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General car protection from careless neighbors.

3 June 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Another thing I've been a little worried about getting such a nice car as the NSX is having to park next to neighbors in my apartment or when if I park it at work.... and the rare occations I am talked into driving it out to dinner or a movie to leave it alone in the cold.... mind you, this is coming from a guy who owns a 91 integra, I'm fear owning anything so nice...

I'm posting this only days after having some moron get out of his truck and hit the side of my poor little car (quite hard) repeatedly because he parked too close to me and looked like he was about to kill the person on the other end of his cell-phone call.

So what do you guys do? Keep a 50 gallon can of spray-foam handy and envelope your care with it each time you go anywhere? Put your car cover on? Strap some inflated balloons around your doors? What about at work? I mean, I plan on keeping my integra as my daily driver, but there will be those days where the NSX will have to face the real world. How have so many of you kept your mirror-paint free of dings for so many years?

Also, I know its part of the package - but I'm not really geting the NSX for attention (though I guess some can be good) Do you guys keep an eye out for people trailing you or do people generally leave ya alone? I know I've followed an NSX for a couple blocks before just to get a good view, but I'm sure some people go overboard. I'm not concerned about people like me, but the people who might follow ya for a bit too long... ya just smoke'm? ;P

Would really like someone to perhaps ease my worries just a bit, I'd definitely like to own one of these cars in the near future.

Thanks again!
Not only have a garage, but I don't even trust just that! I have a 3 stall wide, and I built a interior wall seperating a single stall seperate from the other two!!! This keeps the wife, kids, bikes, grill, tools, doors, basketballs, etc away from my car! As far as the public parking goes, I have a corner spot at work, way out away from everyone else. I NEVER...I said NEVER park it in ANY lot with cars on either side UNLESS another NSX or highend sports car at car events only.
neurobound said:
So what do you guys do?
Follow T Bell's advice when parking.

neurobound said:
How have so many of you kept your mirror-paint free of dings for so many years?
I have, on all my cars. Park far away, where the lot isn't crowded. End spaces, where you have a little extra room, are better.

neurobound said:
Do you guys keep an eye out for people trailing you or do people generally leave ya alone?
People leave you alone. Not a concern at all.

neurobound said:
the people who might follow ya for a bit too long... ya just smoke'm?
BAD idea if you just want to be left alone; it will have the opposite effect...
Follow what Ken said.. i was worried too for the longest time... I wouldn't drive the car to the mall and few other places.. but over time i just learned.. park far away... i mean when i go to the mall i park in a corner spot that's so far away you'd be better off using a go-ped to get back to the mall.. (ok maybe not that far but still).

You'll learn that:
1. Corner spots are your friend.
2. If you MUST park near some cars try to at least park in between two cars already parked.. at least that way you're guaranteed someone won't be opening their doors by your car (relatively soon) by pulling in.
3. Some parking spots are wider than others..
4. When pulling into a corner spot I actually move my mirrors down just to watch the line as I tuck my car into the corner as tight as possible... this way if someone does park next to me there's a good bet that their door won't even reach me.

and last but not least..
5. Even when you're parked far away.. there's always going to be that one idiot that is just DYING to park next to you just to spite you... (you can't win them all)..

good luck on your decision.


P.S.- Don't worry too much about people eye balling the car.... some people just like to look.. others take pictures. One time at a shopping center I watched a kid come up to the rear end of my car...(creeping I might add)... he touched the rear quarter fender of the car and chanted (as he ran away) "I touched an NSX! I touched an NSX!" I couldn't help but to laugh..
i had similar problems, plus i live in San francisco where parking is impossible and where there are a lot of people who are jealous and will attempt to mess with your car. at first i would never drive anywhere with the NSX but after a while you just get use to it. just dont glare at people while your driving smile and what not so people wont think your a snob, park away from wanna be racers, away from busy streets, packed garages..spending a few more minutes looking for parking in a safe location is better than parking in a close dangerous spot

Use the OEM car cover wherever you go. That is how I do it and everyone who knows me KNOWS I am anal.

When I lived in an appartment my wife asked me what my criteria was for appartment hunting. My single response was, "I want one with a garage." She asked if there was anything else, I said "No."

Back to the car cover. It does four things:
1. It prevents *very* minor door dings (the ones that mostly scratch but don't leave a big dent) from those people who like to rest their car door against yours and tend to kick the door into yours when they jump in their car. It happens allot.

