In-Car Temperature Sensor

2 April 2002
Has anyone had one go bad? The one on my 1993 sounds like it has a leaf stuck in it. It is driving me f---ing nuts.
They accumulate dust and get thrown off balance causing the noise. Very common problem. Remove it from the back of your console cover and clean it out. You can use compressed air but be very careful not to hit it too hard or you'll blow it apart. Otherwise, use another method. Once you clean it out, the fan should be balanced again and not make any noise.
Originally posted by wfo_18:
Has anyone had one go bad? The one on my 1993 sounds like it has a leaf stuck in it. It is driving me f---ing nuts.

Are you sure you're talking about the temperature sensor, which is where the front of the dashboard meets the bottom edge of the windshield? I didn't think there were any moving parts in it.

Perhaps you're instead referring to the aspirator fan, which is behind the vent holes at the bottom of the center console, just below the ash tray and directly in front of the parking brake handle? That's a common problem (if so, try blowing compressed air through the vents; otherwise it means several hundred dollars to replace the aspirator motor).

If the sound is instead coming from one of the HVAC system vents, it is also possible that a leaf is stuck in the vent...
aspirator fan... That must be what it is (that is the exact location of it). Yes it is very dusty behind the panel. So if it does go belly up how much is it?

Thanks for the information. Man I just love this message forum!
Originally posted by wfo_18:
So if it does go belly up how much is it?

Several hundred dollars. I forget exactly how much mine was; somewhere in the $300-500 range, including labor, I think.
I believe the unit can be repaired for much less. Just have to replace the Nippon Denso motor.

Does anybody have any sources for such motors? I think this should be my next "quest"
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