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Had a cop tail me all the way to my house for no reason.

28 June 2005
Denver, Colorado; Los Angeles, CA & Bangkok Thaila
I don't know if this has happened to you guys before, but I found it rather annoying.

Was on my way back from the supermarket from getting some groceries. I was driving right across from this cop (meaning i was going south and he was going north) when he flipped a U turn just right as I passed him. I was driving speed limit like I always do and he continued to tail me all the way to my house. I got out of the car and wanted to ask them what was the problem, but they just continued to drive pass my home.

I think sometimes cops are having too much fun intimidating people by tailing them for no reason. I had nothing to hide, but would understand how this could be annoying when they are less than one car length on your car's tail.


We all know that you must keep at least 1 car length for every mph of your current speed. I almost never tail somebody's car tail as I hate it when people do it to me, although 6 car lengths while going 60 mph would be exaggerrating it a little.
I think thats wrong that he was following you all the way home for no apparent reason. Cops are annoying when they do that, it has happen to me before. I think they know they have the power to scare you so there just doing it for fun to see what your gonna do!! The second reason I can think of is that there probably suspicious that you are up to something!!
my1stnsx said:
I think thats wrong that he was following you all the way home for no apparent reason. Cops are annoying when they do that, it has happen to me before. I think they know they have the power to scare you so there just doing it for fun to see what your gonna do!! The second reason I can think of is that there probably suspicious that you are up to something!!

Ture but they don't have any power over you if you pull over and let them pass. This is what I do. I don't let them ride my ass.
steveny said:
Ture but they don't have any power over you if you pull over and let them pass. This is what I do. I don't let them ride my ass.
Thats true..I'll definitely remember that from now!!! Thanks
I haven't had much good experience with the Aurora police.

I have been pulled over for going 10mph over the speed limit in a parking lot and for making what they claimed as an illegal left turn. I made a left turn on the right lane as there was two lanes and ended up in the 3rd far right lane. How is that illegal? Especially at 1 am in the morning where there are no cars on the road.

Went to court, got the cased dismissed, but it was such bullshit and a waste of time.
I just pull over right away when they do it. It is definitely annoying when they're tailing me for no apparent reason and I can't even see their headlights. Heck, they've almost even rearended me before when I stopped to pull over on my motorcycle!
Now let me get this right.
The police car is behind you. You're not breaking any laws and you don't get stopped.
You feel intimidated and annoyed. :rolleyes:
Awww, poor baby.:biggrin:
They just like to provoke you and get you to prison as soon as you start to street-race with them. Happened to some people here who didn't recognize them as cops and had the feeling someone wants to do a race.
Stick-e-rice said:
I haven't had much good experience with the Aurora police.

I have been pulled over for going 10mph over the speed limit in a parking lot and for making what they claimed as an illegal left turn. I made a left turn on the right lane as there was two lanes and ended up in the 3rd far right lane. How is that illegal? Especially at 1 am in the morning where there are no cars on the road.

Went to court, got the cased dismissed, but it was such bullshit and a waste of time.

Denver cops or aurora cops are never nice..they give my friends trouble all the time!! They just like to give people a hard time and waste your day by pulling you over and giving you a ticket. They dont care that you've to go to court, it's your time not theirs!! I think it is a B.S. too!!
pbassjo said:
Now let me get this right.
The police car is behind you. You're not breaking any laws and you don't get stopped.
You feel intimidated and annoyed. :rolleyes:
Awww, poor baby.:biggrin:
What the officials in question were doing makes law abiding citizens uneccessarily uncomfortable. It is intimidation, and it is uncalled for.

I had an incident just a few weeks ago on the highway as I was driving from Dallas to Chicago- I went past a state patrol car parked in the median. As usual, I adjusted my cruise control back down 5 mph to the speed limit. A few moments later I noticed a Ford Crown Vic headlight pattern approaching swiftly from behind- I moved over from the center of 3 lanes into the right lane anticipating a possible stop, instead the officer pulled into what would be my "blind spot" in my 7-8 0'clock position and just paced me from there. He stayed there for what felt like forever- I started watching the odometer- we went 6 miles with him tucked in back there before he got bored and moved on past me- as slowly as possible. It was an extremely annoying experience (although not as annoying as the possible ticket would have been).

