Don't buy NSX, too cheap in JAPAN!!

28 April 2002
fairfax, va, USA
I was surprise that why nobody interest my topic " trade 01 M5 for 02 NSX ". Because somebody already talk before, my bad.
This norning I make a phone call to HONDA direst Japan. and I ask some questions about can I order" CUSTOM ORDER PLAN ", and who much about total cost. also I have to special order the left side drive. woo It need $95000 include shipping & insurance...
Anyway I choice NSX type S, so it cost a little bit much, otherwise, reguler coupe or T-top only $85000 for brand new. So I choice keep my M5 and put deposit $5000 to built my 2005 NSX type-s.
BTW, M5 in Japan price Japanese money $13,760,000, check out in
NSX base price Japanese money $920,7000,

End of story, I keep my M5 and waiting 2005 my NSX type-s, anyway if you guys rich, don't be fool to mod NSX, just call them to deliver you original upgrade parts. I think this will be better, What you pay what you get, Same price but more high quality.

Chick it out, you can design your own NSX in " "
also you will know how much you gatta pay.

Have a good sunday!!
This would be applicable if you lived in Japan. However, the custom order program is not available in the US.

-- Chris

I do not see why someone from the US could not place a custom order in Japan for an NSX, then have it shipped to the US?? OK....I understand that this can not be done through Honda USA becasue the program does not exist, and on the other hand I can also understand why Japan Honda would most likely not ship a custom ordered NSX to the US (because the program does not exist here). However, I am confident if one was to purchase the car FOB Japan, through the custom order program, one could then have it shipped anywhere....including the US. Of course there may be emission standards that will have to be met.

Just my thoughts.

91 NSX
It would be very difficult to do this.

If the car has a US model currently in production (which the NSX does), and there is a varient on the model (like a Type S), you may not be able to bring it in at all. It will depend on whether or not the foreign model is deemed to be different enough as to be another car.

If is meets those criteria (the Type S would, I'd bet), then bringing it over would be as tough as bringing over a Skyline; it would need seperate crash test data.

If it *isn't* deemed to be a seperate model, the car will *still* have to come into the USA in US trim. That would mean converting it to a US NSX. Once here, the car could be reconverted to JDM spec as long as it can pass emissions.

It seems that most folks really aren't familiar with just how tough customs is on cars. They are very, very tough. They don't look the other way, they don't "miss a few", they take it very seriously, and the guidelines are very strict.

Think "automotive lobby", and you'll start to get the idea of how serious this is.

Either way, the original post is confusing. You can certainly get an 02 NSX here for $85k (or there abouts), I'd bet, so why even consider this? The non-US models would be a different story if it could be done, but for the regular one, what's the point?

Also, the M5 at $120K in Japan is an insane ripoff. I can't believe the Japanese will pay that much for an M5. I think $80k is already pushing it...

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 05 May 2002).]

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 05 May 2002).]
Correct me if I'm wrong, but besides the NSX's that come in on consolidation each year, each brand new NSX that isnt already sitting on a show room floor is usually custom built for its driver and can take up to 8wks for delivery. Um, Im not completely sure if you can get one RHD but I do know that if you go through the right ACURA dealer, you can get one JDM spec'd as in H badges, Type S wheels, etc... It has to be one of the big 3 major Acura dealerships I believe.
Badges, wheels, etc. are no big deal.

Everything else is a really big deal though. For example, Acura can't sell you JDM headlights, reflectors, etc. without having the JDM spec parts meet US safety testing. The only way they could get around it would be if the JDM and US parts were identical (which, of course, would mean that there would be no point in going JDM).

Anything considered a "safety part" becomes very touchy. Unfortuantely, most of the car is considered a "safety part"
The bumpers, lights, reflectors, glass, etc.

When you start getting into special addition models that aren't even available domestically, you get into that first scenario I mentioned.

As for the production question; technically, all cars work this way. Every car is made to order if you request something they don't have.

When I bought my BMW 330xi back in 2001, I requested Titanium Silver with a moon roof and no cold weather package. I had to wait 8 weeks because that combination had to be ordered from the factory in Germany.

If what you want isn't around, they have to make it. With the NSX, there really aren't any around (Honda isn't really proactively cranking them out), so they are nearly all made to order.

