Does this Zanardi on ebay look like its been lowered?

10 February 2001
Southern California
It has an RM intake at least.
That car is lowered. I just had mine lowered 3 days ago, and it look identical, right to the ground. Lowered mine with H&R.
Originally posted by Si:
That car is lowered. I just had mine lowered 3 days ago, and it look identical, right to the ground. Lowered mine with H&R.

Do you have any pics. I really want to do this but I am not sure how. Did you have to have the alignment done afterwards?


Originally posted by tabasco:
Do you have any pics. I really want to do this but I am not sure how. Did you have to have the alignment done afterwards?


I lowered my '91 with Eibach Pro Kit (not the H&R) springs. I averaged about 1" lower per corner. And yes, you will need to have the car re-aligned (about $70-$100). I highly recommend lowering as I feel it is the second best visual mod you can make to the car (the best being bigger wheels/tires). Here is a picture of my lowered car:


Disclaimer: I do not track my car or regularly encounter steep driveways, parking structures, etc...

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by tabasco:
Michigan NSX,

That's beautiful. I agree, lowering makes a radical visual change. Looks meaner, wider,...

How much for the parts? Can I do it myself?

I had mine done for $150+50 bucks for aligment. Personally I think it's too low with the stock wheels. I had a very hard time going up my driveway without scrapping. It does look very exotic being on the ground.

[This message has been edited by Si (edited 25 May 2002).]
Originally posted by tabasco:
...How much for the parts?

I got a very good deal on the springs from Mark Johnson at

Can I do it myself?

I don't know your level of automotive skills. I had a shop do mine for me (certified NSX technician - now on his own) and they had a shop do the alignment. The whole deal (parts, install, align) was under $800.00. Glad you liked the picture.

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by Saturn:
Assuming I let a NSX tech/mechanic do the lowering job, how long will it take him?

Half a day or less?

Mine needed the car for 2 days - 1 for the lowering and 1 to work around the alignment shop's schedule.

'91 Black/Black
Mine took the mechanic 1.5 hours and 20 min to do the alignment. This guy is really good at lowering exotic car such as nsx, ferrari, etc.
Originally posted by RyRy210:
Isn't it wonderful that we have that black scrape guard in the front?

Chalk up another point for Honda in the practicality dept. !
P.S. Guys you're right. A Zanardi off-the-shelf is a tad lower than pre '02 NSX's (like 0.4 inches lower than -T), but this #28 is probably 2 inches lower! Looks really cool though, although I won't do that to mine. Steep driveways that's having me angle the car b4 launching it over the gate rails without scraping the crap out of my front scrape guard. Gotta love Honda for making designing this piece that serves 2 purposes (the other one being looks).

Just wondering who the lucky auction winner of this car is?

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 25 June 2002).]
I had mine lowered with H&R Springs but still stock wheels and tires. DOE! Don't recommend this. I also spent $$$ on a custom bra which goes over the black scrape guard in the front. Until my new wheels come in from Dali, I get to watch the bra get the
s--- scraped out of it!
