Just wondering why you guys are selling?

27 July 2000
Alexandria, VA
Hey fellas, after browsing the various classifieds, I was kinda surprised to see some of you letting go of your NSXes, particularly Justin Hall, you just got those phat 18/19 Advans! Nelson Landa, you could have bought a 355 by now w/ all your recent mods? I know you guys are die hards, so please tell me you're just selling to get another NSX right? If not, would you mind sharing you reasons? Just curious.
qwkslvr, I dont fall into the ravetek financial situation.

More of a question of use. I am spending a lot of time karting and just not driving the NSX as much. I am interested in doing some club racing, and just love the NSX too much to subject it to that, so if I decide to go that route I will just buy an e30 or e36.

It was really a hard decision to even post the ad, and unless I get any serious inquaries I will keep the car - with no regrets. If I keep it I will finish it off with seats, harness, and blower and just be a sleeper...
Most of the people I know who have sold their NSX did so for one of two reasons:

1. Their car priorities change. They had kids and needed something with more space, etc. Their job changed and they didn't have as much time to enjoy the car, etc. They want to get into club racing but don't want to put their NSX through that, etc.

2. Just wanted to change to something else, whether another NSX or a Ferrari or whatever. The number of people who have owned more than one NSX is surprisingly high.
This is a good example of why people think you come off as arrogant Ravetek. You sound like everyone else doesn't have a clue what they are talking about and that what you say is worth millions when in reality it's just your opinion and speculation. Justin and Lud are just reporting what they've seen. I don't think anything they said in this post justifies that kind of reponse. You tell Justin to get off his "high-horse" in another post...I don't think it's Justin that has a problem with that.
I talked to a fellow who was selling his yellow 98 NSX because he was going to race with older NSX. Is it common for NSXers to race in the track? Is there any race track near San Francisco Bay Area?
John, you need to reanalyze your purpose for being a member in this community.

I've owned several NSXes, and the selling of any one of the previous NSXes was never financial based. I am happy to report that my current NSX is the one that I have now owned the longest, and the one that I seem to have reached the highest zen with ;-)

Gerald - there are EXCELLENT tracks in or around the Bay Area. A few of the more known are:

1. Laguna Seca
2. Thunder Hill (my new favorite)
3. Sears Point Raceway
4. Buttonwillow (further down the coast)

The NSX is AT HOME on the race track.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
www.NSXClassifieds.com - The internet's only exclusive NSX Classified site!
John - do this. Have someone who is not a friend read the comments you have posted, namely the one above. There's a difference between an A-hole and an H-hole. To quote a local talk radio host, the h stands for 'honest'. I don't think you've been an h-hole.

Ask that person what they think about those comments in or out of context.

People come here to share their passion about something we are all passionate about. Let's be a little more positive when responding. You're not alone. We've all had to learn how to think before we type. this includes myself.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
www.NSXClassifieds.com - The internet's only exclusive NSX Classified site!
John - reread this sentace:

"Well, sure these are all fine excuses but save them for the buyer because I don't need to hear these kind of lies."

You're attacking Lud's findings based on his extensive knowledge of the NSX community and Justin's own basis for selling his car.

Comon guy. If you're responses don't contribute in a positive way (such as providing information, experience, etc.) consider why you are replying.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
www.NSXClassifieds.com - The internet's only exclusive NSX Classified site!
In response to all the comments made, I have some things to say.

Obviously, this is quite a heated discussion - but come on, we are talking about NSXs and people's pride here right! ; )

In any case, I have some insight to provide. First off, I know John personally, as a friend, and so I know from experience that you have to hear the entire, twelve point two pages, single-spaced, type 8 font, doctorate thesis that he gives before any of what he says makes sense
If that is not done, some of his statements can be taken out of context (eg the thesis..)

In the months that we have discussed the MILLIONS of options on his NSX, other vehicles such as Ferrarris, what have you, I have come to the conclusion that his priorities are, regarding his NSX in this order 1.) Look fast and look good 2.) Stop/Handle fast 3.) Go Fast. More then anyone I know, John is EXTREMELY concious about how the car looks, and he has literally spent nights washing and waxing the car. Those in the NW chapter, would probably agree that, that Johns car inside and out is one of the cleanest looking car in the community.