I think these sort of behaviors are a result of the mentality you find in most law enforcement officers. It seems that a particular personality type gravitates toward that sort of employment. It is a mentality that somehow equates the charge of protecting citizens to an excuse to go on a power-trip.

Stick-e-rice said:
We all know that you must keep at least 1 car length for every mph of your current speed. I almost never tail somebody's car tail as I hate it when people do it to me, although 6 car lengths while going 60 mph would be exaggerrating it a little.

I thought we all knew that we should leave a 2-second space between cars in dry conditions, and 4 seconds in wet conditions, at all speeds. :smile:
Just do what I do... flick them off, downshift into 3rd and take off. See if the Crown Vic can do 165.

They are just checking out a nice car. I get pulled over all the time, they look at the car and send me on my way (sometimes even going way over the speed limit - how about clocked @ 115 on the on ramp)... as long as I don't get a ticket or am really running late, who cares. If I was a cop, would I pull over the 89 Integra or the Ferrari Enzo? Well, if the Integra had Christy Brinkley in it... When you do get pulled over be nice, sometimes they just wanted to see the car.

Unless it's the airport police! I got pulled over on the way to work by a CVG Airport Want a Be Cop... tells me my license plate is expired. I tell him, no it expires at the END OF THE MONTH. He says, well in Ohio it is on the 1st. (Airport is in KY). I ask him what my plates say.... KY! Turned the traction control off, and just absolutely smoked the tires with him left standing next to where the car use to be. I was late for check in and he was being a dick.

Hey, at least you don't have Poparrazi stalking you everywhere!
pbassjo said:
Now let me get this right.
The police car is behind you. You're not breaking any laws and you don't get stopped.
You feel intimidated and annoyed. :rolleyes:
Awww, poor baby.:biggrin:

I have to agree, the fact that a cop is driving on the road is not intimidating. Unless, of course, you are doing something unlawful. Cops have to drive too you know. They gotta follow someone.
Years ago I had cops in an unmarked car riding my ass.I had no idea it was a cop car so I got annoyed, dropped a gear sped up and switched lanes.Needless to say they pulled me over and started busting my balls.Telling me they were calling a flatbed to tow my car away.
What an asshole one one of the 4 of them was.I never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad. Thank God I kept my cool.
I'd do what the asian, female, soccer moms,on the cell phone would do...... hit the brake. If he wanted to fuck with me by tailing me, I'd ride the brake and slow down. How about a staring contest all the way home? If people were being tailgated and it weren't a cop behind them, I can guarantee you the brake lights are coming on. Idiot drivers!!!! They wouldn't do that to a cop. Why the lack of respect for other drivers who wanna pass? Why give them the brake light? Why doesn't the cop get the brake lights instead of the lane change (non-emergency)????????

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
:biggrin: :smile: :tongue: :mad:
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Maybe this will help explain why some cops are this way...


PAUL M said:
Years ago I had cops in an unmarked car riding my ass.I had no idea it was a cop car so I got annoyed, dropped a gear sped up and switched lanes.Needless to say they pulled me over and started busting my balls.Telling me they were calling a flatbed to tow my car away.
What an asshole one one of the 4 of them was.I never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad. Thank God I kept my cool.

I never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad. Thank God I kept my cool.

I'm glad you did because you would have probably had an emergency room visit that day.
H-carWizKid said:
I think these sort of behaviors are a result of the mentality you find in most law enforcement officers. It seems that a particular personality type gravitates toward that sort of employment. It is a mentality that somehow equates the charge of protecting citizens to an excuse to go on a power-trip.


Very well said!! I don’t know if I could be that nice when describing Cops!!
Hope the attitude/personality change didn't accompany the physical change in the pictures. He went from Bill Gates to Keifer Sutherland!!!!

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
:biggrin: :wink: :eek:
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Semnos_NSX said:
Very well said!! I don’t know if I could be that nice when describing Cops!!

As much as my situation frustrated me, I still can't bring myself to judge Police Officer too harshly.

