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Female roommates - Deal or no deal?

Should Ski live with female flatmates?

  • DO IT!!

    Votes: 19 50.0%
  • You're going to regret it, Hef...

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Sweet...a sequel to The 40 Year Old Virgin!

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


24 September 2005
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Ok guys, I have an interesting question. As you may know, I just relocated from the States to London. However, I haven't gotten my housing situation settled yet. This real estate market is a SCANDAL (think LA 2 years ago). I have viewed numerous places, bid on a few (not lowball, mind you), only to get the runaround from numbnut real estate agents. This is to rent a 1 BR flat in one of the "hot" areas of London... hence the sucker post-it note the realtors keep putting on my back.


I've been thinking, at least temporarily, about doing the roommate thing. I have lived in 1BRs and, and with roommates, and am generally ok either way. The roomie thing here will save thousands of $, too, by the way. MUCH less hassle too, at least in the near term.

Anyway, for some strange reason, my roommate search in the last week has only resulted in me clicking on postings from female(s). :tongue: Whatever the reason... that is kind of what I'm debating now. BTW, I'm not old even though I sound like it sometimes. 80s music all the way. :wink:

Gimme your good, bad, and ugly "living with female roommate" stories. :biggrin:
It's OK if your roommate is a hot lesbian or bi-curious. However, if she brings home guys...

1. Never live with a girl unless you are sleeping with her.
2. Never live with a girl.

It took me 8 years figure out #2.
I know this is going to sound very "Dear Penthouse"- but I used to live in sorority houses during my summers in college. I had a deal with the landlord to do maintainence on the properties in liu of rent, and I was also the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority sweetheart.

I can say it wasn't bad. I lived (platonically) with 3-4 women at a time.

some issues involved in living with the fairer sex

- all bathroom shelf space occupied by "product"
- neccessity for discretionary behavior / bed clothes
- Hard to bring women home- this wasn't usually a problem for the roomates, it was a problem for the date. My time living in the sorority houses was actually a dating dry spell. (until I started seeing my roomate Britney- but that was a disaster)

Conversely- they have no problem bringing dudes home.

Other than that it was pretty much the same as having male roomates. "Community areas" tended to be messier than I prefer, and the place never really feels like "yours", but we would go out for drinks, had a few parties, watched superbike racing late night on speedvision... Not a bad time at all, but I wouldn't go back to roomates now. I have grown too particular about cleanliness and privacy.

I would say it depends on the female too- they are all different you know.

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It's OK if your roommate is a hot lesbian or bi-curious. However, if she brings home guys...

1. Never live with a girl unless you are sleeping with her.
2. Never live with a girl.

It took me 8 years figure out #2.
Ok +1 on the hot les/bi-curious deal. I 100% agree with the no guys coming and going. If she has a BF make it clear sleepovers consist's of her sleeping at his place. But you should agree to do the same. On another note, of all the young girls today, I rarely see one thats worth a sh*t at keeping things clean and in order. Personally I've never roomed with a girl due to the fact I listen with the wrong head.:rolleyes:
Shared a house with a female roomate for several years. My experience is female are NOT cleaner than male. That is a complete stereotype, and in fact most cases are probably the opposite.

I ended up cleaning up dried crusted food on the kitchen floor, sink. Sweep and mop the floor, and be a personal maid in the house. I can understand she's not willing to contribute to common areas, but she never vacuum her own damn room once in 3 years. I booted her ass after I got fed up.
BUT,,, if she looks decent and lounges around the house naked, give her a few weeks/months before you give her the boot.:tongue:
BUT,,, if she looks decent and lounges around the house naked, give her a few weeks/months before you give her the boot.:tongue:

She was quiet the first few months. Then I started seeing different guys every 2 weeks, and I learned she's big with online communities, so who knows what sites she's on and meeting strangers everyday. I had guys come knocking on the door, crying, wanted to see her, while she's home sleeping and refused to answer the door. I don't like to get involved in other's personal lives, and her romance caused me grief, which is not acceptable to me.