With that said, I totally understand (but don't knwo if *I* can justify it for myself..) his lust to have the coolest looking, best fitting, functional, what have you body kit/parts/accessories/wax etc... However, he must also be able to bring some kind of peanut butter from Safeway along with bread every now and then, and thus, a 10k body kit, is a big ticket - he wants to be abolutely sure that, before he commits to anything on changig the cars look that he will a.) be 100% satisfied with the look and quality of the parts b.) that they are functional and not counter-productive towards performance etc.. c.) cost, how much of a hit is he going to take, after it's all said and done, and is it "worth it"? can he still find another John that will give him a decent price for that vehicle. THIS IS where NSXPRIME comes in - the vast amount of knowledge and experience of all the members all across the world.

The performance parts etc... all that is important as well, but trust me, the K&N Air Filter won't even be replaced until after he is completely satisfied with the way the car looks.

Now, I must add, John is probably the most focused guy, when he puts his mind to something that I have every mets. This is one of the number one reasons that he is 23, financially succesful, at MS, for the last three or so years an is doing very well. I myself work at MS (I'm 19, but that's another story..) and I look up to his technical skill and his FOCUS on the projects that he is involved in. MS truly appreciates that as well (you would understand if you saw his bonus checks and stock grants..) This has proven very valuable to him in his carrear, yet sometimes a stumbling block when dealing with others that have a conflicting opinion.

I've tried - if he wants the body kit, the supercharger, whatever, let's be good citizens and just help him and make sure that he does not TOTALLY end up F*N himself in the end
Sorry John, don't know if there is a nicer way to put that.. In return, John can see that it's not the nsx community vs. John, but the NSX community, including people with different interests in their NSX, but one thing in common - the NSX.

SO I ask you, good friends of the NSX community, let's put the haste and bashing down, and help out our neighbors. John, you may want to consider swallowing your pride and apologizing for getting too much into it and being misunderstood; Having the respect of your community members is important in being socially responsible the community.

Bottom line - John truly wants to make the NSX look like the coolest and be the most unique NSX on the face of the planet, please help us in getting as close to that goal as possible - all options considered, and John

Friend of NSX community,
Feel free to email any questions or comments to: [email protected]
I thought this was the NSX Forum.....where people share valuable information, have great laughs together and respect each other.

Chill out ravetek...I dont want this to turn out like other immature forums.

[This message has been edited by gomaidy (edited 13 October 2001).]
Originally posted by ravetek:
It's not my problem that a few members wish to start shit with me. I'll finish it thou.

Wrong. You will learn to play nice with others and clean up your language or you will no longer be a member of this forum.

I don't care who you are or why you are here. When you are on this forum it is like you are a guest at a party in my home - if you can't get along with my other friends, you will have to leave. I would much prefer that you become one of those friends, but that is entirely up to you.

If you come here looking for advice, do not turn around and snipe back at the people trying to help you. If you don't like the advice, just don't take it.

To paraphrase an old saying, if it seems like it's everyone else, maybe it's really you.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 13 October 2001).]
QWKSLVR, I have been doing a lot of soul searching over the last week and I have actually decided not to sell. Contrary to some of the other opinions expressed here, I really dont need the money, it was bothering me that the car was just sitting around and I really wanted to club race along with kart racing. but I decided I didn't want to spread myself too thin, especially with a baby on the way and karting is just so damn much fun I am going to focus on that.

however, I have decided to "finish" the NSX off. I will be selecting some type of forced induction in the next month, along with getting harness, seats, etc. I am not sure if I will club race it yet, but even though it is a targa it is still an awesome platform. It weigh's a bit more, but I just dont think the chassis flex is as bad as others think.

gerald, 2x / year the sacramento nsx club hosts a thunderhill event. we get great turnout. stay tuned to prime and plan on attending the next one, it is an excellent opportunity to learn more about your car in a contained environment with an instructor providing guidance.

chris, I found some s02 225/35's (through a friend on the forum - very helpful, thanks john) that got rid of the push.
gerald, 2x / year the sacramento nsx club hosts a thunderhill event. we get great turnout. stay tuned to prime and plan on attending the next one

To keep up with events in the Sacramento and S.F.Bay areas, also:

a. join the NSX Club of America. The track events are open only to club members. (The "Sacramento NSX Club" is, more formally, the Sacramento Chapter of the NSX Club of America.)

b. subscribe to the Northwest NSX e-mail list. Click here for more information.
After reading some of these posts, this is starting to sound like the Supra forumns. Please DON'T let this happen, this is one of the reasons I love this forumn. Everybody is very professional and there isn't any pissing matches.
Originally posted by ravetek:
I can take my go fast money elsewhere.

