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Cop punches girl in the head

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wtf does she expect. watch the video. Not saying anyone deserves a police beating when they are handcuffed.. but she obviously refused to follow instructions.
First video, cop did the right thing. I probably feel he was getting physically tired and had just enough left in him to punch the girl and take her into custody. Had he grabbed her arm and twisted her around to cuff her he would have been placing his back to the other girl in black and thus leaving his weapon exposed to be grabbed by the girl in black.

Second video, the cop should have allowed the girl to make her phone call. He obviously turned the camera off and beat her because she was being defiant.
EDIT. If that were Renee punched in the face that hard because of her prior surgery she would be dead. This is something that every officer needs to keep in mind, physical force is sometime necessary BUT the individual may have a condition where normal physical force just to prove who is in charge may end up killing someone. I am sure there are people who wouldn't have a problem with that on their conscious but I would hope that it's only a few people. To the officers on this board please keep that in mind when physical force is necessary.

Third video, the off duty cop should have been let go. The on duty officer was obviously pulling him over using the fishing technique that other officers here have said they use. Once he informed the on duty officer that he was an off duty officer he should have been on his way, HOWEVER the on duty officer was a FOOL for allowing him to go back to his car to get his ID KNOWING that he had a gun. IMO that was a huge mistake and could have cost him his life if he was in fact not a cop and had a shot gun in the car.

Second Video: Chances are we will never know what happened there, but his lawyer is a good one, the way he says it almost makes me believe it. If you look at her injuries broken teeth, concrete floor, broken nose, both black eyes because of brken nose, concrete floor...she could have fallen.

BTW: You don't have the right to a phone call, that's a myth.

You have the right to remain silent, etc, etc, no phone call.
The girl in the first video deserved what she got. They turned a simple stop into what I would consider a felony.

If they had listened to the officer it would not have elevated to that level.

As for the idea that he should have drawn his gun when he had a little room.
How would that have ended when she continued to come after the officer?

I think she would rather be punched in the face then shot!

These people that have no respect for the law are the problem, not the response needed to deal with them.
The girl in the first video was crossing a busy intersection illegally. She was already putting her life and others in danger. She then became physically confrontational. That would be like me street racing and then pushing the cop that stopped me. What would any of us expect to happen to us. She is lucky she only got punched.

The officer did use a weapon - his fist. This is an effective weapon that does not cause a person to seize to the ground as a taser would. It doesn't enter the body or fly past the target and kill an innocent bystander as a gun could do. I can think of no better use of force in this situation. IMO any officer that has been physically confronted has the right to use force. What would this world come to if we can start shoving enforcement officers and get away with it? There is a reason they are called law ENFORCEMENT officers.
Let's get real folks. It was only a jaywalking violation! I understand the officer had tried to diffuse the situation somewhat, but it should not have gotten to the point it was at in the first place. A different violation where the perps could perhaps endanger him or others, is a different story. Then this kind of force may be justified to diffuse matters from becoming worse. I have the utmost respect for our law officers and they should be treated with respect as anyone else. This officer, in my opinion did not use proper judgement at the very beginning of this which is not on the tape. What I am saying is, it did not have to get to the point of everyone struggling over a damn jaywalk.......PERIOD! :mad:
Let's get real folks. It was only a jaywalking violation! I understand the officer had tried to diffuse the situation somewhat, but it should not have gotten to the point it was at in the first place. A different violation where the perps could perhaps endanger him or others, is a different story. Then this kind of force may be justified to diffuse matters from becoming worse. I have the utmost respect for our law officers and they should be treated with respect as anyone else. This officer, in my opinion did not use proper judgement at the very beginning of this which is not on the tape. What I am saying is, it did not have to get to the point of everyone struggling over a damn jaywalk.......PERIOD! :mad:

More people die from jaywalking each year than street racing. It just doesn't make the evening news. 2.6 per day to be exact.
Let's get real folks. It was only a jaywalking violation! I understand the officer had tried to diffuse the situation somewhat, but it should not have gotten to the point it was at in the first place. A different violation where the perps could perhaps endanger him or others, is a different story. Then this kind of force may be justified to diffuse matters from becoming worse. I have the utmost respect for our law officers and they should be treated with respect as anyone else. This officer, in my opinion did not use proper judgement at the very beginning of this which is not on the tape. What I am saying is, it did not have to get to the point of everyone struggling over a damn jaywalk.......PERIOD! :mad:

In my opinion this is what happened before the tape started rolling: Your right it was jaywalking and he told them not to do it, and probably would had let them go with a warning. I'm sure they didn't like being told what to do and that's when it started.

Look at the crowd, no one helps him? We weren't there so what would you do???

I can tell you I see kids all the time, walking when I have the right away or jaywalking and I come within inches of them, on purpose. I try to make a point, that someone who doesn't have good driving skills could kill them the next time.

Kids now especially in certain cites have no respect for laws, cops or even other people. Hopefully some kids will see this video and say, whooa I don't wanna be punched or tasered so I better listen. Probably wishful thinking...it will go the other way, she'll sue, they'll settle out of court, hush hush, and in 2 months she'll be driving an Escalade giving the cop the finger! :eek:
I'm sure they didn't like being told what to do and that's when it started.

