Drag racing in Dubai

8 May 2002
In a Iglo
Money..... money....... money! :eek:












Looks like they are not just buying the car. That lady does not look local to me. The arabs are well known to being notorious with their foreign house maid.
Jin1976 said:
foreign house maid.

She's not a house maid !
She is the wife of the OP on the S2ki forum where Prova got the pictures from. Click on the link on post # 1 for more info and pics.
Escargot, my car go, one sixty, swiftly. Wreck it buy a new one...

Tax-free living... must be nice! :redface:

Jin1976 said:
Looks like they are not just buying the car. That lady does not look local to me... (foreign house maid).

Many of the home-staff/servants in the affluent middle eastern countries come from the Southeast Asian countries (Philipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc). Laborers, drivers, workers come from the South Asian countries (ie. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc).

Dubai (U.A.E.) & Bahrain are by-far the most open-minded/progressive (notice I don't use the word 'liberal') Arab countries in the mid-east. So the sight of such an attired foreign woman out in public isn't as taboo as the other neighboring conservative/orthodox Arab countries (ie. KSA, Yemen, Syria, etc).
Re: Escargot, my car go, one sixty, swiftly. Wreck it buy a new one...

Osiris_x11 said:
Tax-free living... must be nice! :redface:
Many of the home-staff/servants in the affluent middle eastern countries come from the Southeast Asian countries (Philipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc). Laborers, drivers, workers come from the South Asian countries (ie. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc).

Dubai (U.A.E.) & Bahrain are by-far the most open-minded/progressive (notice I don't use the word 'liberal') Arab countries in the mid-east. So the sight of such an attired foreign woman out in public isn't as taboo as the other neighboring conservative/orthodox Arab countries (ie. KSA, Yemen, Syria, etc).

I think his point was that people this rich get hot chicks from other countries.

DC is littered with a lot of rich arabs. It's like that here too.
Poseurs or connosieurs?

comquat1 said:
How come the dude's wife isn't wearing a burka(h)? Can't you get in big trouble for dressing that way? :confused:

Read my post a few messages above. Dubai, U.A.E. is alot more tolerant than other Arab states towards such.

Only things missin' on the drag-strip were a Mclaren F1, a Formula 1 car, and a riced-out 9 second Civic... :tongue:

Factor X needs to market out there, we need some representation! :cool:
Its amazing how much money you can get from selling dead dino juice.

When their supplies are eventually depleted, this will all be just a nice memory.
Actually my point was that the lady seems to be from a foreign country and ofcourse she's not a housemaid. About the maid thing, I was referring to foreign maids that work there. Some of our maids at home who used to work in Saudi Arabia complained that they had been harassed by their employer (male house owner).
I want to know if the same guy owns the Carerra GT, Enzo, and SLR. They all have that 'RRR' decal on them. :confused: :eek:
I was told that all the big car thief rings in the world ship there stolen goods to the middle east where they buy it for half price and "re-work" the cars. Just doesnt' fit the picture for some reason...
cosmpolitan capitalism...

afterburners said:
I was told that all the big car thief rings in the world ship there stolen goods to the middle east where they buy it for half price and "re-work" the cars. Just doesnt' fit the picture for some reason...

A stolen Enzo, SLR, CGT, and surely others would raise a few eyebrows... doubtful if any/most of the autos shown above were 'hot'.

Dubai, U.A.E. has the most Aston Martin's in the world! Also, throughout the affluent cities of the mideast, you'll see dealerships for Ferrari, Maybach, Mercedes Benz, Land Rover, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Lexus, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Porsche, and others like they were mainstream cars. Even at the airport lounges, hotels, shopping centres, there are display models (cars) w/ flyers for raffles/lottery drawings ($100, $500, $1000 entry tickets).

You gotta realize that not the common man or even the well-to-do everyday Joe (or Ahmad) owns/drives those cars. Sheikhs/royalty, int'l businessmen, bankers/financiers, foreigners, diplomats, and others have the means & affluence to acquire them. It's not directly corelated to oil dollars, per'se. Indirectly, yes there is a connection.

Last I checked, Bill Gates, Shaquille O'Neal, Larry Ellison, John Travolta, and others had high-end cars & exotic supercars... :rolleyes:

Oh yea, Carguy! too... :biggrin:
My hard earned cash paid for those damn cars by the gas prices I pay!!! Bastages!!! :mad: :biggrin:
Billions in profit now, asking for Gov't loans later...

NSXrunner said:
My hard earned cash paid for those damn cars by the gas prices I pay!!! Bastages!!! :mad: :biggrin:

Nooo!?! Don't hate the player(s) - hate the game... :frown:


Wars, hurricaines, old pipelines, dictators, etc... heck, I bet if you said "boo!" loud enough, oil prices would go up!?! :rolleyes:
Not only does the middle east have plenty of high end dealerships. They also have factory tuner shops, such as Gemballa, Ruf, Strosek(sp?), etc. I'm not sure about Callaway, but they would be smart to be there. I gotta say, driving around and seeing these names/shops is humbling.
Osiris_x11 said:
Dubai (U.A.E.) & Bahrain are by-far the most open-minded/progressive (notice I don't use the word 'liberal') Arab countries in the mid-east. So the sight of such an attired foreign woman out in public isn't as taboo as the other neighboring conservative/orthodox Arab countries (ie. KSA, Yemen, Syria, etc).
In some areas, yes, but to a certain extent. Notice that minus the owner's wife, there is only ONE other girl in all of the pics (in the original thread), and she's foreign too. In general, no matter where you go in the Middle East, scant clad or tight-fitting/revealing clothing for females is unacceptable - neither by culture nor by religion.