I only wanted her money for the rent, and her dirty habits turned me off completely (never thought a female would be so nasty). With the frequent male visits..., I wouldn't touch it with a 9 foot pole.
I've never had a female roomate...well, wait...I had one female roomate in college. We are married now. :smile:

Here is my advice on female roomates if you have any hangups about cleanliness:
1. One female roomate in the house = house stays pretty clean
2. More than one = the place is a disaster and a mess (esp. the kitchen).

So, when there is only one woman in a roomate situation, she helps keep the place up. When they are in groups, they expect the other women to be their maids and nothing gets cleaned.
1. One female roomate in the house = house stays pretty clean

This is the perception or stereotype that I think is not true based on my personal experience. It's true, because the male roomate couldn't stand it, and cleaned up! :)

I am not discouraging female roomates, but just providing my experience. I think you need to interview extensively, and check references on any roomate that you are considering. In my case, I did both of the above, and she was a referral through a good friend. I guess some things changed over the years.
A bit more info:

3 BR place, with two girls. 24, 27 from Greece. One is a BMW 3 series. The other is a Ferrari Enzo. The Ferrari seems to be very sweet and we got along really well briefly, but, like the Italian machine, could be a maintenance nightmare.

The place is in an absolutely phenomenal area of S. Kensington London. Literally, down to the "best block" and is large by London stds. Furnishings are girly but acceptable.

The other thing is that I work long hours, so "hang out time" during the week will be pretty limited. In other words, I won't be around to deal with problems.

We'll have a maid too.

I'm good with "the seat" but am an even better aim. :biggrin:
Sounds like drama, when I was early 20's hell ya. I am 31 now and like my space. If I want drama / loud music / party I goto a friends and bring a lot of beer lol ;) Or goto the lake. My luck is they would has some kinda STD.
Wow, I wonder what it's like to have roomates thong panties laying around the house.:tongue: I know if there were an Enzo close by, I'd try to drive it.:rolleyes:
Come on now, we all know the answer to this. The first time she brings home some strange dude checking out your cars, your house, your wallet, you'll be tired of it. The Penthouse dream of living with 2 girls doesn't exist, and definitely not as your roommates. In order to fulfill a fantasy like that (which I will add is very possible) is to meet the girls somewhere else and go to their place.

In short, don't shit where you eat. That's my .02. Good luck, and run away from a female roommate.

I am working away from home during the week and am currently renting a room from a female and it is working out pretty good. I work alot of hours and am hardly ever there. The bad thing is she likes to chit chat alot when I am there.

Why not give it a try....
Ski, remember the thread from a few weeks back? About European women being normal in a social context? Less hang-ups.
(posts #72 and 76 i guess)

You will probably find a female roommate to be a completely normal person. England is a little bit more prude than here, but not much. Not as much as you, anyway :smile: (no disrespect meant, but you did post this question, that shows you to a bit prude:smile: )! Anyway most people here wouldn’t worry if a female room mate was ok to have or not.

Knowing Europe and particularly England these days, your room mate may not even be English, but rather some other European woman.

And she is not a potential **ck, as many of these posts allude to, she is just a normal person, like you, but I’m sure you know this.:smile: Being a European woman, she certainly won't be thinking you are a potential **ck.:rolleyes:

Just be normal person, I’m sure everything will work out. If so you will probably become friends. I hope so. Good luck and rent a fast car and come over here and drive on some REAL roads! And join us on our annual road trip on 26-30 Sept. on the best roads in Europe, the Grand Ballon in the Alsace!!!:biggrin:
A bit more info:

3 BR place, with two girls. 24, 27 from Greece. One is a BMW 3 series. The other is a Ferrari Enzo. The Ferrari seems to be very sweet and we got along really well briefly, but, like the Italian machine, could be a maintenance nightmare.