Look at the crowd, no one helps him? We weren't there so what would you do???
I guess we are all trying to make a call here and who knows? That is precisely why they follow with investigations. Looks like there were plenty of witnesses on the scene though.
You may be right (but we don't know). They didn't like being told what to do is a possibility, but even if that was the case, it was still all verbal to that point. My question is, when and why did people start touching one another. Looks like the camera guy was too late or edited out the important stuff. Where the photog picks it up, the cop is already twisting the teen's hand around and perhaps causing some pain thus inviting the other girl to jump in physically as well. How the hell did it get that far is my point?
Clearly the guy is a Ryu from Street Fighter 2 fan. He gave her a weak jab, thinking she would block or get stunned, but he didn't move in for the throw or leg sweep quick enough.

Lesson learned, always use the shoryuken, 60% of the time, it works every time. :biggrin:

LOL.....the shoryuken would have made for great video..............:biggrin:
Seriously, I think if you resist arrest and F with the cops than you get what you have coming. Cooperate with the police and you will have no problems after that. Done deal. Police constantly have to watch their back so I support what they do. Those two dumb broads should have listened to the cop and not fight with him. This is what is wrong with America these days. We complain about our police trying to enforce the laws. Good grief Charlie Brown!
To me all the videos in this thread are just scary. In our state there are far too many judge dread, " I am the law" type of of officers. Its unnerving to say the least to imagine what is not caught on camera.
I'm one that believes you get what you ask for. Arguing with the Police is one thing, but she put her hands on the cop and pushed him first. It doesn't matter if they were just a bunch of girls. He was dealing with at least two out of control people both of which were being aggressive and resisting. Once that girl got in the cops face and pushed him (Even if it was just a light push) she deserved to be taken down like any other criminal. That punch by the cop was self defense and justified IMHO. If you hit a cop, expect to get hit back. She's lucky he didn't shoot her.
I can tell you I see kids all the time, walking when I have the right away or jaywalking and I come within inches of them, on purpose. I try to make a point, that someone who doesn't have good driving skills could kill them the next time.

This happens almost every day that I'm leaving downtown from work.....brazen kids AND adults jaywalking in the street as rush hour traffic is trying to get home.

They just sit there and sneer as they slowly swagger across the street....some of them have kids with them- some even throw their hands up and dare you to hit them.

Part of the reason I posted this video.
Let's get real folks. It was only a jaywalking violation!

Actually he was dealing with felony assault on a police officer right?
It's like if they pulled his gun and killed him, trying to say all they did was jaywalk.
mknmoves;1320169I can tell you I see kids all the time said:
I say that to people all the time especially one of my friends, it may be your right of way and you may be correct in going but that will not bring you back from the dead when you get hit. Here in NY they have cross walks everywhere and a driver must yield for foot traffic SO what do people do they step out in traffic all the time.
If a law was broken, no matter how insignificant, you keep your mouth shut and follow orders. If you feel you have been wronged, take it to trial. End of story.

There are good cops and there are bad ones. Without being there and seeing the entire situation unfold, none of us can say for certain which category this officer falls into.
This happens almost every day that I'm leaving downtown from work.....brazen kids AND adults jaywalking in the street as rush hour traffic is trying to get home.

They just sit there and sneer as they slowly swagger across the street....some of them have kids with them- some even throw their hands up and dare you to hit them.

Part of the reason I posted this video.

There is a new crosswalk by the high school near my office that vehicle are supposed to stop when the kids are crossing. These kids are so dumb. They just walk right through the street assuming every vehicle is going to stop for them. Shouldn't be long...
I read this story on the BBC and then I read an old thread there about jaywalking in other countries. Being in Canada I use a hybrid American/English system of living. That is to say I jaywalk when it is very clear. The police here are not as strict as in the USA.

Edit:pS. She got what she deserved.
PSS. CL65 has some very good points.
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Arguing with the Police is one thing, but she put her hands on the cop and pushed him first.

How do you know that? He may have been shoving them around first, for that matter. Doesn't make what those teens did right. What they did was not justified and they did commit a felony by fighting back with the officer. That right there, deserves the cuffs and to be taken in.

He seemed to have lost control of the situation in my opinion, but without seeing how it unfolded, can never be sure. Somehow, all of this becomes glorified on those ridiculous tv shows such as COPS, etc.
Here is a lot of missing video 2:28 seconds. :eek:


<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5UDbqSsTu7s&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5UDbqSsTu7s&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
wtf does she expect. watch the video. Not saying anyone deserves a police beating when they are handcuffed.. but she obviously refused to follow instructions.

Another fucking pussy....she was hand cuffed.....how hard could she be to handle ? Being an officer does not give you the right to turn off the camera and beat someone up....
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How do you know that? He may have been shoving them around first, for that matter. Doesn't make what those teens did right. What they did was not justified and they did commit a felony by fighting back with the officer. That right there, deserves the cuffs and to be taken in.

He seemed to have lost control of the situation in my opinion, but without seeing how it unfolded, can never be sure. Somehow, all of this becomes glorified on those ridiculous tv shows such as COPS, etc.

She did not deserve to be punched....tasered maybe? I think he was a rookie cop over his head on a bullshit violation....He is lucky the crowd did not kill him......:eek:
would this even make the local news if it was a guy he punched??? doubt it...

resist arrest and pushing a cop is asking to get popped in the face....

the second video is disturbing...:eek: