Curb encounter

13 May 2004
Erie, CO
OK, for you armchair diagnosticians, please take your best guess.

Turning right into a parking lot at a somewhat aggressive speed, I clipped the curb with the rear passenger-side wheel. It hit hard enough for the rear wheel to exhibit road rash on the rim but no visible bend in the rim. I felt the car move sideways when it hit but not severely so. The steering wheel before the encounter was centered when going straight down the road but now is slightly, but noticeably, off center to the left. But no road rash on the front passenger-side wheel, and the car generates no odd sensations through the old butt sensor.

So, what do you think, is a slight change in rear alignment likely to cause the steering wheel offset, or does this sound like something else? Thanks for any suggestions.

Yup! Sounds like you bent something in the rear affecting rear alignment. An alignment problem in the rear can affect steering wheel centering.

I did a similar thing with my Mercedes when I hit the right rear wheel. Afterwords the car pulled to the right and steering wheel was off center. I ended up needing to replace the entire suspension on that corner of the car. My insurance paid for it ($3,500) and there was no visible damage to the car.

Bring it for an alignment and if you didn't ben anything the car should align no problem. If it can't be aligned be ready for a hefty repair.