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Diablo experience

6 January 2006
Toronto Canada
Rented a 98 Diablo VT for a friend's wedding - all I did was rev it to 3000 rpms, dropped the clutch and guess what happened - Drive shaft was broken in half - the car would not move after - so much for exotic cars - I know it's a rental and probably it was broken and welded before - but still the car had 10,000 kms on it - I can't imagine that happening to my NSX no matter how agressive I am with car - when the mechanic came to see the car, he told me that I should have never done that - these cars are built for highway cruising not take offs - and it was only 3000 rpms - I imagine if I revved the car to 5000 rpm, the entire car would be in pieces then - these cars are just for showing off and that's it

Thank God for the NSX
Unreal! What did the rental place say? Did they try to charge you?
thank god for impeccable build quality in an nsx mine has 121k on it and drived better than a 10k mile s500 mercedes:biggrin:
The Kid said:
Unreal! What did the rental place say? Did they try to charge you?

Of course they tried to charge me and guess how much ($15,000) for a new one shipped from Italy - I didn't even argue - I just talked to my friend (he investigates car accidents and defects), threatened them with a letter and a court - and of couse they backed off - I guess they were trying to use a victim to replace the axle.
This is a RENTAL car.. it gets the ever loving shit beat out of it in a way you would never do to one of your own.

but true most cars like diablo's ferrari's etc. aren't exactly designed to be abused at all.. then again a 3k clutch drop isn't all that abusive.. Probably just a car that has been ridden hard and put away wet..
I fried a Ferrari 355 rental in Hawaii. before I left the rental place I told them it was low on oil, and I wanted them to check the car again before I took it. They had the car checked and said it was fine. I asked them to note it on my rental slip and have the machanic initial it, and give me a copy. 2hours later (2-3 dougnuts and some burnouts, its a rental isent it?) the moter ceased. They were nice about it apoligised pick us up gave us 996 turbo, and a free day.
I think rental places just dont maintain there cars properly since all there cars are under warrenty and there not keeping the cars past the warrenty anyway what do they care?
With the mechanic coming in short time and the price for a new trans from italy already checked out it seems like they already knew about the problem and realy looked for a victim to blame it on, good to know they did not succeed.

Patricio said:
I think rental places just dont maintain there cars properly
The most do maintain their cars in proper form, especially if the cars they let are exotics and expensive.

Patricio said:
2hours later (2-3 dougnuts and some burnouts, its a rental isent it?) the moter ceased

Driving a rental hard and abusing it with purpose are two pairs of shoes.
wow you must've felt like crap when the car broke, because i know i would. but thank goodness that you didn't have to pay for it. but yeah rental cars probrably got the crap beat out of it by many many many different people. if then again if its a rental i would expect the clutch to give in first rather then the drive shaft since most people can't really drive stock and is probrably riding the hell out of that clutch.

but yeah now i know i was to ever drive a lambo diablo, never drop the clutch at 3000 rpm lol.
Klayton said:
Driving a rental hard and abusing it with purpose are two pairs of shoes.

Thats not how I treat my own car but....

If I get in an any Honda, Subaru or BMW do burnouts and dougnuts without failure, and then I cant do it in a $150k car! Than it deserved to get blownup any way. Im tierd of poor workmanship on high line cars, Have you seen the news were 4 new lamo LM640 have burned and crashed while still not even released to the public but news reporters and the the actual Lamo test driver crashed and burned at high speed. I looked at a Lambo the other day, I live 5min from FC Kerbeck the (Lambo dealer) the car I looked at had condensation in the headlight! what poor quality! at 200k there better not even one flaw that is un-excusable.
Numbers and performance are great but if Ferrari, Lambo, P-cars, cant get back to making cars that last, Im soon to be classyfing them right back in with Dodge and Ford. If honda can build a 13sec car that lasts 160k miles even after CTSC for under 75K why cant anyone else?

s14_tat said:
but yeah now i know i was to ever drive a lambo diablo, never drop the clutch at 3000 rpm lol.

I cant say Id agree if it was a rental. If its a friends car than Id drive it like its mine and be nice to it, but if its a test drive, forgetaboutit! When I go to the dealer for a test drive im going with a pack of red bull and fire in my eyes,:mad: some car is getting a beating before I buy it! If it cant take the beating than I know it wasent ment for me. I used to sell new Subarus and personally I know Im not the only one. I used to go for some great rides with customers when the WRX/STI came out! Ive seen customers break parts on test drives the owner of the dealership says **Its under the warranty. Thats what these things are made for its not an Outback!** hes an enthusiast!
Patricio said:
Thats not how I treat my own car but....

If I get in an any Honda, Subaru or BMW do burnouts and dougnuts without failure, and then I cant do it in a $150k car! Than it deserved to get blownup any way. Im tierd of poor workmanship on high line cars, Have you seen the news were 4 new lamo LM640 have burned and crashed while still not even released to the public but news reporters and the the actual Lamo test driver crashed and burned at high speed. I looked at a Lambo the other day, I live 5min from FC Kerbeck the (Lambo dealer) the car I looked at had condensation in the headlight! what poor quality! at 200k there better not even one flaw that is un-excusable.
Numbers and performance are great but if Ferrari, Lambo, P-cars, cant get back to making cars that last, Im soon to be classyfing them right back in with Dodge and Ford. If honda can build a 13sec car that lasts 160k miles even after CTSC for under 75K why cant anyone else?

