Favorite movies ? Songs ?

Movies - High Noon; Blues Brothers; The Professional; North by NorthWest; The Last Seduction (Linda Fiorentino - gorgeous!); Pirates of Carribean; - I too like the Kill Bills - it should have been one movie!

Music - Elvis Costello - Alison; Cream - White Room; Vapors - Turning Japanese; Southern Culture on the Skids - Walk like a Camel & White Trash; Little Feat - Sailin' Shoes; Creed - One Last Breath; No Doubt - Spiderwebs; Groundhogs - Groundhog .....
Too many to name!!!! These are just some of the favourites I keep coming back to.

Author - Nelson Demille - ALL of them! - Probably near the top of list of favourites are The Charm School & Up Country. DeMille is for me, head & shoulders above all others by a long margin.
I recently discovered Harlan Coben & I 've really been enjoying him too.