Please do so - and take your immaturity and arrogance with you. Don't let the door hit you in the backside on your way out and, please, close the door behind you.
In words you might understand better: Dude, you are one serious idiot.

The NSX Model List Page
I've read the first five posts in this thread several times now and I just don't get it. Ravetek's initial comments, whether an accurate analysis or not, appeared to come from a perfectly normal and reasonable person speculating on the topic at hand. The next two posts are people sharing their personal experiences and those of people they know personally. Totally benign statements of fact with zero room for doubting them much less an argument unless they stood to gain by lying, which obviously they did not.

Then, as if responding to claims that his mom was a slut and he was illegitimate, ravetek, who was in fact totally unprovoked, positively goes off the deep end and starts one of his rants. Read it a few times. This is not a simple case of immaturity, it suggests a far more serious problem. An immature person may over react to a real but comparatively minor situation. A paranoid psychotic interprets a situation as something totally other than it really is, then lashes out at the perceived threat. Read those first five posts again, and then see how he later says "Chris, I don't need to reanalyze anything. It's not my problem that a few members wish to start shit with me. I'll finish it thou." Clearly no one gave him any flack at all before he started the insults out of the clear blue. Later still he says " I posted a perfectly valid reply…" huh? Then he blows off his one supporter Paul and says "Paul, none of that has anything to do with. The point of the matter here is that they started shit and they wouldn't just drop it."

This guy has at best a tenuous grasp on reality and should get some help. If this type of behavior is typical, and posts throughout from this forum support that, no amount of explanation about him being an anal perfectionist or anything else excuses his actions. If he is anything like this at work then MS has some incredibly tolerant managers. Personally I'm extremely tired of an exaggerated sense of political correctness and tact. I think it has come to a point of being very counter productive. That sometimes gets me in trouble because I'm not afraid to speak my mind even to executives in some of the worlds largest companies. (Actually, the big guys don't mind, its the middle managers who tend to be overly sensitive.) My point is, I'm not one to criticize a person for making a point clearly rather than dressing it up in flowers and perfume, but this is not such a case. Something else is going on with this boy and he has a very difficult road ahead of him.

Ravetek, MS has very good health care benefits. Consider using them while you can.
In the business of selling every day cars your statement of "burned out clutch...just trying to get rid of it" (quote not exact) is probably true but I doubt that people who sell exotic type cars are selling because they don't feel like replacing parts. The sellers know that the buyer will be at the least a minor car enthusiast who will know, or have friends who know, what kind of faults to look for before purchasing.

-"The statement probably came off totally wrong, but everyone that I explained myself to thus far sees my perspective as totally valid. It was just bad phrasing I guess."

I would guess that people would agree with you since you are telling them the story face-to-face. However, one can't convey the type of emotions and tone that you can during a real conversation through typing. I think people need to watch out when typing in order to phrase correctly the point they are trying to get across. If people take what you typed the wrong way try and show them what you were really trying to say. I think this is where you got off on the wrong foot. People got the wrong message from your posts and instead of explaining yourself you went off on them.

[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 13 October 2001).]
Originally posted by ravetek2:
PS I probably drank too many buttery nipples last night too- but I can't say how much of an effect that had on my posting one way or the other.

If it had an affect, you should seriously consider checking into a 12 step program... if not, take a close look at the guy you see in the mirror... you will hopefully see the jerk that wrote these awful posts on this site and make some meaningful changes in your life.

[This message has been edited by jag (edited 14 October 2001).]
There is probably a financial aspect to any decision to sell, but "financial reasons" could encompass an enormous range of more specific reasons.

For example, one of the reasons I sold my NSX was to free up some funds to use for some investment property. (so I can have the NSX and the Ferrari in a few years

While there was certainly a "financial reason", it is distinctly different than selling due to a financial hardship resulting from (for example) loosing job or portfolio taking a dive. Basically, I sold because of a change in priority, just like someone selling their NSX to start a business.

Also, I would not include renovating a kitchen in the same category as a financial hardship. It would be more like a change in priority, albeit one that involves more than just the owner of the NSX.