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Grandmother Arrested At Drive-Thru While Waiting For Fries, Coffee

31 July 2001
Boston, MA

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- A 75-year-old woman was arrested at a Clearwater McDonald's drive-thru because police said she wouldn't pull her car forward.

Authorities said Jean Merola, a grandmother of eight, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she refused an officer's orders to move her car while she waited for the coffee and fries she ordered at the drive-through window. Merola said the McDonald's employees told her to wait there for her food.

Merola was handcuffed behind her back and put in the cruiser. Another officer arrived and took her to the Pinellas County Jail .

Merola said she was searched, photographed and fingerprinted.

"I was under arrest because I was in a wrong parking place. I says well, they told me to park here," Merola said.

Jail records show she was released about 90 minutes later on her own recognizance.
Silly cop! Didn't he know that Mickey D's doesn't serve donuts.

The cop is also waiting for his coffee and fries, and didn't want to walk too far.:biggrin: Common sense can't be taught.:biggrin:
She's an idiot..... how did she get and now keep her license?

Didn't she think she had to pay for the food? Was payment suppose to be made when it was delivered to her car? Where was she suppose to pay? I know payment wasn't the issue.

That's why people who work at McDonald's work there..... please pull forward to the window and pay XXX dollars and change...... how difficult is that?

Hello!!!! This is a DRIVE THRU.... not a PARKING STALL!! Hint, Hint...... there are cars waiting behind just take a look in the rearview mirror.

Grandmother of 8 is suppose to mean something? Does that mean there's more of her DNA walking the face of this earth?

:cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:
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She's an idiot..... how did she get get her license?
Didn't she think she had to pay a real human being?
That's why people who work at McDonald's work there..... please pull forward to the window and pay XXX dollars and change...... how difficult is that?

:cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:

Have you read something I haven't? I didn't see a thing mentioned about the issue being related to payment. Sounds like she was just waiting for her food to me, but the story doesn't really give any specifics.
Meh. Old people, cant live with em, cant live without em. I used to work in a bank next to a trailer park with mostly eldery folks. Nothing against them but with age comes random states of mind, sometimes not good. Some cant drive yet they still do, some cant communicate yet they do and even get mad when you try to be patient and ask them to repeat themselves. :cool:
I know someone that used to manage a fast food resturaunt (she's corporate now for the same company). She would tell me that many times, someone would order something big and complicated while using the drive through service.....After the customer paid, she would politely ask them to pull forward to a designated parking spot to wait for their food because their order was going to take longer than normal to fulfill. 9/10 the customer would turn into a beligerent a-hole and refuse to move their car away from the payment window..therby making the customers behind them (who had smaller, less complicated orders) wait longer...If this lady in the story was pulling this same crap, I say she got what she deserved...
She will sue the cops, city and the fast food place. Now the front spots won't just be empty with a hanicapped sign but also a new empty spot with a "waiting for food sign" this is actually goos as the fat asses that eat fast food all the time will have to now walk a longer distance to get to the door.
See good things will come out of this. :biggrin:
I just have to shake my head when I read stories like this. Just another example of a controlling, abusive egotistical, power hungry mind set of individuals who sign up to become cops.

Shame on this cop and all the other power hungry, controlling idiots that become cops.

I just have to shake my head when I read stories like this. Just another example of a controlling, abusive egotistical, power hungry mind set of individuals who sign up to become cops.

Shame on this cop and all the other power hungry, controlling idiots that become cops.


Who ever is training these people to be officers is allowing these power hungry people to slip through the crack. There needs to be a program where the officer is put in a situation where they become fustrated and then moniter what they do while in that situation.

I actually had a great experience with several officers just 2 days ago. I was so happy I made them aware of the grat experience I had with them. I was shocked to say the least. I am still smiling inside aboutwhat a great experience I had, not with just one but 5 different officers in the same day over the same situation with a tenant.
I know someone that used to manage a fast food resturaunt (she's corporate now for the same company). She would tell me that many times, someone would order something big and complicated while using the drive through service.....After the customer paid, she would politely ask them to pull forward to a designated parking spot to wait for their food because their order was going to take longer than normal to fulfill. 9/10 the customer would turn into a beligerent a-hole and refuse to move their car away from the payment window..therby making the customers behind them (who had smaller, less complicated orders) wait longer...If this lady in the story was pulling this same crap, I say she got what she deserved...

I won't pull forward either. I fell for that trick way too many times. Once I pull forward, I'm invariably forgotten and either have to wait 5-10 minutes for my food (vs. 2 minutes at the window) or have to actually get out of my car and go in to find out where it is. Never again.
So what really happened here...