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 05 May 2002).]
Thanks everyone, I thought because I am not a american and that will effect my opinion. well, only on guy give me " You're suck " sign. anyway thank you.
OK. let's talk about Japan units import to America need what kind of check up. basicly, (1) we don't need to warry about left-drive or right-drive, because in America we can choice which way we feel comfortable.
(2) what can I do If I live in north area, like 280/360 cold and snow. ok, the T.S will ask you where you live location. BTW, If you want use your brand new 420hp 2005 NSX-S to race, and then you said if you want put your baby in garage ( no temp-Control )..... so on and so on. they will setup what you need. the most important thing is money can't buy everything, but without money really can't do anything.
(3) My friend who bought M5 and deliver to Japan. ofcourse he is japanese. Why? Because NSX is very common sport car. just like Porsche in America, park everywhere. Let'me ask you all one question " Did you see M5 park everywhere? " beside you got one or your neighborhood got one.
(4) Keep this in your mind, One person only can deliver one car to America in lifetime. so up to you.
(5) Read some book about economy. then you will understand what is WTO/WATT. ok?
tell you some. Import units alway expaniceive. In U.K M5 still expanice than NSX-T. so...
(6) In my country M5 $185,000 US dollar.
NSX-T $120.000 US dollar. MB-E55 $ 180,000
911 GT2 $ 210,000. so keep this in your mind. got money you can buy everycar!!
Any question about how to deliver car, I'm alwas here, Just ask me. I'll do my best.
Ok, I'm confused, do you live in the U.S or another country? Are you basically saying that anyone here in the U.S. can call Honda and order a custom Japan spec. NSX and have it delivered here? Are you also saying that ordering the NSX from Japan is cheaper than buying it here from a dealer due to the conversion rate? I'm trying to understand the purpose of this thread.
err,, is quite confusing. There are some people that talk and type broken English, its okay and all, but it can be oh so very difficult to decifer terms and sentences.

In regards to it doesnt matter with left or right hand drive, its whatever you are comfortable with, im going to have to disagree with you on that one. I think theres a reason why USDM spec autos nomatter the make come LHD instead of RHD. Just like theres US specs which all auto manufacturers both foriegn and domestic must abide by in order to have their make and model sold within the US. This is why we dont get JDM spec Honda's or German spec Porsches, VW, Audi's, etc.. Its not always the engine that differs but many other small things. You can special order almost any car in its OEM spec form from outside of the United States, but in order for it to be insured, and have proper daily driver registration tags, it must be federalized by the United States Department of Transportation. This is why you end up spending $1.X mil on a McLaren F1. $800,000 from the foreign dealer, then another $600,000 or so to have it shipped, federalized, then de-federalized back to OEM form once imported then checked out.
Originally posted by Liao:
End of story, I keep my M5 and waiting 2005 my NSX type-s, anyway if you guys rich, don't be fool to mod NSX, just call them to deliver you original upgrade parts. I think this will be better, What you pay what you get, Same price but more high quality.

1st of all, these are not exactly original "upgrade" parts. Just options that we don't have here. There are also issues like warranty issues and as others mentioned US safety legal issues. You can import any car if you want, but making it legal for street use is another story. Also, I don't see any reason why Japan Spec NSXs are more "high" quality in anyway compare to their US counterparts. They are built at the same plant by the same people. With regards to the cheaper in japan issue, its obvious its cheaper in japan since that japan is its place of origin. In Japan its a domestic car, we here in the US view it as an import. I wonder how many people in japan import a US spec M5 because its cheaper here? Well, when I go to Japan to visit my friends, I'll be sure to tell them "not to buy the M5, too cheap in US!"

[This message has been edited by RyRy210 (edited 05 May 2002).]

I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. how do you figure that NSX is everywhere in Japan when they sell less than 100 a year there?


Please read your last post again and explain what the hell you are trying to say. Especially this:

"(2) what can I do If I live in north area, like 280/360 cold and snow. ok, the T.S will ask you where you live location. BTW, If you want use your brand new 420hp 2005 NSX-S to race, and then you said if you want put your baby in garage ( no temp-Control )..... so on and so on. they will setup what you need. the most important thing is money can't buy everything, but without money really can't do anything."

