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    Caveat Emptor!

Does Mark Johnson steal from a friend who died last year....?

According to the San Diego BBB website, two complaints have been filed with the BBB, with "unsatisfactory" results because Mark/Dali did not respond. I am not suggesting merely filing a complaint. I am suggesting looking into whether they offer mediation/arbitration services (as noted on their website, many BBBs do) and pursuing them.

Sounds like another pattern. I just wish that some of the NSX's senior community members (NSXCA Board members, Lud, other NSX forum sites that allow Dali to get business off of them, etc) would help get something going. Personally that fact that NSX Prime still allows Dali to post vendor sales with so many issues coming up with the company makes me wonder what's going on with that relationship. Yes, I know some think Lud shouldn't be "dragged" into this, but he still is allowing a vendor to continue to look for "marks" to steal from on this board by not taking away posting rights. But who knows, maybe Dali has explained himself via pm's with Lud or Anytime, so this could be considered speculation.
According to the San Diego BBB website, two complaints have been filed with the BBB, with "unsatisfactory" results because Mark/Dali did not respond. I am not suggesting merely filing a complaint. I am suggesting looking into whether they offer mediation/arbitration services (as noted on their website, many BBBs do) and pursuing them.

If he was unwilling to so much as respond to the request for infomation, it is VERY unlikely he is going to respond to a request for mediation, let alone agree to mediation.
The BBB has absolutly no "teeth" they can only list the Company as they already have, as a warning to those that call them and check out the business before doing business with they. As Dali is already listed as Unsatisfactory, they will not be able to do more.

This is the major site where Dali does business, if the people who run this site want to do something, even talking to Mark to get "the other side" they will, if they do not, buyer beware. As the one fact that is undisputable is that Mark does not respond to complaints on this site or anywhere else.
dnyhof said:
...But who knows, maybe Dali has explained himself via pm's with Lud or Anytime, so this could be considered speculation.
<font color=red>How would one <b>'explain away'</b> fraudulent activities?</font>

I have given up on getting my money back from MJ (5-point racing harness). It has been since July-August of '03 and I have purchased the harness from another vendor.
nsxtasy said:
Perhaps the amount involved is small enough that the case can be handled Pro Se (also known as Small Claims Court), where the services of an attorney are not required.

Pro Se is not synonymous with small claims court.

Pro Se is simply latin for "for himself" and applies to anyone who appears in court without an attorney. It is not limited to small claims court, or even to civil matters.
brahtw8 said:
Pro Se is not synonymous with small claims court.
Like many things, that depends on where you live. In my county, the civil court that is called "Small Claims Court" elsewhere is called "Pro Se Court".
nsxtasy said:
Like many things, that depends on where you live. In my county, the civil court that is called "Small Claims Court" elsewhere is called "Pro Se Court".

Not to belabor the point, but not exactly. (Hertz? :p )

In CA, they may well call their small claims court "pro se".

That does not change the meaning of pro se in latin, or its general usage in the legal community as a whole, to describe appearing on one's own behalf.

An individual can appear pro se in large claim civil cases and criminal cases as well. Corporations and other fictional entities may have different rules.
I'm not giving up on mine that's $255 + ~$38 for "shipping and cost increase" I want either my money or my Schroth Harness

MarkB said:
<font color=red>How would one <b>'explain away'</b> fraudulent activities?</font>

I have given up on getting my money back from MJ (5-point racing harness). It has been since July-August of '03 and I have purchased the harness from another vendor.
And both phone numbers are for a fax.....wouldn't you know. I'll be in San Deigo next week; what is Dali's address?

nsxtasy said:
According to the San Diego BBB website, two complaints have been filed with the BBB, with "unsatisfactory" results because Mark/Dali did not respond. I am not suggesting merely filing a complaint. I am suggesting looking into whether they offer mediation/arbitration services (as noted on their website, many BBBs do) and pursuing them.

Another alternative might be for someone to file suit on behalf of Guus's estate, presumably in San Diego County. Perhaps the amount involved is small enough that the case can be handled Pro Se (also known as Small Claims Court), where the services of an attorney are not required.
Duh...nevermind it was at the top of the page:

Dali Racing
6391 Rancho Mission Rd #5
San Diego, CA 92108

ub2slw said:
And both phone numbers are for a fax.....wouldn't you know. I'll be in San Deigo next week; what is Dali's address?
brahtw8 said:
Not to belabor the point
Of course you are. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, you are apparently not bothering to read my posts, because you keep taking issue with things I never said or disputed. Contrary to your belabored point ;) , I did not dispute your statement regarding the meaning of "pro se" in Latin, or the term's general usage in the legal system, or the ability of someone to appear without an attorney in civil or criminal proceedings, so there is no need for you to keep repeating them. (Read my posts, please!) But your comments have no relevance to the name of the court in the county where I live, which is what I did post about (and which is not in California, BTW).
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Well after contacting the Business Tax and License Bureau Mark's license expired in 2000. He was registered out of a home address but is no longer lives there....using some tools I have avail I was able to determine that there are approx 53 Mark Johnsons that own a home in the county of San Diego...what I need help in is narrowing my search down.