She orders fry's without salt. When she gets to the window:

1) the employee asks her to wait "right there at the window"

Or, 2) the employee asked her to "pull forward and wait" and she doesn't.

Or, 3) the employee asked her to "pull forward and wait" and she does.

I won't pull forward either. I fell for that trick way too many times. Once I pull forward, I'm invariably forgotten and either have to wait 5-10 minutes for my food (vs. 2 minutes at the window) or have to actually get out of my car and go in to find out where it is. Never again.

Well, If you're always being asked to pull forward, does that mean you habitually ask for some kind of special order that will inevitably slow down the whole process of the "fast" food operation (in the drive thru no less) ? I don't think that the places will ask you to pull forward for some unknown reason....Why are they asking you to pull forward anyway ? What are you ordering that requires them to request you to move ? This is "fast food" you know....special orders throw a wrench into the machine...Just like those new Visa commercials where someone uses cash or a check for payment
So what really happened here...

She orders fry's without salt. When she gets to the window:

1) the employee asks her to wait "right there at the window"

Or, 2) the employee asked her to "pull forward and wait" and she doesn't.

Or, 3) the employee asked her to "pull forward and wait" and she does.


My guess is it's 3. I think she did not pull forward enough to allow the cars behind her to get around her. That's just a guess.
Well, If you're always being asked to pull forward, does that mean you habitually ask for some kind of special order that will inevitably slow down the whole process of the "fast" food operation (in the drive thru no less) ? I don't think that the places will ask you to pull forward for some unknown reason....Why are they asking you to pull forward anyway ? What are you ordering that requires them to request you to move ? This is "fast food" you know....special orders throw a wrench into the machine...Just like those new Visa commercials where someone uses cash or a check for payment

Sometimes at the end of a job I will run out to grab food for a group of guys who can finish today if they don't have to get food themselves or finish the next day if they do. Almost everytime the order will be so large I have to pull forward and wait. Never been arrested for it though. I bet the cop in this situation had low blood sugar or will at least use that as an excuse for his asnine behavior.
Well, If you're always being asked to pull forward, does that mean you habitually ask for some kind of special order that will inevitably slow down the whole process of the "fast" food operation (in the drive thru no less) ? I don't think that the places will ask you to pull forward for some unknown reason....Why are they asking you to pull forward anyway ? What are you ordering that requires them to request you to move ? This is "fast food" you know....special orders throw a wrench into the machine...Just like those new Visa commercials where someone uses cash or a check for payment

Burger King says "have it your way". My way is just ketchup, my wife's way is 'plain'. Don't advertise that then if it's going to muck up your assembly line. Typically it doesn't take them any longer to get that ready than any other order, but occasionally I'm asked to drive forward. I just tell them I'd prefer to wait here. I've never been ordered to move forward once I tell them that and it gives them incentive to hurry my order up and get me out of their window.
Burger King says "have it your way". My way is just ketchup, my wife's way is 'plain'. Don't advertise that then if it's going to muck up your assembly line. Typically it doesn't take them any longer to get that ready than any other order, but occasionally I'm asked to drive forward. I just tell them I'd prefer to wait here. I've never been ordered to move forward once I tell them that and it gives them incentive to hurry my order up and get me out of their window.

You're right, in the situation you're describing, if the food is made to order, it shouldn't take any longer....the cook just needs to be more "alert" to the special order instead of just being on autopilot. I don't know where NSX1 got his info, but if the lady asked for a no salt order of fries, then that is the absolute worst thing in terms of slowing down the operation of a fast food restaurant...and she did it in drive-thru:eek: .....If it was busy anyway, and an order like that came through, I'm pretty sure evryone behind her would lose their cool....
You're right, in the situation you're describing, if the food is made to order, it shouldn't take any longer....the cook just needs to be more "alert" to the special order instead of just being on autopilot. I don't know where NSX1 got his info, but if the lady asked for a no salt order of fries, then that is the absolute worst thing in terms of slowing down the operation of a fast food restaurant...and she did it in drive-thru:eek: .....If it was busy anyway, and an order like that came through, I'm pretty sure evryone behind her would lose their cool....

I never ask for anything different than whats on the menu. I have seen way too many people mess with the food if the order is special.
Ask for a Big Mac with extra onions and extra special sauce, the order shows up on the drive through screen.

Get a Big Mac with nothing on it and a sticker that says "Double Checked for Accuracy."

The irony of it all.