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harrassed by cops

4 July 2004
Augusta, GA
harrassed by asshole cops

what a great day! on my way to the bch, cop drives by, i wave to him, then next then i know it his ass bangs a u-ie rides this person ass to get 2 me then throws on his blues and pulls me over! pulled me over for "no tags" when a i had temp tag from a dealership on the car cuz i just bought it. ended up toeing my baby away..now shes been impounded for the next 2 days!! cops were complete asswholes about it!
Sounds to me like you have grounds for a law suit. If they had no cause to tow your car away, then why did they? Did you have any kind of paperwork showing you as the owner of the car? Did they give you any kind of ticket? Im no lawyer, but Im pretty sure they cant just tow your car for no reason!!!:mad:
they said bcuz the owner that previously owned it in FL 2 yrs ago, has the plates expired from it...well no shit! but i just purchased it from a guy in MD...so i guess he never registered it. iv been trying to get a hold of him, but it seem slike to me. b4 the purchase he was very quick to respond but since the sale i havent heard from him.
dlynes, are you sure you don't have any title problems with this car? Since the seller is now unresponsive I would fear there is a problem out there. Sorry you going through these issues.
what kind of temp license did you get??

You did changed the title and all the bill of sales properly, right?

If I were you, I would be at least more co-operative with Cops and showed them your payment and titles, previous owner's registration, etc...

I don't like cops either, but at least I wouldn't call them assholes until I know for sure he did all that just because he's jealous. Make sure you inspect the car very carefully when you do get your car back. If there's ever any damaged to it, it's time to get even.;)
Something is not right with the facts here. Regardless of what the prior owner did or did not do, if you bought it from a dealership and had the dealer new buyer sticker on the windshield, that would mean that you paid the DMV fees when you bought the car and were just awaiting the new plates from DMV.

So, lets assume the dealership you bought it from did not have title and sold you a stolen car - you have recourse against them for your loss.

If the police officer made a mistake, and it happens, then you have recourse against the police department for their error. I would suggest you contact the police department and speak with a supervisor in their investigatiosn unit to straighten this mess out and go with your purchase paperwork in hand.

Sorry you had to go through that. Hope it works out and you get your car back with no damage. You may want to go to the yard in which it is stored and take extensive inside and exterior photos to make sure you can provew the cars condition should it be damaged at the storage facility.
I agree. Something is not right with this story.

Don't you need to present the title to get a temporary license plate? And when you turn in the signed title to transfer it to your name, don't you get some kind of receipt from the DMV showing that you have applied for the title? Assuming that that is all true, all you need to do, when stopped, is to present the receipt showing that you had applied to have the title transferred, and that is your proof of ownership - just as the temporary plate is your proof that you have applied to register the car. Given those documents, there should be no reason for them to confiscate the car. Sounds like there's something you aren't telling us, that would give them reason to confiscate (which they don't do on a whim).

Also, as far as calling him an "asshole"... let's say someone stole my car, and slapped a temporary plate on it. And let's say a cop stopped that person, and when he ran the plate and found out that the car was registered to someone else (to me, not him), he confiscated the car. I would be very grateful to that law enforcement officer, and would not be calling him names.
So what exactly did the cop tow your car for? You have shown him your tag from the dealership so what's the problem?

Based on your story this could happen to me

Cop: can I see your license, registration, proof of insurance please?
Me: ¡§hand him all documents¡¨
Cop: I'll have to tow your car
Me: why?
Cop: umm.......... just for the kicks of it
Me: umm.......... okay you the boss