I cant say Id agree if it was a rental. If its a friends car than Id drive it like its mine and be nice to it, but if its a test drive, forgetaboutit! When I go to the dealer for a test drive im going with a pack of red bull and fire in my eyes,:mad: some car is getting a beating before I buy it! If it cant take the beating than I know it wasent ment for me. I used to sell new Subarus and personally I know Im not the only one. I used to go for some great rides with customers when the WRX/STI came out! Ive seen customers break parts on test drives the owner of the dealership says **Its under the warranty. Thats what these things are made for its not an Outback!** hes an enthusiast!

wow those guys must test drive the hell out of those STi's to break them because when stock they're pretty indestructable. my buddy does 7000 rpm launches on it and gets 1.7 sec 60 ft times and the car never even had a hicup. i doubt you let your customers test drive them like that. but yeah your manager sounds really cool. generally when you test drive cars, its "you break you buy".
absolutely true..

which is why I also think buying a used nsx with over 50k miles makes sense.. at 50k miles the car is basically well broken in and if nothing major has happened yet the car is not likely a lemon..
Note to myself.. when renting a diablo, rev the rpm to 5000 and see if the engine blows!!!:biggrin: I dont think it's worth it to buy a car like that if its not gonna last at least 100k miles!!! Buying a car like that is really for show.
Patricio said:
Thats not how I treat my own car but....

If I get in an any Honda, Subaru or BMW do burnouts and dougnuts without failure, and then I cant do it in a $150k car! Than it deserved to get blownup any way. Im tierd of poor workmanship on high line cars, Have you seen the news were 4 new lamo LM640 have burned and crashed while still not even released to the public but news reporters and the the actual Lamo test driver crashed and burned at high speed. I looked at a Lambo the other day, I live 5min from FC Kerbeck the (Lambo dealer) the car I looked at had condensation in the headlight! what poor quality! at 200k there better not even one flaw that is un-excusable.
Numbers and performance are great but if Ferrari, Lambo, P-cars, cant get back to making cars that last, Im soon to be classyfing them right back in with Dodge and Ford. If honda can build a 13sec car that lasts 160k miles even after CTSC for under 75K why cant anyone else?

I cant say Id agree if it was a rental. If its a friends car than Id drive it like its mine and be nice to it, but if its a test drive, forgetaboutit! When I go to the dealer for a test drive im going with a pack of red bull and fire in my eyes,:mad: some car is getting a beating before I buy it! If it cant take the beating than I know it wasent ment for me. I used to sell new Subarus and personally I know Im not the only one. I used to go for some great rides with customers when the WRX/STI came out! Ive seen customers break parts on test drives the owner of the dealership says **Its under the warranty. Thats what these things are made for its not an Outback!** hes an enthusiast!

Don’t ever let anyone assail your uneven style or sloppy syntax. There is likely a silent majority on this board that appreciates the keen insight and wisdom in your posts.
Patricio said:
I think rental places just dont maintain there cars properly since all there cars are under warrenty and there not keeping the cars past the warrenty anyway what do they care?

So much for that theory huh Patricio? :)

NSX7 said:
Rented a 98 Diablo VT for a friend's wedding
my1stnsx said:
Note to myself.. when renting a diablo, rev the rpm to 5000 and see if the engine blows!!!:biggrin: I dont think it's worth it to buy a car like that if its not gonna last at least 100k miles!!! Buying a car like that is really for show.

it's like buying a chevy or ford.. sorry but it's true.. toyotas and hondas had been known for cars lasting 200k with minimum problems..
I gotta tell ya.. I am seriously considering an NSX after this Esprit V8..

If you don't obsess and love them.. problems will abound.. it would be nice to have an exotic that doesnt require constant care and attention..

Things go wrong in the esprit seemingly every few thousand miles.. minor things here and there.. tonight I found the car was idiling high (2k rpm) which could be a factor of a few things or just totally normal behavior due to cat warming..

It's this kind of crap that you have to accept in exotics especially.. what makes the nsx awesome is the fact that you don't have a ton of these problems and can drive the car up to 200k miles without spending a boatload in maintenance..
i wouldn't try takeoffs or over revving the more current exotics for rentals, ie 430, gallardo, murci etc...they all have on board rev and spd recorders so the manufacture doesn't get stuck w/ blown engines.
my1stnsx said:
Note to myself.. when renting a diablo, rev the rpm to 5000 and see if the engine blows!!!:biggrin: I dont think it's worth it to buy a car like that if its not gonna last at least 100k miles!!! Buying a car like that is really for show.

I don't agree with that at all.. these supercars should be driven like they were meant to be driven, that is.. harshly..