The place is in an absolutely phenomenal area of S. Kensington London. Literally, down to the "best block" and is large by London stds. Furnishings are girly but acceptable.

The other thing is that I work long hours, so "hang out time" during the week will be pretty limited. In other words, I won't be around to deal with problems.

We'll have a maid too.

I'm good with "the seat" but am an even better aim. :biggrin:

Thats like a dream..... :eek:
As with all things, it depends on the situation, and also on the people.
I lived w/ two girls for about a year out of school. We respected each others' space, kept the common area clean, and even kept the shared bathroom clean. Then I moved to Asia, we keep in touch, and everything is still gravy.

The second time I roomed with a girl, I ended marrying her (well, in a month).

I guess you just never know. Identify a few key points that you care about (cleanliness, respect for personal property, lifestyle, etc), and do a first level filtering when interviewing roomies. Its the most you can do. Although the best interviewers are probably the trickiest.
I had a 4 bed room house in College, 2 girls 2 guys. it was a normal 2000 sqft house with yard and the lot. It really sucked having girls around for these reasons.

1.) Drama was always brought home-and would always dump problems on you... and then they were your problems! WTF
2.) Girls in numbers tend to make each other stupid
3.) Normal every day things are complained about or considered huge undertakings...
-------------Backing the car out of the garage
-------------Changing the Vacume Filter
-------------Getting the TV to work
-------------you get the point....
4.) always called for directions when they were lost (this happend lots!)
5.) Did not lift a hand to help with chores
6.) used the hell out of the phone and never had money to pay the bill
7.) Had long hair all over the bathroom and enough toiletries to fill 2 garbage trucks
8.) Brought home looser dudes that tend to "move in" while they are dating
9.) once a month they go psycho for 3 days, I would find ways to get outa the house! it was bad!
10.) They would throw "girl only" parties till the wee hours of the night and they scream all the time,, what the hell is that all about!

I found it hard, but then again, I live alone now and won't go back to having a roomate.
I had a 4 bed room house in College, 2 girls 2 guys. it was a normal 2000 sqft house with yard and the lot. It really sucked having girls around for these reasons.

1.) Drama was always brought home-and would always dump problems on you... and then they were your problems! WTF
2.) Girls in numbers tend to make each other stupid
3.) Normal every day things are complained about or considered huge undertakings...
-------------Backing the car out of the garage
-------------Changing the Vacume Filter
-------------Getting the TV to work
-------------you get the point....
4.) always called for directions when they were lost (this happend lots!)
5.) Did not lift a hand to help with chores
6.) used the hell out of the phone and never had money to pay the bill
7.) Had long hair all over the bathroom and enough toiletries to fill 2 garbage trucks
8.) Brought home looser dudes that tend to "move in" while they are dating
9.) once a month they go psycho for 3 days, I would find ways to get outa the house! it was bad!
10.) They would throw "girl only" parties till the wee hours of the night and they scream all the time,, what the hell is that all about!

I found it hard, but then again, I live alone now and won't go back to having a roomate.

Everything was sounding bad (accurate though) until you got to number #10.. thats money! :eek: do work son!
Everything was sounding bad (accurate though) until you got to number #10.. thats money! :eek: do work son!

Apparently he did do some work. He said he "found IT hard..." za-zing!

And girls are not necessarily cleaner, but they sure smell better. Living with guys makes your place smell like an armpit.
Don't live with a woman if you can help it!!!!! Unless married of course. Women can be pretty nasty or completely anal. It takes love to put up with that crap!!!!!!

Also I had a female lesbian roomate back in my younger days. 1. It's rare that any female in a lesbian relationship is attractive ( usually they look like something you wouldn't screw if you were drunk ) 2. It's insulting to them if you ask to watch:tongue:

Of course your in England and British women are very different from American women. I had a british female friend in college and she was great. If she had been cute I'd have married her. Yes I'm shallow that way:biggrin: