spoke wheels. But here in the US it is getting increasingly harder to find that size. Very few vendors carry that size from even fewer manufacturers.
You are correct...215/45R16 is the OEM tire size for the '94-'01 7 spoke wheels. But here in the US it is getting increasingly harder to find that size. Very few vendors carry that size from even fewer manufacturers.

205/45/16 is much more available and really opens up your options for the factory 16/17 setup.
205/45/16 was what was on the car when I bought it.
I just received a call the dealership. The clamp was damaged and they are going to fix that. They also say that the other boot was done so I will have to check that again. They reported that the axle seal is what is leaking and wanted another $700 to fix that. After being upset and unhappy and trying to stay calm and a discussion about why I should have to pay for the labor on something they should have replaced when they did the clutch job they agreed to fix the issues for $300. I hope to get my car back from them in a couple of days.
Most dealerships won't let you bring your own parts in. So they order their own parts to make sure that the customer doesn't cheap out with non-oem parts. Also, some dealerships won't work on medium/heavily modified cars.

The key to saving money is finding a shop you can trust which also takes customer supplied parts. One that doesn't lie to you and makes a best effort to resolve your problem.

In your case I would talk with the mechanic actually working on the car and point out the problem so they know it. Having a middleman just causes room for miscommunication. Also, the mechanic usually has the most information to make correct decisions with you.
Here's another update. I got a call back from the dealership and my car is ready. They had talked with management about my case and told me that they are covering all the cost of fixing the issues. I will pick up my car tomorrow. I am much happier with this dealership and will use them again. They do allow me to bring in parts. I think I got the CV boots from or possibly the other dealership in town thinking that I would replace them, but due to lack of personal time to do the job I took it in.
$3100 for a flywheel.:eek:
That must be one awesome flywheel.

Not needed in the NSX but needed in todays Diesel cars. Just another way to rip customers off. No clue why Honda installed that bloddy damn thing in the NSX.