Help with Air in Coolant lines

11 April 2003
Memphis, Vancouver, ATL, Denver
Is there a fast way to bleed out all the air in the coolant lines ? I've done a search and read the procedure in the manual....... Since I am not doing a full drain, do I just bleed the 4 spots mentioned and tighten in sequence ?

The manual mention to loosen and tighten the following 4 plugs.

1. engine bleed bolt in the thermo cover.
2. radiator bleed plug
3. heater pipe bleed cap.
4. water pipe bleed bolt.
5. redo step 1. for extra air left in line.

my question is this, since I don't want coolant all over the place, can I loosen one bolt at a time and tighten after I see no more air bubbles ? or do I have to run all 4 blots ? and tighten one by one ? and is the above sequence correct ?

thanks !
If you take your time preparing, you can save a little of the mess. Locate all your bleeders first and get your wrenches ready

Get some plastic sheeting and some tape and... tape sheeting around area's to divert the flow.

Don't worry, it doesn't spray out like you may think.

There will be a burble of air and then it poors out in a short steam.

When the stream is solid..close bleeder. No need to hold them open to long. Not a bad Idea to repeat process.

use wet rag to wipe off area's hit by coolant

As Briank said, one by one is fine according to manuel sequence.

Have fun,

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Why not press a hose onto the bleeders and drain the coolant into a jug?

That would seem like a logical solution but your not forcing the fluid through like a hydraulic system. Gravity flows it...Not sure it could feed threw a hose..maybe.. Plus bleeders located in tight spots. Better to let it squirt out as specified and just clean it up.

Wanted to make a I remember now, I did back the car up onto some low ramps to simulate car on downhill. Is Important to do.

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