Drunk Driver

So sorry to see this. Made me ill to view the damage. Glad you are ok. You were courageous to pursue him and wise to not confront him. Things will work out. Keep your chin Up and good luck with the insurance. There are so many good people here to give advice and send good karma. Be well.
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So sorry to see this. Made me ill to view the damage. Glad you are ok. You were courageous to pursue him and wise to not confront him. Things will work out. Keep your chin Up and good luck with the insurance. There are so many good people here to give advice and send good karma. Be well.
Thanks, Richard.
The people on Prime (yourself included) have been a great comfort and support.
Thank you,
Glad you are uninjured which is the most important. If I were you I would look into filing a diminished value claim as part of the settlement.
Unfortunately, diminished value claims are not recognized by insurance regulations in Rhode Island (I'm told). Obviously, I will try to pursue anyway.

Unfortunately, diminished value claims are not recognized by insurance regulations in Rhode Island (I'm told). Obviously, I will try to pursue anyway.


If that's the case, then my neck and back would start hurting because my wallet isn't going to lose money because of an idiot drunk driver.
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If that's the case, then my neck and back would start hurting because my wallet isn't going to because of an idiot drunk driver.
This actually worked really well for me about 10 years ago. A cell-phone-wielding soccer mom in a big SUV tried to cut a left in front of me on a sleet-covered road. I slid into her, minor damage to both. Her insurance called me and said they were assigning 15% partial liability to me b/c they supposedly had a witness who supposedly said he thought I was going too fast approaching the intersection. It was amazing how, right at that instant, my neck started getting stiff and my shoulder started hurting from the force of the seatbelt restraining me during the collision. I went to the emergency room, got checked out and sent them the medical report. They changed it to a medical claim, assigned a new adjuster, and started offering me money to settle. I said I wasn't ready to settle yet, I wasn't sure of the extent of the injuries, just get my car fixed right and don't screw me on any supplementals. They paid for it fully at my choice of body shops and afterward, my injuries healed fine and I declined any settlement.
So Sorry to read this. I hope you are okay.

It's alywas tough to see another NSX get damaged. :(
Wow! Just WOW!!! I've been in a rear-ender myself; but nothing at the speeds as you described. Hope you are okay. Just make sure your neck and back are 100% before you settle on the personal injury portion. It took a long time for mine with countless visits to the chiropractor and PT and it was only a 30mph impact. Hopefully the insurance will make it right (on the car) as they'll no doubt go after his insurance company anyways.
For what it is worth, when my fiberglass body kit previously met its fate after running a ground with a downed tree after a sharp curve, the insurance company said it was 1200$ damage. After I took it all into account, the entire repair was actually 7600$ Even with myself doing all the prep and fitment then sending out to paint. Which my insurance paid minus 250 deductible. But they claimed I was at fault when there was nowhere to turn. That was until, I have my lawyer wife write them a letter. Then, all of the sudden poof!!! I was no longer at fault;-) Legal advise and greasing palms goes a very long way. It's not what you know, it's who you know... Nettle settle for less....
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And now for the rest of the story. I apologize for letting this thread go dormant, but I was in intense negotiations with Allstate for the last 3 1/2 weeks and the discussions in this post were getting too close to compromising my discussions with them (should they see it). I can now say that the car has been totaled and I have received a reasonable settlement. Unfortunately, the settlement took longer than it took the moron who hit me to get out of jail, get through the joke of a court system in RI, and get his wrist slapped. He got court costs, a fine, DWI school and a license suspension (he was already driving on a suspended license). For those of you who supported me through this traumatic ordeal, all I can say is thank you. You made a difference (you really did). Unfortunately, my beloved NSX is gone. It was an amazing ride! To all the wonderful people I met through the NSXCA, NSXPO and Prime, I want to say you are amazing (especially to Carla and Don). I won't be buying another NSX for a while, as we are moving on to upgrade our sailboat. Hopefully, in the not to distant future, we will get another NSX.

All the best,

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Wow Gary what a crappy circumstance.From your story it sounds like he deliberately rear ended you.This saga should develop quickly.Have Joe look it over.Talk to Joe and Bob.

