HELP please... on Alpine CHA-S634 garbeld noises from left speaker

20 April 2006

I am hoping for some help here... I recently just bought a 97 NSX and it had a failed OEM changer.. so the seller also gave me a CHA-S634 changer, but cant tell if it was new or used... Anyhow.. he gave me all the cables he said would make it work correctly...

The problem that i am encountering is when i hook up all the cables with this alpine changer, it seems to play just fine... when the balance is turned all the way to the right it sounds fine... however when i use the left and right balance i heard some funny garbled noises coming out of the LEFT front
speaker. So to clarify, when i turn the balance completely to the left and listen to that speaker.. the sound seems very faint, echo like and most of the times very garbled.. almost like the speaker is blown... but i confirmed it isnt since the radio on the car works on all speakers with no problems at all.. actually i tested with my friends oem changer from his nsx on my car and all speakers and all work just fine. specifically LEFT balance.

I followed these steps from the great link below.. and i think i have all the right cables..

So can someone please steer me in the right direction of what could be wrong? could something be wrong with the CD changer? maybe one of the cables is bad?

anyone ever seen a case where the left speaker is like this with the cha-s634? i can take a pic of all the items i have.. one of the items i have is slightly different than one pic here..

Much thanks!
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Do you have the first cable in the guide, the ACUALP cable (or equivelant)?
Is it possible you just have a 'regular' extender cable?
The ACUALP has a pin-swap from one end to the other which is critical to adapt the CHA-S634 to the OEM head unit.

thanks for the response. yes, i believe i do have the correct "ACUALP cable". I have a pic of all the cables here... The cable that is KCA-130B looks like it is not the alpine one,.. but an aftermarket.. i think... again this was what came with the car from the previous owner.. i think it is made by a company called "PIE"

Can you confirm based on the pics that i have the correct items?



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The ACUALP is definitely correct - but I have no experience of the PIE Ai-Net to Mbus part: I don't know this for a fact & will research further later, but it is conceivable that PIE may possibly have integrated both functions (i.e. the second one being the pin-swap) into a single cable.
I'll check on that later but you could try a quick test without installing the ACUALP adapter, but just the PIE device.

Edit - checked the PIE website & here is the device -

If I interpret this statement correctly,
that would suggest my supposition may be correct.
hi there

thanks for the time.. i did try to use the PIE adapter without the "ACUALP" and it sounds the EXACT same... kinda weird? i dont notice any difference with or without that extra "ACUALP" cable connected...

do you have any other suggestions by chance? i wonder if there is something wrong with the cd changer? or should i try to find out who sells the KCA-130b connector and take out that PIE adapter and then see if it works with it or not?

much thanks!
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I guess there are potentially two possibilities - the changer or the PIE Ai-Net to M-bus adapter.
I haven't seen any reported use of that particular PIE one so is definitely a cheaper investment to eliminate that as the source before the changer.
i.e. try a KCA-130b in conjunction with the ACUALP - at least that is a proven solution. If that doesn't work, most likely the changer itself.
sounds good.

thanks... i will have to see who here in the bay area sells this part for not too much cash... preferbly somewhere that accepts returns if it is deemed that that is not the issue.

much thanks!
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Thanks for the help...

As for the meet... Is it for the July 8th or 9th? i wasnt too clear on that.

Also i just got back and bought the Alpine KCA-130b and replaced the PIE connector and unfortunately the sound of the voices is still like they are under water... the beat and the instruments are all clear... just the singing...

Anyhow.. i hope you can let me know soon what date was chosen for the meet... I will try to make it but i might already have plans this weekend...

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I had a similar problem with the left speaker. My issue was a sometimes/sometime not connection within the SmarTenna. This was only when I played the CD player. Radio was fine.

Do you have a SmarTenna installed?

thanks for the response. unfortunately i do not. i eventually want one also. but i do not at this time. any other ideas? again only the vocals are having the garbled noise, but instruments and beat are okay.

also i pulled this entire system out .. with the acualp adapter and the kca-130b and the alpine cord and the changer as well and put it into my friends nsx with the same stock head unit and same problem.

so i know the issue is either the alpine cable, the changer, the KCA-130b or the acualp.

i have bought a new kca-130b adapter, and had the changer checked out at the store and plugged into their headunits and when i use the balance on the left, it sounds fine.

so it might be one of the other cables.. but again not sure. since it is hard to find all these cables.
Edub said:
only the vocals are having the garbled noise, but instruments and beat are okay.