I dislike it when I feel an officer of the law is harrassing / intimidating me and I find it easy to complain about it, but I also appreciate that they are there if I need them, so it is a catch 22.

The thing you have to realize is that in many ways we do appreciate the service they provide, but resent their role when their duties infringe on what we consider our liberties. It creates a real love-hate relationship. They are equally as resentful when we- the people they are charged to protect levy criticizm on their methods.
In reality, they have a job to do, and these types of inconveniences are just spilt milk to cry over- At the end of the day I'd rather have to deal with the occasional a-hole cop than have no police protection at all...

H-carWizKid said:
The thing you have to realize is that in many ways we do appreciate the service they provide, but resent their role when their duties infringe on what we consider our liberties. It creates a real love-hate relationship. They are equally as resentful when we- the people they are charged to protect levy criticizm on their methods.

Personally, I can't believe the attitudes toward cops most of you seem to have!

I guess they're all a bunch of a$$holes... until you need one. :rolleyes:
I don't have any personal experience with the Aurora police. Cops in a very-high-crime area like Aurora should be trying to stop real crime, not harrassing you - as they apparently were in your first post. But, in at least one of your scenarios (below) I completely understand why you got their attention/were pulled over.

Stick-e-rice said:
I have been pulled over ... for making what they claimed as an illegal left turn. I made a left turn on the right lane as there was two lanes and ended up in the 3rd far right lane. How is that illegal? Especially at 1 am in the morning where there are no cars on the road.
How is it illegal?

When you make a left turn onto a road with multiple lanes in each direction, you can only "take your lane" - i.e. stay in the left-most lane (unless there are two turn lanes and you're in the second...then you take the second from the most-left). In the situation you describe you should have taken the near lane, then signaled and merged into the middle lane, then signaled and merged into the far-right lane. You took not one, but two more lanes than you were supposed to on that left-hand turn...which is like a traffic violation squared :wink:.

Now, that a cop pulled you over with nobody around is usually something I would have a problem with (because the spirit of the law is to prevent you from colliding with someone rightfully making a right-on-red onto the same street, far-right lane...and with nobody around there is nobody to collide with), but it was 1am and you violated traffic law (even if just a little). I'm sure he was using it as an excuse/reason to pull you over and check for sobriety/warrants/stolen vehicle/etc - which I can pretty well understand. I imagine you didn't get a ticket for it...right?

I think it's funny how people around here are afraid to pass cops. The cop will sit there in the right lane doing the speed limit...and you can watch people make the rotation from fast lane to slow lane as they get close enough to notice that it's a cop (some people are obvioulsy much less than observant). I usually pass the cop assuming I can do so while exceeding the speedlimit by about 4MPH or less (actual speed, not indicated speed). I'm under the impression that the NSX speedo reads about 5% faster than one is actually traveling. I've passed a cop in a 75 zone on I-25 at least once in the NSX (and a handfull of times in other cars) with my speedo registering 82 (which I think is 78MPH actual) and he could have cared less (actually, he probably appreciate it as people followed my lead which releaved the congestion from traffic backing up behind him).

A ticket for 1-4 MPH over is a zero-point ticket so there isn't much risk. If for some reason I went a little too fast & got a ticket for 5-9 over that's still just one point (assuming no automatic reduction). Once you hit that 10MPH-over mark, all bets are off. I've seen a lot of people get tickets for 10 and 11 over.
Argh, COPS F'n suck

Ok, I know it's not the most mature thing to say but I have to vent today. Someone stole my registration sticker from my car (yes I should have slashed it) while I was at a wedding. Coming back from the wedding a cop pulls me over and performs a felony stop (for not having a sticker). After determining that my car is infact registered and owned by me he begins to rail into me how irresposible it is for my to be driving without my registration sticker (mind you it had been taken in the last 24hours without my knowledge and I had my registration in the car). He continues being a real A-hole while giving me a fixit ticket for the sticker and telling my how luck I am that he did not give me a ticket for my tint (very light, fully california legal).

I just hate how big a chip these A-holes have on ther sholders. I was not speeding, driving unsafe... and this guy is basically pretending like he is doing me a huge favor for not arresting me. I wish this was an exception but I have found that the honest cops are few and far between.