Jaguar XJ220 on the block

I saw one recently ands its still a beautiful car. It is huge! The interior looks far more dated than the nsx.
That interior is pure stink-a-poo. The stock wheels from my '91NSX actually look better than what that car is rolling on.
amazing looking car with a delorean worthy interior...headliner literally hits you in the head....with a peaky turbo v6 in the 550 hp range......nifty auction I predict 110k
I have seen one of these around our area and while it looks very super car like, the styling never really did it for me. Looks like it tries too hard. Also agree on the horrible interior.
This was the best interior and wheel design that they could create in 1994? I'm astounded how much looking at this car inside and out makes me like the NSX even more. Owning an NSX is a mechanical equivalent finding and marrying The One. She's not the fastest or edgiest or trendiest I'd ever been with but I can't imagine a better overall package.

Would love to sit in it and see what the cockpit feel would be. Claustrophobic? It makes the NSX interior feel nearly perfect by comparison, even something as simple as speedo/tach font and overall layout design. HVAC/buttons look very non-Jag and look more 1989 Ford Taurus. I apologize for being such a hater. Hate hate hate! (Chappelle)
I'm astounded how much looking at this car inside and out makes me like the NSX even more.

There are very few car interior layouts I like better than the NSX even after all this time. The only thing the NSX interior is missing really is modern convenience and bling. Outside of that, the layout is fantastic.
I love those cars, but they are not aging as well as other 90s supercars
They hit 217 at the Nardo Ring, which is supposed to be equivalent to 220 on a straight road. Apparently the banking makes the outer lane steer neutral at 149, and the load from higher speeds causes extra rolling resistance. Of course, it would sound better if they had borrowed VW's test track and actually hit 220 in a straight line.

I like the exterior look, but you have to consider it as a real exotic, not a production car. Of course the looks are going to be a bit more over styled than the NSX. This is almost always polarizing. I hated the Enzo, but it's grown on me. I liked the McLaren F1, but it looks less impressive to me visually every year, and I can't really explain why.

My favorite ridiculous car of that era remains the CLK-GTR, though.
20 years old and less than 1,000 miles on the odo. That's just sad.

Show of hands from those who think they'd stay motivated to put a lot of seat time in THAT cockpit and run up the miles on public roads at 'normal' speeds, regardless of its performance.


(Both hands down and looks up and away to imaginary bird in sky, avoiding eye contact while thinking of my NSX instead...)
Oh man these are beautiful cars on the outside if you see them in person. Back in '99 I had an opportunity to pick a purple one up for $60k. It had been heavily modified for track use, but still had all original parts available. I should have bought it even though it wasn't practical. Now it seems you can't touch them south of $200k. With less than 300 made, this will be a good investment even bought at NADA values. Back then the power numbers from this tiny V6 were astonishing.
Show of hands from those who think they'd stay motivated to put a lot of seat time in THAT cockpit and run up the miles on public roads at 'normal' speeds, regardless of its performance.


(Both hands down and looks up and away to imaginary bird in sky, avoiding eye contact while thinking of my NSX instead...)

It's a very cool looking car with lots of power. Probably handles pretty nicely, too. I'd drive it more than 50 miles a year, that's for damned sure.
There was a company in Canada that had bought the stock of cars that were left over from Jaguar and they were selling them at 180K about 10 years ago.

I went out to take a look and was extremely disappointed in every aspect of the car.
The fit and finish of the car made most kit cars look good.
The engine had zero power until the rpm's came up and would cause the entire car to shake horribly at low Rpm's.
The interior of the car was worse than any car I can ever remember.

Needless to say I didn't buy one and couldn't wait to get out of the car.
It amazes me that a company as large as Jaguar would produce something so terrible, it is by far the worst production car I have ever seen or been in.
The fit and finish of the car made most kit cars look good.

Needless to say I didn't buy one and couldn't wait to get out of the car.
It amazes me that a company as large as Jaguar would produce something so terrible, it is by far the worst production car I have ever seen or been in.

Thanks. I suspected that but didn't have any 1st hand experience. Lately - I have been jonesing for a classic era car - Special Edition 911 or something else unique and was considering the XJ220. Going to cross that one off the list.
Top Gear on the XJ220
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I've always loved the XJ220, it's definitely my favorite Jaguar. I can't speak from experience, because I've never driven one, but it was one of my favorites as a kid. I do agree on the interior though, very daily-driverish.