Yes, John, I'm convinced you are correct. I was traveling at 53 MPH on cruise control. When Mr. DWI pulled out behind me he hit me in about 13-14 seconds. It's simple physics. He was driving a Chevy S10 pickup with a 120 HP engine. He hit me with about a 30 MPH differential (83 MPH). I would guess it would take that truck about 13-14 seconds to get to 83 MPH, and at that rate it would have taken about 13-14 seconds to catch me. The numbers come out about perfect. In other words, he had to have put it on the floor from the minute he pulled out onto the road until he hit me. That is not someone who just passed out at the wheel. The slimeball had an arrest record as long as you arm. Multiple DUIs, reckless driving, driving without a license, disorderly conduct, credit card fraud, substance abuse, etc. At least I'm here to tell my story.

Gary, glad to hear that all worked out in the end. If the insurance company gave you the right price, you probably came out even better than if you sold it privately. Here in NY, they'd give you the "sales tax" as well, and if that's the case in RI, than more money for the new boat!!!! Happy sailing, hope to see you back in a NSX in the future!!!
Gary, glad to hear that all worked out in the end. If the insurance company gave you the right price, you probably came out even better than if you sold it privately. Here in NY, they'd give you the "sales tax" as well, and if that's the case in RI, than more money for the new boat!!!! Happy sailing, hope to see you back in a NSX in the future!!!
Hi Roger,
Yes, I got 7% sales tax and registration fees.
All the best,
So glad that you got a decent insurance settlement. This story is amazing, how this idiot/moron/imbecile/lowlife apparently may have ran after you to hit you. Our fine state may have hit a new low. You can get it behind you, and rise above it.
My deepest condolences on the loss of your NSX! I lost my VR-4 to a drunk driver and lived to tell the tale. While I'm thankful everyday that I wasn't hurt, the feeling of having something stolen from you by some idiot is hard to process. I just try to lean on the fact that my wife and I DID come out ok and we're still here to enjoy life and do things we love to do. Luckily this led me to my NSX and I can try to heal from the emotional loss. It sounds silly to talk about 'emotional loss' with a car, but I'm sure I don't have to explain it to anyone here.
Glad you got a fair settlement. Enjoy the boat but listen out for the siren song of NSX ownership :)
I'm glad this story has a relatively happy ending. Enjoy the boat!
Hi Paul,
Why not drive the NSX to Rhode Island and we'll go sailing to Block Island or something. Thanks for being a friend.

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My deepest condolences on the loss of your NSX! I lost my VR-4 to a drunk driver and lived to tell the tale. While I'm thankful everyday that I wasn't hurt, the feeling of having something stolen from you by some idiot is hard to process. I just try to lean on the fact that my wife and I DID come out ok and we're still here to enjoy life and do things we love to do. Luckily this led me to my NSX and I can try to heal from the emotional loss. It sounds silly to talk about 'emotional loss' with a car, but I'm sure I don't have to explain it to anyone here.

Yup. It really is an emotional loss. An automotive work of art has been destroyed. To me it's like slashing a priceless painting.
So when is the boat party...

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Gary seriously if you really miss the car (although I think you'll be alright) you can come take s spin in mine
. I'm not that far away.
I may take you up on that offer one day!

All the best, Paul.

It's not an idle offer! Pick a date.

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So when is the boat party...

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Gary seriously if you really miss the car (although I think you'll be alright) you can come take s spin in mine
. I'm not that far away.

Wow! And it is even Silverstone! What a generous offer! Perhaps we can do both. Sailing and driving. That would be really cool. PM me.
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Did they offer you a buy back price on the car. Could have gotten a nice check and had the car put back together by Shawn. Would have had a salvage title (not a big deal if you're keeping the car). Unless the damage was too severe and not worth the restoration.
Did they offer you a buy back price on the car. Could have gotten a nice check and had the car put back together by Shawn. Would have had a salvage title (not a big deal if you're keeping the car). Unless the damage was too severe and not worth the restoration.

Once they offered me a fair value for the car, I decided to just walk away. This has just been so stressful, that I needed to give it up.

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I do have some spare parts left over from the car including (4) very good BFG tires, stock muffler, stock headers and a new GROM Bluetooth adapter. If anyone is interested, please PM me.