liftshard said:
DC is littered with a lot of rich arabs. It's like that here too.
I think that's a general rule wherever you go in the world. The very high class tends to have money in more abundance than morals. The result is obvious; they engage in many activities that otherwise would not be acceptable in their culture or religion. Money corrupts, pure and simple.

comquat1 said:
How come the dude's wife isn't wearing a burka? Can't you get in big trouble for dressing that way? :confused:
A burka is a cultural attire (based on, but not required by religion). It's specific to certain areas of the world, such as Afghanistan. It's part of the CULTURE. Consequently, even after Hillary Clinton made the huge propaganda campaign to divert attention from her and her husband's illegal acts here in the US, women in Afghanistan continued to wear burkas...even today, with the Taliban gone.

In most of the Middle East, women dress in modest, non-revealing clothes, and wear a headscarf, or hijab. In some less religious countries like Lebanon, that isn't too common. In some countries that are much more religious, women may wear a face cover as well, called a niqab. You'll find this in the Gulf a lot more.

The interesting and often overlooked fact that all indigenous populations (Muslim, Christian, and Jewish) subscribe and adhere to such a dress code. The West isn't exactly representative of the world... ;)

Jin1976 said:
The arabs are well known to being notorious with their foreign house maid.
Wow...thank you again for classic Western stereotypes and broad sweeping allegations of an entire people.

FYI, the only Arabs that are known to even HAVE housemaids are those of the Gulf. And they present a very small minority of Arabs as a whole. So even on that note, you're grossly in error.

Plus, I'm curious what would drive you to make such a negative comment off the bat?? Overseas, when America and it's riches are mentioned, people don't automatically associate idiotic stereotypes like "yea but all of their daughters get pregnant when they're 13" or "oh yea but they have black people that rob and kill everyone" or "but their priests play with little boys" or something else I could easily rip from the headlines in our local newspapers.

It's comments like that that reflect a mindset that makes so many people despise America, despite all the great ideals we fight and die for, yet obviously don't uphold, and definitely don't grant others that are human too.

Besides...I'd think getting frisky with your unmarried housemaid is in the least not as bad as getting frisky w/ your neighbor's or best friend's wife...and being a homewrecker at the same time?? Something to think about ;)

Elite said:
Not only does the middle east have plenty of high end dealerships. They also have factory tuner shops, such as Gemballa, Ruf, Strosek(sp?), etc. I'm not sure about Callaway, but they would be smart to be there. I gotta say, driving around and seeing these names/shops is humbling.
It certainly is. I've been to Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Irvine, Hampton Beach, etc...and while some of the places I've been to in Cali are simply GORGEOUS and incredible (ditto w/ Miami btw), it certainly is humbling when you take a stroll in areas of the Middle East. What's exotic here is commonplace there (in certain areas...then unfortunately, you have other Middle Eastern countries with incredible unemployment and starvation problems :(. But yea...I wish people would learn before they speak, and give humanity a chance. Everyone I know who's visited the Middle East in a non-military manner has had nothing but positive things to say. They are, after all, humans just like we are, here in the US. Having a different culture or lifestyle only makes us more human, not less.

Oh and yes, I'm a conservative, religious Arab-American ;)

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Jin1976 said:
The arabs are well known to being notorious with their foreign house maid.

FDNewbie said:
Wow...thank you again for classic Western stereotypes and broad sweeping allegations of an entire people.

FYI, the only Arabs that are known to even HAVE housemaids are those of the Gulf. And they present a very small minority of Arabs as a whole. So even on that note, you're grossly in error.

Plus, I'm curious what would drive you to make such a negative comment off the bat?? Overseas, when America and it's riches are mentioned, people don't automatically associate idiotic stereotypes like "yea but all of their daughters get pregnant when they're 13" or "oh yea but they have black people that rob and kill everyone" or "but their priests play with little boys" or something else I could easily rip from the headlines in our local newspapers.

It's comments like that that reflect a mindset that makes so many people despise America, despite all the great ideals we fight and die for, yet obviously don't uphold, and definitely don't grant others that are human too.

Besides...I'd think getting frisky with your unmarried housemaid is in the least not as bad as getting frisky w/ your neighbor's or best friend's wife...and being a homewrecker at the same time?? Something to think about ;)

Oh and yes, I'm a conservative, religious Arab-American ;)


Mr Ramy... Your not too bright are you?

If you despise America and American (Western) people so much why are you there? I certainly hope your not doing any pilot training!

You people who immigrate to a country and then do not assimilate and proceed to preach about what is wrong with its society and people disgust me! If I had my way I'd ship you back to where you all came from!

For your information, Jin1976 is not an American and is not living in America! He is from Brunei and still lives in Brunei which is a Muslim country!

Get your facts right before you regurgitate your fundamentalist views!
I personally hope anyone who is against the USA and wants to commit crimes of mass destruction is killed, maimed, or tortured. I hope my tax dollars are put to good use to remove or erase the idiots out there like Osama Bin Laden.