You have me very confused and I thought that I was pretty good with deciphering broken english.
Thank Teej you don¡¦t mind my pool English, and special thanks RyRy210 this time didn¡¦t give me ¡§ SUCK Sign ¡§.
Just don¡¦t confuse, some dealer do import business. For example you can buy BMW in Europe and deliver back, then you don¡¦t need to pay mark up price like Z8 you gotta pay $135000 in regular dealer, but when you order from Europe. Maybe you pay like $100000 somewhere around there.
I do know some legal way to get car import. But that only in ¡K¡K¡K.some case.
Some time I lose money.
As RyRy210 said he or she ( sorry I don¡¦t know who are you) can tell his or her friend don¡¦t buy M5 ¡¥cause cheap in America. But in japan M5 still high class than NSX, so we will be happy if we got NSX. But why you need to care what people say.
Just be cool with your car, enjoy it. Another thing is Japanese quality is 2% let you male error. Here America is 5%. So what will you choice to upgrade or option as you said. For me ¡K¡KI choice Japan or German.
Issue problem, check you manufacture title, there are all from foreign country than your dealer have to change your title from DMV. Ask Diplomat how they bring their car to here ( Euro edition BMW-right drive).
Yes, if you bring cash to the Honda salesperson in japan, they will make your NSX within one month. Total amount, please.
Teej I think you should come d.c some tome, so you¡¦ll know why America allow we drive RHD car. Just ask diplomat. BTW, sometimes you don¡¦t truly know something then you assume I am wrong, basic that is not good hobbit. You have to learn ¡§ How to become a gentleman before you drive NSX to race or show off. ¡§
I can teach you for free, but later on you will say my English¡K¡K¡Kb..r..o..k..e..n.
Anyway We live in the same earth, think about did you really care My English or may be you should become gentleman after 10 year?
I think you have answer right? We can message each other in this web site. That because we have some thing to make us connect, Isn¡¦t it?
Thank you again, we are all friend~~~~~~
I'm always a little skeptical when someone who starts a thread chooses to totally ignore the legitimate replies and focus only on whatever flames they may have gotten. Plus, the tone of this thread seems to be getting kind of negative somehow, although I can't really figure out why. I thought this was a legitimate thread (it seemed to be), but it's starting to head down the wrong path.

Either way, I know all about the nuances of tariffs and international trade agreements which is why I'm telling you that it is neither cheap, nor easy, to bring non-domestic models (JDM spec) into the US. I know this as fact, not conjecture.

As for the M5 in Japan thing... I still think that $120k is just too much for the M5. I'm not making a judgement on international trade and tariffs and "how much people can afford" and import markups or any other such thing. I just think that $120k is way too much for an M5...

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 05 May 2002).]
Originally posted by Teej:
Um, Im not completely sure if you can get one RHD but I do know that if you go through the right ACURA dealer, you can get one JDM spec'd as in H badges, Type S wheels, etc... It has to be one of the big 3 major Acura dealerships I believe.

No Acura dealer in North America can order a car from the factory that way. However, those parts are available from aftermarket vendors and from dealers abroad.
First of all I want to apologize for the thumbs down. I interpreted ur initial post in a few different ways, some good and some bad. I took the side of the bad at 1st and continued to reply with that mindset. However, I thought I could be wrong so I deleted my response. I would've deleted my entire reply but its not permitted in this forum.

Originally posted by Liao:
(3) My friend who bought M5 and deliver to Japan. ofcourse he is japanese. Why? Because NSX is very common sport car. just like Porsche in America, park everywhere. Let'me ask you all one question " Did you see M5 park everywhere? " beside you got one or your neighborhood got one.
(4) Keep this in your mind, One person only can deliver one car to America in lifetime. so up to you.
(5) Read some book about economy. then you will understand what is WTO/WATT. ok?
tell you some. Import units alway expaniceive. In U.K M5 still expanice than NSX-T. so...
(6) In my country M5 $185,000 US dollar.
NSX-T $120.000 US dollar. MB-E55 $ 180,000
911 GT2 $ 210,000. so keep this in your mind. got money you can buy everycar!!
Any question about how to deliver car, I'm alwas here, Just ask me. I'll do my best.