Does anyone know the following:

the city he lives in
his middle Initial
his spouse's name
How would one 'explain away' fraudulent activities?

Mark, I don't think one does, which is why I don't think any of the talk of lets hear his side of the story is even worth our time. He's had too many incidents now over at least a two year period to give him a second chance.

By they way, I'm now selling that exact harness you were looking for, half off, just send me cash, sound like a good deal? Just kidding :p

But see how rediculous I sound? Dali's basically doing the same thing to a fair ammount of his customers.
nsxtasy said:
Of course you are. :rolleyes: Unfortunately, you are apparently not bothering to read my posts, because you keep taking issue with things I never said or disputed. Contrary to your belabored point ;) , I did not dispute your statement regarding the meaning of "pro se" in Latin, or the term's general usage in the legal system, or the ability of someone to appear without an attorney in civil or criminal proceedings, so there is no need for you to keep repeating them. (Read my posts, please!) But your comments have no relevance to the name of the court in the county where I live, which is what I did post about (and which is not in California, BTW).

Ken, I realize you live in IL, not CA. Mark Johnson apparently resides in San Diego, hence CA in my post.

I read your posts. I reposted because I felt your second post on the subject might give others the impression the terms were interchangeable in a more general sense. That is all. That is why I used "not exactly" instead of a more definitive statement like "wrong".

Please do not confuse me with others on this site that may enjoy arguing with you in and of itself.
brahtw8 said:
Please do not confuse me with others on this site that may enjoy arguing with you in and of itself.
Good - because I don't enjoy arguing with you, just for the sake of argument, either. (Or anyone else, for that matter.) :D
Think people

It really takes some one with some leadership over at NSXCA and prime to realize what MJ has done. Consider the BBB issues that he does not respond to, consider all of the people who have been ripped off, consider the community's reputation and make a decision. BBB isn't going to do squat. I have several business and have dealt with crooked wholesalers before. Trust me BBB gets you NO WHERE. Small Claims will get you no where. Trying to prove the case is a night mare.

This whole argument has gone round and round and someone with some leadership over at NSXCA has a chance to change a wrong. If nothing happens it seems like our leaders have failed us. Hey a lot of our own countries politicians have failed us. Crooked politicians are a dime a dozen.

The posts above mentioned above references what sort of relationship NSXCA and Prime might have with DALI... With these questionable activities it does make you wonder... I believe NSXCA and Prime are two of our greatest resources but laying in bed with too many dogs only gets you fleas. I feel NSXtasy wants the end users to go to the BBB and small claims but I know from actual experience of being ripped off on other business deals that this will go no where. Really how much time and money are you going to spend for being ripped off for $200, $500, or whatever. It would take too much time. My time is worth quite a bit and it just frustrates me that people have the nerve to pull these kinds of stunts.

People were appointed the ability to be leaders in the NSXCA. The toughest thing about being a Great leader or boss is making those tough decisions. Please make one.
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If Dali has no business license maybe he is not paying taxes on what is selling. I have a friend that works for the IRS:D .... They didn't ever get AL CAPONE for bootlegging they got the crook for tax evasion. ;)

Getting worried MJ I would be. I think I will call a friend. Can anyone send me the business info they dug up on him.
Arata said:
.. As the one fact that is undisputable is that Mark does not respond to complaints on this site or anywhere else.

I wonder if I orderded $5k worth of parts....would he respond? Maybe someone can "pretend" to order something and see if Mark responds...that way we know if he's dead or alive.

MarkB said:
<font color=red>How would one <b>'explain away'</b> fraudulent activities?</font>

I have given up on getting my money back from MJ (5-point racing harness). It has been since July-August of '03 and I have purchased the harness from another vendor.

wtf? you gave him money for parts and he didn't deliver? or is it just on "back order". If he flat out didn't send you your goods, isn't that fraud?
Believe it or not, I was going to head out to San Diego to check out my old neighborhood and to check out Dali's setup, but after reading this thread, I don't think I'm going to gamble putting 90 miles on my new used NSX. As I said before, thank God for the internet and these types of forums.