2. Prevents dorks from seriously scratching the paint when they lean against your car. I was getting a harcut and returned to by beater car and there were two generously sized females leaning against my car. They removed themselves from the car as I walked up and glared at them. I commented as I got in that, had I driven my nice car, my reaction would not have been so courteous.

3. Prevents looky-loos. Mostly. Most people who see my covered car think its a vette. (Even through it says NSX on the front :rolleyes: ) Works for me as they just pass right by it. My thought is a covered car stands out allot, but a whole lot less than it does uncovered.

4. I assume that would-be theaves are as lazy as the next guy. Why uncover a car to steal it. It draws attention to yourself and is one more thing to have to do to steal my car.

I feel your pain, but the best advice is really to get a garage.

Good Luck
If you really want a NSX now, while you don't have a garage, I suggest finding a well-used one. One that already has some blemishes. It will lower the price making it more affordable, and you won't worry so much about getting that first door ding. Then later on, when you acquire a new permanent residence that has it's own enclosed garage space, you can look to sell your less than perfect appearing NSX and upgrade to a less-used or brand new model. :smile:
I agree with all that. I also park way away from any other cars and walk.

I also take note on occassion of what is parked next to me and jot down their license plate on those occassions when I can not find any other stalls to park in.

I carefully pull as far to one side as possible to all the maximum room for the other car. I often let my wife out first and then park against the curb as close as possible to provide additional room.

I keep the car clean and waxed and that way people seem to be alittle more careful when they see how well it is taken care of.

I have caught two people opening doors into my cars over the years. Both times I got their insurance information and turned in claims for the damage, about $800 each time by the way.

One person started to act like they were going to refuse, I just said, fine, refuse and leave and I will call the police and report it as a hit and run since you damaged my car and failed to provide your information. That stopped them dead in their tracks and out came their information.

That is about the best you can do, aside from having a great Dent Doctor or Dent Wizard guy in your phone book.....
neurobound said:
Another thing I've been a little worried about getting such a nice car as the NSX is having to park next to neighbors in my apartment or when if I park it at work.... and the rare occations I am talked into driving it out to dinner or a movie to leave it alone in the cold.... mind you, this is coming from a guy who owns a 91 integra, I'm fear owning anything so nice...

Your situation is not good at all, you could try finding an apartment with garage or assigned parking spot.

I feel your pain, I never park my NSX anywhere I can't see other than my garage, or outside of my pager alarm range.

Never took it out to dinner or movie even once, :mad: ok, maybe took it out to dinner a few times, but only at restaurants that have window seat where I could see the car.

I am kicking myself for not buying another NSX in different color with less than show room condition as daily driver. NSX would make much better driver than the Supra turbo.
Thanks for all the advice guys. I may be able to 'borrow' some garage space from someone. I sure as hell can't park it in my apt spot. Kinda discouraging responses, but I hear ya...

Thanks again!
neurobound said:
Thanks for all the advice guys. I may be able to 'borrow' some garage space from someone. I sure as hell can't park it in my apt spot. Kinda discouraging responses, but I hear ya...

Thanks again!

Yeah, you really need to have the safety of a garage. Even in nice neighborhoods people get jealous and do stupid things when then see an unusually nice car. :frown:
Meeyatch1 said:
Yeah, you really need to have the safety of a garage. Even in nice neighborhoods people get jealous and do stupid things when then see an unusually nice car. :frown:

I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one who's paranoid about their car. :biggrin:

Perfect case in point, when I was at the JGTC race in Ontario, CA, a month ago, I saw this masterpiece of a NSX parked in the vendor booth area. It had the Comptech widebody and the entire car was airbrushed with a very tasteful design. After careful examination of the artistic masterpiece, I noticed marks on the car like someone had dragged a couple of car keys across the front bumper just above the license plate. That had me fuming knowing that some A$$HOLE had to ruin such a fine piece of art due to their uncontrolled jealousy. :mad: That incident has scarred me and caused me to be paranoid about where I park my car. I don't even trust valet parking. This may sound crazy but I love my car as much as girlfriend and I have a simple rule for the two that I hold most dear to me: You can look but you can't touch! :eek:

Here's the link to some of the JGTC pics: The first pic is of the Comptech widebody NSX that I was talking about: