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Craftsman screwdrivers stink like vomit

23 February 2003
San Francisco
For the past 2 years, my toolbox and all my tools became so smelly that I thought some animal must have pooped in there. I recently bought a Trinity 27" toolchest on sale in Costco. I decided to put all my tools in the dishwasher before I transfer all tools to the chest. After I washed everything, I realized the vomit smell remains on some of my tools. I separated out all of them by sniffing them and shortly I could see that all of them are the Craftmans screwdrivers with the clear plastic handles. Apparently, the plastic emits that odors and stinks up whatever near it. For the longest time I could not figure out where the smell came from and was really contemplating donating all my tools and get a new set. Now I finally found the cause. I did a google search and there are many entries that describe the same vomit smell. So please don't buy any of that stinking screwdrivers. I will be bringing my set back to Sears to see if they can offer a solution.
BTW, the Trinity toolchest is a steal at $599 and please get one before the sales end.
lmao of an image of somebody standing in front of their toolbox smelling all their tools!

Yeah I've had experience with smelly craftsman screwdrivers. Kinda reminds me of fishing when I was younger and the smell of the cheese flavored bait in a can.
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my toolbox smells the same as you describe and i have craftsman screwdrivers. now i know why it smells.
Do yourself a favor and get some Felo Ergonics, these are the best screwdrivers made. Feels awesome in your hand. The handle is like a stiff memory foam. I love mine:



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You have Butyrate plastic to thank for the smell.
I had a set of Buffalo Tools screwdrivers back in the mid-80s with hard green plastic handles that had that same smell......first new tools I ever bought.

Not to worry, the smell goes away after about twenty years :D
I had a set of Buffalo Tools screwdrivers back in the mid-80s with hard green plastic handles that had that same smell......first new tools I ever bought.

Not to worry, the smell goes away after about twenty years :D

I think those smell more like smoke from a house fire than they smell like vomit, or maybe smokey vomit? IDK:confused::confused:
My Felos smell like Adriana Lima's bra. Back in the day when we used to....

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+1 on the smelly screwdrivers. Only I always likened the smell to day-old cat crap.
I guess the difference might have something to do with the high-humidity environment here (Houston area).
still think it's cat-vomit meets dog-turd w/ a dash of rat-sweat & squirrel essence..

I've had a plastic or rubberized toolbox (resembles a tackle-box) in my garage for about ~10 years here in Texas. It also developed a pungent & gnarly odor that was unbearably horrendous. It was incomprehensible how something to small (relatively speaking) could stink so damn bad! :eek:

I could never exactly pin down whether it was something I had in there that may have spoiled or decayed due to time passage & heat (electrical tape, rubber plugs, plastic grommets, resin fasteners, etc'); or a stray pet (neighborhood cat or dog), rodent (mouse or rat), or other nuisance wildlife (squirrel or raccoon) that may have done their business in/on it. I had various tools in it at any given time including screwdrivers, pliers, and snippers - all of which had plastic or rubber handles. The brands varied from Craftsman, Master Mechanic, Stanley, and other economical/ubiquitous offerings.
Hold on..........

Runs downstairs to smell my craftsman screwdrivers. I have never thought of this, but now each time I pull one out I am gonna be thinking of vomit smell on my hand.
I called Sears yesterday and this not-so-interested guy answered the phone. I told him the problem and asked him if he encountered it much. "No, I don't sniff the tools!"
"Well, can I exchange for a different set?"
"I thought these are guaranteed for life."
"Oh yeah, bring them back then"
So I decided to go to the nearby OSH to sniff those Craftsman screwdrivers before taking my set for exchange. You guessed it. They smell like vomit too. That saved me a trip to Sears for nothing.
I have to tell you. Before I conducted the sniff test, I actually looked around so no one saw me doing so. I did not want people to think I had some stinking tool fetish.
I probably will just hang these right by the garage door so these get aired out.
Not only screws, so do the nutdrivers (same handles). They smell like crap too!
Back in college I had some tools I kept in an old Pan Am flight bag. I rarely used them but one day needed something so I opened up the bag and there was old crusty vomit on my tools. Some tool had opened the bag, vomited on my tools and zipped it back up. Anyway, over 25 years later I can still smell it when I grab one of the tools that was in that bag.