Maybe the system doesn't like the CD. Get rid of that Backstreet Boys CD, pop in something from Iron Maiden and report back. :)
e h ehh ehe funny. =) actually no matter what OEM CD, not burned CD i put in. this is an issue.
hi Hugh.

unfortunately not. i even put this entire setup into my friends nsx and it has the same problem. So i am at a loss. Not sure what is the exact problem.

Maybe i can find a local shop that can help replace all the other cables and help me try to eliminate the problem.

Any insight would always be appreciated. I already owe you one. :smile:
At this point I would follow Ken's advice and find another NSX in the Bay area with the same setup and use process of elimination/cable swap to nail the culprit. My money is on the PIE cable.
hi Hugh

i have already eliminated the PIE cable. i actually already bought a new KCA-130B cable and tested it out. this is the correct one based on the DIY. Unfortunately that didnt resolve the issue either.

As for someone locally, i was hoping for someone to respond locally to meet up, or maybe i will have to wait for the next local nsx meet. nonetheless, i do appreciate the time again.


yes i have by putting my friends OEM changer back into my car. it works just fine. left and right side.
Eric, if you need any spare M-Bus cables or even the KCA-130B Ai-Net to M-Bus adaptor cable let me know. I can even modify one of my M-Bus Alpine cables for you so you don't need the ACUALP adaptor. It sounds like it is the changer though.

When you had the changer checked out at the store did they plug it into an Ai-Net headunit, or did they use the KCA-130B and plug it into an M-Bus headunit? The reason being is possibly there is an internal problem with the changer is put into M-Bus mode when switching the switch to the #2 position. You did remember to flip the switch on the changer to the #2 position right?

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I has this exact problem on my 1991 back in the day and no one knew what it could be even many prime members.
Everyone's said it just didn't make sence the radio works fine but the left speaker on cd player didn't really work to well almost like the cd is being played through a long tunnel.
Anyway you'll find the soulution to this problem is the cd changer itself.
Buy or switch the CD changer out with another on and the problem should go away.
I currently have a changer that did work but now is doing the same thing.
I guess within time something in the Cd changer fails and desides to do this who knows what, I think its kinda weird.
But anyway this fixed my problem soon as I changer the cd player.
So don't waste your time changing cables or speakers or the headunit, like I did more than likely its the chanager believe it or not.
ChrisK said:
You did remember to flip the switch on the changer to the #2 position right?

Brilliant! I can't believe one of us other geniuses didn't think of that earlier.

If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd concur that the changer is defective and have it replaced. Just make sure that the first CD you play in the new is an Iron Maiden CD or the new changer will be cursed. :)
hey chris

hows a going there in Hawaii! long time.. =) btw.. i will give you a call again when we come out your way in NOV this year...

thanks for the troubleshooting here... as for an extra cable. i might try one of those. i already bought a new Alpine KCA-130B cable the other day and unfortunately it didnt work. The only two other cables i could replace is the long cable that comes with the changer and the one that is supposed to move the number 4 and number 2 wires around. i had the changer checked at a store but it was with the alpine headunit. i made sure they switched the setting on the changer back to number 1 from number 2 setting below the magazine.

when i put this same setup into bens green nsx it had the exact same issues as mine does... but his stock changer i have works just fine on both speakers. just that the issue is when i go over any uneven pavment, it skips and stops. very annoying.


ChrisK said:
if you need any spare M-Bus cables or even the KCA-130B Ai-Net to M-Bus adaptor cable let me know. I can even modify one of my M-Bus Alpine cables for you so you don't need the ACUALP adaptor. It sounds like it is the changer though.

When you had the changer checked out at the store did they plug it into an Ai-Net headunit, or did they use the KCA-130B and plug it into an M-Bus headunit? The reason being is possibly there is an internal problem with the changer is put into M-Bus mode when switching the switch to the #2 position. You did remember to flip the switch on the changer to the #2 position right?

hi guys, i really really wish that was it. but i had changed it to 2 from 1. if it were on 1, then it would ready EEEE on the screen of the deck. i already tried that for grins :smile:

anyhow, i have a feeling that it is the changer, as
"smoore" stated. it works fine with the alpine head units though, so it is quite puzzling.

anyhow, for now i will just deal with it until i have a chance to either change out ALL the cables for a test, or simply replace my entire audio system. (i prefer the first choice since its the cheapest, i have have many other mods i rather spend the money on first.)

hugh, iron maiden? ahh ahah that is funny, i used to listen to them back in high school, can they possible have new albums now? a hahah


Hugh said:
Brilliant! I can't believe one of us other geniuses didn't think of that earlier.

If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd concur that the changer is defective and have it replaced. Just make sure that the first CD you play in the new is an Iron Maiden CD or the new changer will be cursed. :)