Not trying to make fun of your situation but what just happened to you doesn't make sense. anyway hope things will work out for you. Good Luck
thanks guys. no i showed him proof of sale, insurance bill of sale
the tag i had on it was from a dealership, the car was purchased from a private owner. he said he had to tow it, cuz that tag wasnt legitt and bcuz the tags that were previously on it 2 yrs ago, have been expired, which was from not the last owner, but owner b4. i think theres fishy shit goin on w/the guy i bought it from, it seems he had the car for over a yr 1/2 and never registered it...
its all bullshit, im getting it all fixed tom. the charges will all be dropped as soon as i show them my new plates n'registration. its just all bs and huge inconvience..and something will have to happpen w/the damn towing fees... we're
well thanks for the support, take it easy guys.
Good luck, I hope it all works out, including the towing and storage. :D
Do you know the mileage when they towed it? Maybe, as I type, they're out joyriding in it!
Why would someone have a dealer temp plate on their car when it was purchased from a private party? That sounds fishy to me, unless in some states an owner can walk into a dealer and get one of those pieces of paper to put in the window.
All I know when I bought my car private party was that I had to have a faxed copy that my car was insured from my insurance agency and the title from the previous owner showing he signed it over to me. I drove all the way home from Chicago with no plate and no problems, the only other thing I did was put a piece of paper where the plate goes that said "In transit".

So why were you riding around with a dealer paper in your window if you didn't get it from a dealer? That might be why you got towed.
Hmm, I got temperary dealer plates when I bought my nsx from the dealer. Its for 20 days only. They had to give me new templates twice cuz my plates didnt come in after the 20 days. I dont believe its legal to use temp plates from a dealer 2 yrs ago.
From what you are saying, you are using his old temp plates that he got when he bought the nsx from the dealer. You cannot use his temp plates if that is the case. Eitherway, good luck. I dont think he should of pulled you over just cuz u waved at him.
Who knows, maybe he thought you were being a wse guy or you flipped him the bird (C=
Aiken Drum said:
Words like "bcuz" and "b4" make baby Jesus cry.

Amen to that. Hard to follow that text messaging language. Hope you get it back soon.

I had a buddy buy a Porsche in FL from a private seller and on his way back to Missouri, he was pulled over in a similar fashion. The cop found out that there was a warrant on his record, even though it was a clerical mistake for an unpaid parking ticket that had been paid long ago. Since the cop had no idea what the warrant was for, he had to arrest him. There had apparently been a high number of stolen vehicles leaving FL and they were patrolling that area pretty heavily. The mistake my friend made was to try to reach in his suit coat to get the title to prove he didn't steal the car. Not knowing if he was reaching for a gun, the cop flipped out and slammed him on the hood of the car. Mistake number two was his natural reaction to raise up after getting slammed on the hood the first time. The cop obviously didn't like that very much and didn't respond very kindly. :) He was taken to the jail.

The funny part is what happened next. Now when you happen to get thrown in jail, you obviously don't want to be dressed nice and looking your prettiest which my buddy was, so he was a little nervous for a potential peak in his social life. He was desperately trying to get a hold of someone in his family to help him get out, but the only person he could get in touch with was his grandmother. The problem was when the automated attendent on the phone said, "you have a collect call from *^% at the county jail press 1 to accept", my buddy heard the click click click of the rotary dail because she had no touch tone phone. After several attempts, he couldn't get through there either. :D

Now for the worst part. As he was sitting there in jail waiting to be realeased, a bus pulled up to the jail. It is a bus full of hardened criminals that were on their way to the state prison. What surprised him is that they were getting off the bus and they were looking for a place to put them all for a while. I'm sure his butt cheeks clenched just at the thought as he sat there in his business suit wondering if it would be his birthday suit in minutes. :)

As the criminals were coming in, he heard from another cell, an older woman that had been incarcerated screaming "I'm horny, I'm horny" at the approaching inmates. The inmates were getting excited, hollering things of their own. Now even more nervous, my buddy asks the guard, "You are not going to put me in a cell with any of them are you?". He informs him that he is not, but after lack of space he ends up in a cell with only 4 of them. He says he felt an uncomfortable stare upon him, and when he looked up, they were just sitting there looking him up and down. Luckily, he got out soon after and before any attempts of rape. :D

Long story short, make sure you have all your i's dotted and t's crossed before you buy a car because you never know when you could be some death row's mangina. :D
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So if I understand this correctly, you were improperly using dealer tags on a car you bought from an individual, right?
Meeyatch1 said:
So if I understand this correctly, you were improperly using dealer tags on a car you bought from an individual, right?

but the cop is an a$$hole no doubt!~!! :rolleyes: :p
Aiken Drum said:
Words like "bcuz" and "b4" make baby Jesus cry.
That is what I'm talking about.:rolleyes: I had to reread that post about 3 times before I figured out what he was saying.
This new type of 'spelling' lingo is pathetic. Why not type clearly and logically so someone can understand it the first time without having to decipher what the person is trying to say.
KulSecHskY said:
but the cop is an a$$hole no doubt!~!! :rolleyes: :p

Why "no doubt"?

