Is Acura selling info to LexisNexis ???

23 December 2014
I wonder why my Geico insurance was canceled after 20 years with them and no claims or tickets. I was told that my NSX and 2010 TL is a race car and it can't be insured.
They would insure s2K and Odyssey. Those don't have Acura link.
How much work would it be to Honda badge them?
Thanks for the link. That explains everything. Now how do we make sure that NC1 is not sending any data?
Wow, I had no idea. The link was eye opening, especially how they poorly determine what is considered hard braking and acceleration.

I'm not sure how to stop your NC1 from sending data (I don't have one). Perhaps do a factory reset and go through the options/menu to see if there is anything related to 3rd party data sharing. It might be tricky to ensure no data is being shared; Good luck.
Wow, I had no idea. The link was eye opening, especially how they poorly determine what is considered hard braking and acceleration.
Yes, complete and utter bullshit. Apparently it's better to go through an orange light rather than slow down and stop. I've previously read an article on a person with a Tesla who's insurance went up. After investigating and receiving the driving logs, it turns out when the car was in for a service with Tesla their technicians had taken the car out for a hard drive and this was the cause of the increase of his insurance price. I don't have the link sorry.
Yeah, this is disturbing. Time to review terms of service - if it really matters or if I could find the right language.

With my ‘17 and the 3G modem thing for Acura Link supposedly dead can it send any data out?
How much work would it be to Honda badge them?
Honda has it's own version of this as well. It is an opt-in setting in the menus, but as noted in the article who knows how many dealerships install this.

As I'm in the market for a new FL5 CTR this whole trend worries me. I don't plan on using any factory nav, so there must be a module that can be removed that sends this data, or a disable via Hondata?
So a few weeks ago the insurance rate only on our 2016 cx-5 went up about 15%, so I contacted our long time agent from State Farm, which has covered everything for us for decades. (No complaints from me on their coverage).
She explained that all the recent natural disasters (FL and several other states) caused a rate increase across the board.
Then she said, “if you want to try to lower your rate we have a dongle…” I said my rates should be based on my history of claims or lack there of, and that I was not interested in driving around with big brother on board.
That shut her up!
“From my Cold Dead Hands.” (Referring to a manual shifter!)
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Don't you have to actuallysubscribe/pay for Acura Link?
Yes, you do. Mine was canceled, or ran out as 3G support was phased out - I guess all cars that used the 3G tech no longer support connectivity. Replacing the module to a 4G to continue Acura Link was thousands of dollars so I passed. Glad I did.

Is this the only way a car can send out data?
I have wondered if the ezpass transponder data is being looked at by anyone. "They" can see your car's tag and the timestamps at points along your route.
Honda seems to be a real tattle-tale.

Additional info here:

And request your data:

Check for Data On Popular Data Brokers Known to Share with Insurers
Finally, request your data from data brokers known to hand car data to insurers. For example, do so with the two companies mentioned in The New York Times’ article:

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Honda seems to be a real tattle-tale.

Additional info here:

And request your data:

Check for Data On Popular Data Brokers Known to Share with Insurers
Finally, request your data from data brokers known to hand car data to insurers. For example, do so with the two companies mentioned in The New York Times’ article:

Great info. Thanks.This is much worst than I thought. Here is a link to Honda privacy. You have the right to opt out but only if you live in CA CO CT UT and VA . Everybody should read this. Now, what do we have to disconnect .....
I've never paired cell with our Type-S, and no intention of doing so. Never used the honda link or whatever driver assistance is called either. I requested - by snail mail - my info from Lex-Nex and Verisk this evening and we'll see where that leads.

What tangled webs we weave. . . . or other entities weave for us. 🔎🔬🩻