Why not everyone who got ripped off send in a 1099 form to the IRS for the amount. For those that got ripped off it might be worth checking with an accountant to see if it can be done retroactively, ie is there still a way to file one for 2002, '03 or earlier? I'm sure the IRS will love him long time when they find out there is thousands in unreported and untaxed income. Don't get mad, get even.
The posts above mentioned above references what sort of relationship NSXCA and Prime might have with DALI... With these questionable activities it does make you wonder... I believe NSXCA and Prime are two of our greatest resources but laying in bed with too many dogs only gets you fleas. I feel NSXtasy wants the end users to go to the BBB and small claims but I know from actual experience of being ripped off on other business deals that this will go no where.

People were appointed the ability to be leaders in the NSXCA. The toughest thing about being a Great leader or boss is making those tough decisions. Please make one.

I agree, it's going to take the LEADERS of our community to help us lesser guys get justice. Ken, I know you want to go through proper channels on this but as evidenced, it doesn't appear to work. Seeing that, what would be your next selection for making all of these wrongs right? I won't call you out on anything more here, but I do look to you as one of our leaders - by being on the NSXCA board and as a frequent participant here on Prime. I just hope that you could get the ball rolling with the right people to get something accomplished.
TyraNSX said:
Why not everyone who got ripped off send in a 1099 form to the IRS for the amount. For those that got ripped off it might be worth checking with an accountant to see if it can be done retroactively, ie is there still a way to file one for 2002, '03 or earlier? I'm sure the IRS will love him long time when they find out there is thousands in unreported and untaxed income. Don't get mad, get even.

hmm...I wonder if he pissed off just SOME/FEW of his customers and not others or just a few of the nsxprime.com members. I read this entire thread and found 2 people that haven't gotten their harness's after a few months (they could build a harness FACTORY in less time, 2 people have not received their wheels, his Business Tax license has expired since 2000 (yet he continued to do business) and he isn't returning any calls/e-mails from the person that is representing the family of one of his former "friends" for the last 2 months. That sounds like alot of people considering there are only a handful of NSX's in the entire world and even few that order/did business with his EXPIRED company and even fewer that are members of NSXPrime.com. Who the hell can you trust in this world these days? Almost makes me wanna do a background investigation using a private investigator on anyone I deal with regarding my car.
I hope everything works out for everyone involved in this.
I hate repeating myself but I just have to point out again that his trader rating is still positive (it did help to have the same person post 3 positives for 3 separate items to boost his rating). I have previously detailed my problems with MJ and won't do it again but I do find it strange that mine is the only negative trader rating.

It is truly non-productive to speculate about court actions, IRS investigations and unresponsive BBB claims when it seems that no one bothers to take advantage of the simplest first step and utilize the trader ratings on Prime.

Some people, those with processed orders, have had great experiences and others feel defrauded. Post them all in the trader rating and then caveat emptor to all others.
Just to sum up where this issue stands:

1. I have noted that we have not heard the complete story. Everyone else here has already made up their minds.

2. I have made some concrete suggestions for ways to resolve this issue that would involved finding out the whole story and, if it turns out to be appropriate, making financial restitution. Others have criticized these suggestions, but no one has presented any alternative suggestions that would straighten this out and, if needed, "make it right".

3. The only person who has presented any concrete suggestions to prevent such situations in the future is RSO 34. He has been ignored, and no one has taken him up on his suggestion.

I can only conclude that the objective of most of those posting is NOT to find out the complete story, NOT to seek reimbursement if appropriate, and NOT to prevent such situations in the future - in other words, NOT to look at the situation objectively and figure out an appropriate go-forward approach - and that the only purpose of most of those posting is simply to embarrass Mark by sitting around pissing and moaning, and NOT to do anything constructive. RichH is right; you guys just sound like a hysterical lynch mob - "Let's go to his house!" "Let's sic the IRS on him!"

Disclaimer: With the exception of my post regarding contacting the NSXCA board and the club's by-laws, I do not speak for the NSXCA or its board, and am expressing my personal opinion only.
RSO 34 said:
I hate repeating myself but I just have to point out again that his trader rating is still positive (it did help to have the same person post 3 positives for 3 separate items to boost his rating). I have previously detailed my problems with MJ and won't do it again but I do find it strange that mine is the only negative trader rating.

It is truly non-productive to speculate about court actions, IRS investigations and unresponsive BBB claims when it seems that no one bothers to take advantage of the simplest first step and utilize the trader ratings on Prime.

Some people, those with processed orders, have had great experiences and others feel defrauded. Post them all in the trader rating and then caveat emptor to all others.
Ditto, for those who have gotten bad dealing experience with Mark, please go ahead to give him bad feedbacks.