This forum houses alot of diverse people. We have members from HK, US, Japan, UK and other parts of Europe. Granted, you can't say one thing and expect it to apply to all of us. In my particular area there is DEFINITELY more E55s or M5s than an NSX, but that cannot be true for anyone. According to Kelly's Blue Book, a new '02 NSX retails at $89,765, an M5 at $70,545 here in the US. Motorex sells Imported New R34 Skylines at $95,500, when in Japan it costs 10s of thousands of dollars less. If people in the US can import by themselves at japanese prices and be street legal, then how can Motorex even stay in business? If one indvidual in the US can only import 1 car in his/her lifetime, then Motorex probably knows something that you don't. I'm no expert in this area, I'm just using my common sense here. Maybe you do know more than Motorex and other companies whose sole purpose is to import foreign cars to the US. If so, and I'm not trying to be sarcastic, call them so that they can sell us imported cars at prices available to the public in japan.
Sorry I make you feel that way, but I have to tell you just login the Honda website which is in Singapore country. And you will surprise what the **** Honda Accord 2.0
Need $160,000 and you have to pay $30000 for title fee. After 10 year the title will automatic expire, so $30000 will become air. Try it! And if I am wrong then tell me.
And My friend drive RHD BMW 328ci with Diplomat tag. So ¡K
Thank CK, My English is not good, the reason is not only I just come here 2 year, also I am not good in English, especially use ¡§ Punctuation Mark ¡§ , maybe you can teach me if you have time, and maybe I will give you ¡¦91 blue NSX . so keeping touch ok? Let¡¦s talk about NSX everywhere in Japan thing. First ¡§ Everywhere ¡§ is mean very common to see.
Don¡¦t need to pay per view. unlike M5, You can¡¦t see one in Taiwan and Thailand, but you can see ¡§ 3 ¡§ in Japan (in 2000). So¡KI hope you can understand.
Just put my sentence separate, please!
Again thank all you guys.¡¨ Knew different culture people can make you wise ¡§ is my country proverb. Share with you all.
I was in Thailand in January and saw M5s many times in Bangkok. 2 of the M5s I saw were police cars.

Originally posted by Liao:
Don¡¦t need to pay per view. unlike M5, You can¡¦t see one in Taiwan and Thailand, but you can see ¡§ 3 ¡§ in Japan (in 2000). So¡KI hope you can understand.
Just put my sentence separate, please!
Again thank all you guys.¡¨ Knew different culture people can make you wise ¡§ is my country proverb. Share with you all.
I thought the whole point was about importing cars into the US? Liao, your location is Virginia, right? Weren't you talking about importing a JDM car into the US in your first post?

I have a lot of contact with folks all over the world and I am well aware of the heavy registration fees, import duties, etc., that exist elsewhere.

The original point of the thread that you started, however, was that there is no point in buying a US NSX when you could import a JDM Type S-Zero for less money.

That simply isn't true.
HI, RyRy210, Badfishlbc:
How are you doing? Ok, For Ryry210, My ’91 blue Nsx still at my garage, so teach me English and maybe I give it to you, deal?
For Badfishlbc. I have to tell you some, in Here most of M5 owner 80% are order over 30. and 5 series owner are 80% order then 28, right? So most of them will not buy a M5 logo or Mod it M5 looking, am I right? Look at the Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. All M5 looking car in the street ( once again I mean 1 of 100 cars not only BMW, please keep in your mind ). They buy 520i then mod it, only cost $5000 ~ unknown, depends how they mod it,
Am I right?
All we are friend, be cool for what you drive, are you cool?
HI, my dear friend spookyp:
How are you doing?
Family have family law.
Company have company law.
Tradition have tradition law.
country have country law.
My point for you is use your engilsh to tell Honda " I have money, and I want you built Nsx type s and I need 900 hp. money is not problem, just do it, I give you 2 month to finish it." and see what will happpen.
some of you are rich some are not, if you can pay, and I can tell you that they will do it for your money. Put double v6 engine which one in the middle the other one in front, maybe you can add one more in the back. Everything just depend on who much you can afford it.
BTW, did I need to tell you My father is a diplomat officer. or I have to waste my time to tell you store and argue with you?
I think all of as have thing to do, Go out and have fun with lady, even Use my broken english. true Heart exchange true Heart. lieing can't be forever.
We are friend, so come here and we can talk about cars