Is the PNW scene dead?

30 April 2008
Oak Harbor, WA
I've heard from some owners that I know locally that the scene is basically dead now?

I sold my last NSX in 2008 and am looking for another at the moment. Should have one in early spring, probably the next month or two.

Are there no more meets? If not, we should really talk about getting back together.

In 2008 we did cars and coffee meets, and the group even did a day trip up to Whidbey to visit me...

Any opinions?

A few of us regularly attend Exotics @ Redmond Town Center
Depends on where in the NW you're talking about. We have a small group that regularly attends cars and coffee in Portland, occasional drives in the Summer, but not too many "meets".
A few of us regularly attend Exotics @ Redmond Town Center

When is this usually held? I'll have to stop by. I'm moving to King county (location to be determined) in a month. Picked up a gig working for the County and need to get back in to the scene for sure. Been in the jeep scene too long now and I'm going crazy.

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Depends on where in the NW you're talking about. We have a small group that regularly attends cars and coffee in Portland, occasional drives in the Summer, but not too many "meets".

I'll be in the Seattle area, so Portland is a bit of a stretch, but if I'm ever in the area I'll stop by!
I’ve always wanted to participate more but my growing family and work have prevented me from attending any events for the past three years. From what I’ve seen, the forum is usually really quiet during the winter season and active again when the sun starts to make an appearance.
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I’ve always wanted to participate more but my growing family and work have prevented me from attending any events for the past three years. From what I’ve seen, the forum is usually really quiet during the winter season and active again when the sun starts to make an appearance.

I agree, the fall and winter is slow. Around may or June is when things start to pick up. Just need point people to coordinate more meets or drives.
All the auto forums I am on are a significantly quieter than they were 3 - 4 years ago. There has been a massive drop of participation on auto forums. I think most people have moved their discussions to Facebook or other social networking. I'm not on Pinterest, but I wouldn't be surprised if auto discussions have moved there as well. Other's thoughts?
The Facebook Prime page is very active. A lot of unnecessary/quickly-going-off-topic chatter, lol. PacNW doesn't seem TOO tight knit but when there's meets, I think there's plenty of interest. Seems like everyone just lurks til there's a purpose.
I am randomly at exotics at rtc when I don't have to work but back in the day when Chris Wilson was up here we always got together. I have see Mike Omlin out with his Zanardi a few times at Redmond which has motivated me a bit! I think we should pick a day to try and get a large presence out there one of these Saturdays.
The first one of the year is on April 4th.
old timer popping up, and I probably been absent for year or 2! Yeah, been getting news from nsx groups on facebook.

With the Puget sound owners, we need at least couple people to get regualar meets and more communications. Someone needs to be enthusiasted and willing to sacrifice time and effort.

So far the next couple big events are the Acura lynnwood meet in August and window fix organized by Richard in Sept. Am I missing anything?
old timer popping up, and I probably been absent for year or 2! Yeah, been getting news from nsx groups on facebook.

With the Puget sound owners, we need at least couple people to get regualar meets and more communications. Someone needs to be enthusiasted and willing to sacrifice time and effort.

So far the next couple big events are the Acura lynnwood meet in August and window fix organized by Richard in Sept. Am I missing anything?

Anyone know when the Acura of Lynnwood meet will be held this year?

Alright, I'll try here since noone seems to be helpful. Does anyone know the '91 blk/blk with the '02 conversion in Lakewood/Tacoma? I may be buying it the weekend.
When I first bought my NSX the Seattle group was fairly well organized. We consistently met every month on a Saturday in Redmond. Unlike the Cars & Coffee meets we see today it was an NSX only group. I'm not entirely sure what happened but I believe the NSX group eventually fell apart because the group's main organizer sold his car. A smaller group like this badly needs a reliable person who will plan and faithfully show up at every event, even if he's the only one there.

The most organized NSX group in the area at the moment appears to be the Vancouver BC guys. I just ran across this video they were recently involved in. Some of the owners in this video used to attend the old Redmond NSX meets. It's like Seattle and Vancouver have swapped places!