The car was not properly registered and tagged. The entire sale is questionable in terms of how the car was or was not registered previously. The officer was well within his rights to stop and impound the car. Considering it only had an expired dealer tag and you did not buy it from a dealer then you should have anticipated there could be a problem.

Simple way to avoid proper stops and impoundment of vehicles is to make sure all the paperwork is in order before driving the car. Otherwise, have it transported to your house until you can register it properly.
Yes, I agree with RSO. If it was not registered properly, the cop was only doing his job. What if it was one of our cars that was stolen and reregestered inproperly and the guy was caught. Im sure we would have a thread about it as well.

Yes, the cop was probably an A$$ for pulling you over for waving at him. I still think he thinks you flipped him the bird or was trying to be a wise guy.

As for short hand, i personally dont see whats wrong with it.
I was use to writing short hand online as well until some nsxprime members told me to spell things out.
I am use to writing short hand from AOL chat back in the days.
Anyway, lets not get off the thread. (C=
no, the dealer tags were given to me by a dealer for the sale...
i just got the car back, it was there for 24 hrs and it cost $200.00 to get it back, i just got the car registered and everything now i just have to go back and get the charges taken care of. i already spoke w/2 cops that had to verify the vin for me so i could register it while it was impounded, they said that the cop was way out of line, and just jealious! also saying that it won't take much to get the charges dropped and even open a case against the cop for illegally searching me, my passanger and my car.

during a moving violationg, the cop can only search what the driver can reach...he cannot open a locked glove box or trunk w/o a warrant or propable cause (finding a gun...drugs etc..)

...No doubt that the cop was "hating" on you...but your own story doesn't add up either. I'm not saying you're sketchy or anything yourself. But basically your beating around the bush telling us the truth about your purchase/tag situation. :rolleyes:
...I have an enormous amount of experience in these matters. For one thing I'm an independant auto dealer with my own dealership right now, and ealier in my life I had bought *many* vehicles from private owners from all over (before have a sales license to do it) I know about "title hopping, salvage frauds, title washing, VIN swapping, fake temps tags, fake registerations, inspection connects, etc, etc"....you name it. It comes with the business.
...Judging from the facts/actions you stated to us it appears that the temp tags + registration you had on your new NSX had nothing to do with your actual "purchase." Becuase of the fact that you bought the car from an out-of-state private owner, you needed a way to get it back to FL (your home state) and drive it around for a while and register it (get the paperwork straight). The temp tags + registration were given to you by some sort "buddy/dealer connect" of yours to help you out. However, before your REAL registration and new FL title & tags got to you, you got pulled over. After being pulled over, the officer initiated the standard protocol for a vehicle on temp tags (to call in the VIN#) after doing so...he saw that the **last registration which expired was from the private owner in your own state** ..which sold to a "guy in MD" who never registered the car in his own name to avoid taxes and fees (its called "title hopping") then sold YOU the car with an "open title." So when you "waved at the cop" ...you actually brought unwanted attention to your scheme of avoiding an expensive tow bill from MD (or registering the car first in FL before going to pick up the car with legitamite state issued temp tags (which is also expensive becuase it would typically warrent two trips*). Don't get angry at the cops when you get pulled over for being on B*llshit tags. Especially after being provacative & foolish in "waving" at him while you're doing it, lol. Sorry to blow your spot dude....and I don't mean to flame or sound derogatory toward you but often people on these forums blast the cops while convienantly only telling ONE side of the story* (Gods knows I don't like PIGS either but they're not ALL bad) :)

--- Kevin

PS: I've had the same thing happen to me before too back in my earlier days ;)
Yeah Right

All cops as @$$-holes because they are doing their job :rolleyes: and dylnes can't type an intelligent sentence without using pathetic spelling lingo. Get a real keyboard. :rolleyes: