Down with the New NSX Headlights

22 August 2001
San Diego, CA, USA
What is all this talk about the new NSX headlights this, the new NSX headlights that! I love my headlights. In fact, I don't understand why Honda/Acura is even considering going to a fixed lighting assembly. Just because everyone else is? In my opinion, Honda/Acura should already understand one thing. Who cares what the other car manufactures are doing, stay with what works! This is how you build a name for yourself. If you want to have glass exposed on the front of your car and risk getting your lights busted, cracked or even scratched, be my guest. The car is more fun to drive in the day anyway! Why in the hell would you want that motorcycle look anyway? Moreover, what's the first thing you see when you go to the track. Everyone's headlights are all taped up! Why? So they won't break. You see, the glass is nothing more than a weak spot. The hell with that, my car is meant for kick-ass driving, not to prance around like a little girl saying, "Hey look at me, I'm modern just like the rest!" DOWN WITH THE GLASS LIGHTS!!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Poloman (edited 18 October 2001).]
I don't think I'm too crazy about the new lights either, but I assume they are lighter than the pop-ups.

Not to be the nerd, but I beleive there are more reasons to removing the pop ups other than asthetics. Weight being one. Also it removes a moving/mechanical part that is capable of breaking/malfunctioning/takes up valuable space/wind resistance. And these are just reasons that are obvious. I love the pop ups, but car manufactuars are moving away from them for the same reasons they moved away from automatic seat belts. They were an inovation that may have taken a step back. Food for thought.
Originally posted by Juice:
I love the pop ups, but car manufactuars are moving away from them for the same reasons they moved away from automatic seat belts. They were an inovation that may have taken a step back. Food for thought.

I don't understand this statement. I don't see the NSX's pop up headlights as a step backwards... I see them as being integral part of an extremely beautiful design. I think Honda is just bending to the pressure they are receiving for not being able to better their design over the last 10 years. That in itself is a real compliment.

The changes they are making are just trying to appease the press until they can roll out a completely redesigned NSX... even then I wonder whether they will ever be able to match their first effort.
I would have to say that the NSX flip up headlights are the best looking flip up headlights than any other cars, new or old. Nothing comes close to the looks of the quad projector lens. I love em!
Originally posted by johndoh:
I would have to say that the NSX flip up headlights are the best looking flip up headlights than any other cars, new or old.

Can't agree more.
Isn't it about time they released the 2002 model? Is there a definate release date yet?

[This message has been edited by nsx808 (edited 19 October 2001).]
To tell you the truth, I grew up loving this current design NSX, and it would take a really, really, REALLY good design that gives better looks, performance, overall drivability, etc to top this current NSX design. I grew up loving this design, I probably will continue to love it, probably even after future generations of NSX's come out.
I'd have to agree with you all. The fixed headlights in the first released photos do not seem to do the beauty of the NSX justice. I find only a small handful of current sports cars with fixed headlights that look good, while the majority of them don't appeal to me.
Just my opinion.
Same here. My first impression of the photo is that it looks a lot like what the Mitsu. did to their 3000GT. As a matter of fact, they look just like the 3000GT lights.

The angle of the pop up light is night and day comparing with the MR2s, RX7s and Miatas. The NSX pop up lights flows and the car where the others just sticks out like a sore thumb, if you ask me.

I understand the weight saving, the aerodynamices of the fixed head light, but I don't see a significant benefit on the looks department.

I do like the new rear spats and the valance design though.
Actually the fixed headlights in the newest post,, don't flow with the lines of the car. The pop-ups are more square and I think fit the lines better. Also while I'd like to have fixed lights I wouldn't want the them if they look like those. I actually prefer the look of the TAITEC JGTC Fixed Headlight Kit (Raybrig HID) from SoS. Just my opinion.

But then again... I don't need no stinkin lights!

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 19 October 2001).]

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 19 October 2001).]
I'm glad I'm not alone, because I certainly have done my fair share of headlight bashing on these boards. As I've said before, I hate that most modern designs are going way over the top with huge ass covers, bubbles, and, in some cases, the obnoxious frowning eyes look.

I have absolutely zero problems with pop-ups...I love the fact that they allow for unbroken lines and a more aerodynamic design. The current NSX looks fricken awesome even with its headlights up since the lamps are small and the covers still flow well with the lines of the car.

The headlamps are one of the things I don't like on the 360 Modena...and will probably be one of my main complaints about the next NSX design.

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black), '01 Lexus IS300 (black/black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."
Originally posted by akira3d:

The headlamps are one of the things I don't like on the 360 Modena...and will probably be one of my main complaints about the next NSX design.

Yea, can't agree more. Makes me wanna say "ribbit." Also, the way they angle it downwards as the headlights near the center on the Modena kinda makes it look like it's frowning. They probably designed it that way to give it an aggresive look but I don't see it myself. I think the NSX as is flows very nicely from front to back, a goal Honda tried to achieve in designing the NSX, but the fixed headlights draws WAY too much attention to them. My eyes start at the front bumper and never go past the fixed headlights.
Originally posted by skim83:
My eyes start at the front bumper and never go past the fixed headlights.

I agree. Way too much emphasis is drawn to the lights. From my perspectvie the lights should just blend into the natural curves of the body, not draw attention to themselves. be there without being there. The other thing that kinds of hits me is the car totally loses that F16 look and feel.
If these are the new headlights, then Honda is taking a bold leap... into a styling ABYSS!

Pop-up headlights allow the assemblies to be mounted lower on the nose/hood. The NSX's pop-ups are the "prime" reason why the headlights blend so effortlessly into the nose of the car.

Me thinks this is nonsense.
Pop-up headlights, at least in europe, are being outlawed for pedestrian safety reasons - they make more of a mess of a pedestrian's legs. The sharp edges really don't help here.

Actually, there's a huge amount of pedestrian safety features that look like they will become EU law - I've even seen exterior airbags demoed for fitment in ~5 years time to all cars.

This is why a lot of cars are moving back to fixed lights. Fixed light assemblies can also be lighter - this is one of the reasons the miata designer cited for the loss of the pop-ups on the mk2 miatas. Something to do with polar moment inertia or something