No the diablo shouldn't crack a driveshaft dropping the clutch.. but with 550hp this sort of thing happens.. my viper has 2 driveshafts and at atco if you drop the clutch too hard it would break the shafts.. it's a byproduct of the incredible POWER and TORQUE that exists in these cars..

Now because theses cars are so expensive people take it easy on them because they don't feel like shelling out 10k just for kicks.. but make no mistake these supercars SHOULD be driven hard.. there is a ton of brilliant design in these cars and I can't stand the people that buy diablo's in 91 and sell them in 2001 with 3kmiles.. What exactly did these retards buy these cars for? just keep them in good condition for the next owner??

Regardless of price.. buy the car to DRIVE IT. I guarantee you there would be a ton of 100k mile diablo's out there if people just drove the cars a little..

I know one doctor here in philly that has a silver diablo VT and he drives the crap out of it when he can.. I believe he has over 100k miles on it and the car has minimal problems according to him..

All cars need to be driven or else seals/valves etc. start to go bad..
Actually SexyNSX and I were just taling the other day about voiding the warrenty on the Elise if you Drop Clucth at 8Krpm. Questionable thing is that there is not a way on earth to match the performance numbers that Lotus quotes when they sell you the damm thing. So... wheres the culprit here? Lotus for false advertising what they wont let you do, to get what you paid for? Or you... the dummy that paid 50k for a car that advertises 1sec better 0-60 than your allowed to do under warrenty? Hire a lawyer... Thats what I would do after killing such a car and getting told me my warrenty is vided. They built it, they showed it racing around the road at 8k rpm (close-up on every commercial):biggrin: Then you cant do it? I think so many people are starting to belive every thing they read on print its like...if its on print it must be true!... Too many companys think they can get over you. Its like when you go skiing....:biggrin: they do every thing possible to make you think you cant sue them, dont they know already that everyone knows you can sue the hell out of them for just about anything? No matter how many waivers they make you sign. Like return policys in stores that say no returns (Illegal). Credit card company make up there own rules all the time there getting sued reguarly. Does the FTC need to start closley monitoring car companys? If they built it they have to cover it period... It not a taurus or a F150 its a exotic sports car, explain to me why I cant beat the hell out of a $150k car! If there computer is so advanced than they should have put some preventive system in there to aviod such Voiding behavior in there car.
Am I wrong? Ive beat quite a few companys for all kinds off stuff, I really dont put up with anything I almost get off on it, I spend 3-5k on a lawyer just prove a point with no monetary benift this crap gets me aggrivated this should be another thred in its self... For companys that got smarter than there customers all of sudden. Ive even contiplated even funding another BBB type company just for the hell of it.

Sorry touchy subject all my buisness agrivations are usuallay caused by large companys that make up there own rules. I waste at 10+hrs /week dealing with irresposible companys that accomplishing nothing.
s14_tat said:
wow those guys must test drive the hell out of those STi's to break them because when stock they're pretty indestructable. my buddy does 7000 rpm launches on it and gets 1.7 sec 60 ft times and the car never even had a hicup. i doubt you let your customers test drive them like that. but yeah your manager sounds really cool. generally when you test drive cars, its "you break you buy".

Thats probably why that buisness dident work out for me. LOL:wink My edge was I told car nuts I met socially, P-car guys mostly since they appreciate the boxer engine like it the only thing in existance.:wink: I told people to come to see me at the dealer and drive it like they stole it!... Really not kidding no holds bar! I had the most fun in the place hands down and sold the most WRXs for 6 months straight! No one there knew why.:biggrin: Invite people to drive like maniacs in somone elses car and they usually make it in the door and out the driveway with with a new payment.:biggrin: Intrestingly enough, I had people promise me that if they like it they have to buy the same car that abused for 30min belive it or not around half the buyers kept there word if what they wanted was in stock.:biggrin:. I (test drivers) actually only broke one transmission mount and the other incident was a bent rim. For 22 WRXs sold in six months I dont think thats that bad. :biggrin: many many test drives. Great car, But it looks/feels like a ricer.
haha that sounds great. hey man whatever works and puts food on the table.
Rennphile said:
Don’t ever let anyone assail your uneven style or sloppy syntax. There is likely a silent majority on this board that appreciates the keen insight and wisdom in your posts.

Thanks for giving me my smile for the day - great post! :tongue:
Klayton said:
<snip> Driving a rental hard and abusing it with purpose are two pairs of shoes. <snip>
great expression that i've never heard used before!

(thx, klayton)
SexyNsx said:
I don't agree with that at all.. these supercars should be driven like they were meant to be driven, that is.. harshly..

No the diablo shouldn't crack a driveshaft dropping the clutch.. but with 550hp this sort of thing happens.. my viper has 2 driveshafts and at atco if you drop the clutch too hard it would break the shafts.. it's a byproduct of the incredible POWER and TORQUE that exists in these cars..

rather its a byproduct of poor engineering and a failure to calculate a correct FS. Many less expensive cars have drive shafts that can handle 550hp, a car that costs close to a 1/4 mil should have no problem....